Analisis Penyusunan Modul Ajar Kurikulum Prototype Mahasiswa PGSD (original) (raw)
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Konsep Implementasi Kurikulum Prototype
Jurnal Basicedu
Kurikulum adalah ruhnya Pendidikan, mengembangkannya adalah sebuah keharusan dan keniscayaan bagi semua Lembaga Pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis implementasi kurikulum prototype sebagai bentuk inovasi dan jawaban dari perubahan dan tantangan zaman. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis pendekatan library research. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik studi perpustakaan (Library Reseach). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan latar belakang, konsep, teori serta seperangkat pembejaran terkait kurikulum prototype telah disiapkan oleh pemerintah. Kurikulum prototipe merupakan lanjutan dari kurikulum masa pandemi Covid-19 atau kurikulum darurat yang telah diluncurkan pada Agustus 2020 silam. Fase dan Struktur Kurikulum Paradigma Baru Tahun 2022 meliputi: Struktur Kurikulum, Capaian Pembelajaran, Fase Sekolah, Jumlah Jam Pelajaran, Asesmen Kolaboratif, Pendekatan Pembelajaran, Adanya Mata Pelajaran TIK di SMP, Mata Pel...
Penerapan Kurikulum Prototype pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
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This paper aims to discuss the implementation of the 2013 curriculum which will be replaced by the 2022 curriculum, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, instability is one of them in the world of education. The writing method in writing this article is to use a quantitative approach. The technique used in this research is a data collection technique. Data collection techniques through a quantitative approach can be done by collecting data briefly, both in the form of tables and graphs. The results show that the existence of a new curriculum or known as a prototype curriculum which in its implementation is able to make education in Indonesia run effectively and efficiently. This can be proven from the survey results where the majority of respondents think that the prototype curriculum will be implemented effectively. However, this must also be balanced with the availability and equitable distribution of educational facilities and infrastructure, especially in the field of technology.
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Jurnal Visionary : Penelitian dan Pengembangan dibidang Administrasi Pendidikan
At the end of the odd semester or the beginning of the even semester of 2022, education implementers, school managers and especially teachers are shocked by the implementation of a new curriculum, namely the prototype curriculum. The purpose of this journal is to conceptually describe a prototype curriculum that will be implemented in the 2022/2023 school year. This type of research is a type of literature study with a descriptive method. The aim is to describe the results of the literature findings taken from articles, web, YouTube streaming related to the topics discussed. The results of the study indicate that in preparing for the conditions of the times, education must continue to move dynamically, prioritizing a proactive attitude in dealing with progressive and transformative change. The prototype curriculum is one of the efforts to transform education in Indonesia. The direction of prototype curriculum development has a distinctive feature that supports learning recovery efforts.
Persepsi Guru terhadap Model PjBL pada Kurikulum Prototipe
Jurnal Basicedu
Tujuan penelitian ini ialah melihat persepsi guru terhadap model PjBL pada kurikulum prototipe. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah kualitatif, peneliti akan menjabarkan data hasil kusioner dan wawancara. Pendekatan yang dilakukan peneliti fenomenologi. Data penelitia ini adalah hasil kusioner dan wawancara terhadap guru. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah guru di provinsi Jambi yang bersedia mengisi kusioner dan melakukan wawancara. Validitas yang dilakukan peneliti ialah menggunakan triangulasi data. Data dianalisis menggunakan teori Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru dapat melaksanakan pembelajaran menggunakan model PjBL. Namun persepsi ini harus disesuaikan dengan karakteristik pembelajaran pada kurikulum prototipe. Oleh karena itu, peran pemerintah memberikan pelatihan dan peran guru meningkatkan kemampuannya dengan cara berpikir lebih kritis sangat dibutuhkan.
Pelatihan Penyusunan Modul Ajar Yang Inovatif, Adaptif, Dan Kolaboratif
Journal of Empowerment
Istilah Modul Ajar yang digulirkan Sekolah Penggerak memunculkan permasalahan di sekolah. Perbedaan pengertian dan acuan Modul Ajar Baru (MAB) versi Sekolah Penggerak dengan makna Modul Ajar Lama (MAL) pada kurikulum sebelumnya, perlu diatasi. Tulisan ini bertujuan menyamakan persepsi melalui pelatihan di SMP dan SMK Al-Medina Cianjur. Kesamaan persepsi dianggap penting sebagai landasan bagi kegiatan berikutnya. Dengan metode kolaborasi antara dosen dengan mahasiswa serta guru, pelatihan dilakukan luring dan daring. Pemberian materi dan diskusi dilakukan secara tatap muka sedangkan kegiatan pembimbingan serta evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan secara daring. Hasil kegiatan ini berupa dua versi Modul Ajar, yakni (1) modul ajar transformasi (karya inovatif) yang mengacu Kurikulum 2013, dan (2) Modul Ajar yang adaptif mengacu Kurikulum Sekolah Penggerak. Selain itu, diperoleh tingkat keberterimaan kegiatan pelatihan yang dominan berada pada kategori "Baik" dan "Sangat Baik". Para guru dan mahasiswa merasakan peningkatan soft skill-nya setelah mengikuti pelatihan.
Analisis Rancangan Modul Ajar Kurikulum Merdeka Kelas I Pendidikan Pancasila Sekolah Dasar
Equilibrium/Equilibrium : Jurnal Pendidikan, 2024
The aim of this research is to describe the results of the analysis of the design of the "Class I Independent Curriculum" educational module. The type of research used is qualitative using descriptive methods. The main data source analyzed is the content components of the independent curriculum teaching module for class I for elementary school students. The 2021 Class I PPKn teaching module was used as the study data source. Teachers have not prepared learning objectives using complete aspects of ABCD and correct operational verbs, trigger questions have not developed students' critical thinking, there are systematic learning activities. No time estimates for activities were found. There are individual, group, attitude assessment and skills assessment rubrics for individual student worksheets. There is no assessment listed that shows the types of assessments. Remedial and enrichment does not write down program steps such as identifying problems, preparing plans according to the problem, carrying out remedial and enrichment, carrying out grades, and determining final grades. Based on the research results, teachers still experience difficulties in compiling teaching modules. Based on the analysis, teachers still face difficulties in assembling educational modules. Based on the analysis, teachers should pay attention to three components of the teaching module: general information components, core components, and appendices. General information includes the identity of the institution or school, initial competencies, proposed infrastructure, Pancasila student profiles, student targets and learning models. Core components include learning objectives, meaningful understanding, trigger questions, learning activities, assessment, and modification or reinforcement. The final step is the attachment of student worksheets.
Pendampingan Penyusunan Modul Ajar Beserta Pengurusan HKI
Community Education Engagement Journal
Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendampingan bagaimana cara membuat modul ajar dan bagaimana pengurusan HKI terhadap produk yang dimiliki kepada guru-guru SMP N 37 Pekanbaru. Melalui kegiatan ini, diharapkan guru-guru mampu membuat modul ajar sendiri selanjutnya melakukan pengurusan HKI terhadap modul yang telah dibuat. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 37 Kota Pekanbaru, dengan pesertanya adalah seluruh guru yang mengajar di lingkunagn SMP Negeri 37 kota Pekanbaru yang berjumlah 38 orang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada tanggal 27 juli 2022 – 09 agustus 2022 secara Hybrid (Daring dan Luring). Materi dalam kegiatan ini tentang cakupan bagaimana cara membuat modul ajar yang baik dan bagaimana proses dalam pengurusan HKI. Kegiatan ini sangat memiliki banyak manfaat kepada guru-guru di SMP Negeri 37, yaitu salah satunya adalah guru-guru mampu mengembangkan kemampuannya dalam membuat modul ajar sendiri tanpa menggunakan modul ...
Penggunaan Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mengajar Mahasiswa PGSD
English as an International language, as a language of communication is a foreign language that is considered to be used in the curriculum of learning in Indonesia. English is considered very important for the purpose of developing science, technology, and culture and is used to build international cooperation (Depdikbud, 1981). English learning includes 4 skills namely; reading, writing, speaking, and writing. The four skills are related to each other and can not be separated. The main objective of this research is to provide English subjects for PGSD students, especially to provide basic education about English learning activities in Elementary School. Non-English study programs within the Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo University also teach English courses as general courses which include the material design and how to present it, from the things mentioned above, it will be used as the background to reveal the problems which will be discussed in this study. The reason why the...