Compositional Verification of Railway Interlockings: Comparison of Two Methods (original) (raw)

Compositional Verification of Railway Interlocking Systems

Formal Aspects of Computing

Model checking techniques have often been applied to the verification of railway interlocking systems, responsible for guiding trains safely through a given railway network. However, these techniques fail to scale to the interlocking systems controlling large stations, composed by hundreds and even thousands of controlled entities, due to the state space explosion problem. Indeed, interlocking systems exhibit a certain degree of locality, that allows some reasoning only on the mere set of entities that regard the train movements, but safe routing through a complex station layout requires a global reservation policy, which can require global state conditions to be taken into account. In this paper we present a compositional approach aimed at chopping the verification of a large interlocking system into that of smaller fragments, exploiting in each fragment a proper abstraction of the global information on routing state. A proof is given of the thesis that verifying the safety of the ...

Compositional Verification of Interlocking Systems for Large Stations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017

Railway interlocking systems are responsible to grant exclusive access to a route, that is a sequence of track elements, through a station or a network. Formal verification that basic safety rules regarding exclusive access to routes are satisfied by an implementation is still a challenge for networks of large size due to the exponential computation time and resources needed. Some recent attempts to address this challenge adopt a compositional approach, targeted to track layouts that are easily decomposable into sub-networks such that a route is almost fully contained in a sub-network: in this way granting the access to a route is essentially a decision local to the sub-network, and the interfaces with the rest of the network easily abstract away less interesting details related to the external world. Following up on previous work, where we defined a compositional verification method that started considering routes that overlap between sub-networks in interlocking systems governing a multi-station line, we attack the verification of large networks, which are typically those in main stations of major cities, and where routes are very intertwined and can hardly be separated into sub-networks that are independent at some degree. At this regard, we study how the division of a complex network into sub-networks, using stub elements to abstract all the routes that are common between sub-networks, may still guarantee compositionality of verification of safety properties.

Formal verification of a railway interlocking system using model checking


In this paper we describe an industrial application of formal methods. We have used model checking techniques to model and formally verify a rather complex software, i.e. part of the "safety logic" of a railway interlocking system. The formal model is structured to retain the reusability and scalability properties of the system being modelled. Part of it is defined once for all at a low cost, and re-used. The rest of the model can be mechanically generated from the designers' current specification language. The model checker is "hidden" to the user, it runs as a powerful debugger. Its performances are impressive: exhaustive analysis of quite complex configurations with respect to rather complex properties are run in the order of minutes. The main reason for this achievement is essentially a carefully designed model, which exploits all the behaviour evolution constraints. The re-usability/scalability of the model and the fact that formal verification is automatic and efficient are the key factors which open up the possibility of a real usage by designers at design time. We have thus assessed the possibility of introducing the novel technique in the development cycle with an advantageous costs/benefits relation.

Compositional Model Checking of Interlocking Systems for Lines with Multiple Stations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017

In the railway domain safety is guaranteed by an interlocking system which translates operational decisions into commands leading to field operations. Such a system is safety critical and demands thorough formal verification during its development process. Within this context, our work has focused on the extension of a compositional model checking approach to formally verify interlocking system models for lines with multiple stations. The idea of the approach is to decompose a model of the interlocking system by applying cuts at the network modelling level. The paper introduces an alternative cut (the linear cut) to a previously proposed cut (border cut). Powered with the linear cut, the model checking approach is then applied to the verification of an interlocking system controlling a real-world multiple station line.

Model checking railway interlocking systems

Australian Computer Science Communications, 2002

For supporting the analysis of railway interlocking systems in the early stage of their design we propose the use of model checking. We investigate the use of the formal modelling language CSP and the corresponding model checker FDR. In this paper, we describe the basics of this formalism and introduce our formal model of a railway interlocking system. Checking this model against the given safety requirements, the signalling principles, we get useful counterexamples that help to debug the given interlocking design. This work provides a successful example of how formal methods can be used to support the industrial development process.

Verification of a safety-critical railway interlocking system with real-time constraints


Ensuring the correctness of computer systems used in life-critical applications is very difficult. The most commonly used verification methods, simulation and testing, are not exhaustive and can miss errors. This work describes an alternative verification technique based on symbolic model checking that can automatically and exhaustively search the state space of the system and verify if properties are satisfied or not. The method also provides useful quantitative timing information about the behavior of the system. We have applied this technique using the Verus tool to a complex safety-critical system designed to control medium and large-size railway stations. We have identified some anomalous behaviors in the model with serious potential consequences in the actual implementation. The fact that errors can be identified before a safety-critical system is deployed in the field not only eliminates sources of very serious problems, but also makes it significantly less expensive to debug the system.

Optimising Ordering Strategies for Symbolic Model Checking of Railway Interlockings


Interlockings implement Railway Signalling Principles which ensure the safe movements of trains along a track system. They are safety critical systems which require a thorough analysis. We are aiming at supporting the safety analysis by automated tools, namely model checkers. Model checking provides a full state space exploration and is thus intrinsically limited in the problem's state space. Current research focuses on extending these limits and pushing the boundaries.

Defining and Model Checking Abstractions of Complex Railway Models Using CSP||B

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013

The safety analysis of interlocking railway systems involves verifying collision and derailment freeness. In this paper we propose a structured way of refining track plans, in order to expand track segments so that they form collections of track segments. We show how the abstract model can be model checked to ensure the safety properties, which must also hold in the corresponding concrete track plan, so that we will never need to model check the concrete track plan directly. We also identify the minimal number of trains that needs to be considered as part of the model checking, and we demonstrate the practicality of the approach on various scenarios.

Construction of formal models and verifying property specifications through an example of railway interlocking systems

Pollack Periodica, 2019

The use of formal modeling has seen an increasing interest in the development of safety-critical, embedded microcomputer-controlled railway interlocking systems, due to its ability to specify the behavior of the systems using mathematically precise rules. The research goal is to prepare a specification-verification environment, which supports the developer of the railway interlocking systems in the creation of a formally-proven correct design and at the same time hides the inherent mathematical-computer since related background knowledge. The case study is presented with the aim to summarize the process of formalizing a domain specification, and to show further application possibilities (e.g. verification methods).