AILU: a preconditioner based on the analytic factorization of the elliptic operator (original) (raw)
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AILU for Helmholtz Problems A New Preconditioner Based on the Analytic Parabolic Factorization
Journal of Computational Acoustics, 2001
We investigate a new type of preconditioner which is based on the analytic factorization of the operator into two parabolic factors. Approximate analytic factorizations lead to new block ILU preconditioners. We analyze the preconditioner at the continuous level where it is possible to optimize its performance. Numerical experiments illustrate the effectiveness of the new approach.
[Domain decomposition based {\mathcal H}−LUpreconditioning](,2009Hierarchicalmatricesprovideadata−sparsewaytoapproximatefullypopulatedmatrices.ThetwobasicstepsintheconstructionofanH−matrixare(a)thehierarchicalconstructionofamatrixblockpartition,and(b)theblockwiseapproximationofmatrixdatabylowrankmatrices.Inthispaper,wedevelopanewapproachtoconstructthenecessarypartitionbasedondomaindecomposition.ComparedtostandardgeometricbisectionbasedH−matrices,thisnewapproachyieldsH−LUfactorizationsoffiniteelementstiffnessmatriceswithsignificantlyimprovedstorageandcomputationalcomplexityrequirements.TheserigorouslyprovenandnumericallyverifiedimprovementsresultfromanH−matrixblockstructurewhichisnaturallysuitedforparallelizationandinwhichlargesubblocksofthestiffnessmatrixremainzeroinanLUfactorization.WeprovidenumericalresultsinwhichadomaindecompositionbasedH−LUfactorizationisusedasapreconditionerintheiterativesolutionofthediscrete(three−dimensional)convection−diffusionequation.[Domaindecompositionbased−LUpreconditioning](,2009Hierarchicalmatricesprovideadata−sparsewaytoapproximatefullypopulatedmatrices.ThetwobasicstepsintheconstructionofanH−matrixare(a)thehierarchicalconstructionofamatrixblockpartition,and(b)theblockwiseapproximationofmatrixdatabylowrankmatrices.Inthispaper,wedevelopanewapproachtoconstructthenecessarypartitionbasedondomaindecomposition.ComparedtostandardgeometricbisectionbasedH−matrices,thisnewapproachyieldsH−LUfactorizationsoffiniteelementstiffnessmatriceswithsignificantlyimprovedstorageandcomputationalcomplexityrequirements.TheserigorouslyprovenandnumericallyverifiedimprovementsresultfromanH−matrixblockstructurewhichisnaturallysuitedforparallelizationandinwhichlargesubblocksofthestiffnessmatrixremainzeroinanLUfactorization.WeprovidenumericalresultsinwhichadomaindecompositionbasedH−LUfactorizationisusedasapreconditionerintheiterativesolutionofthediscrete(three−dimensional)convection−diffusionequation.Parallelblackbox-LU preconditioning
Numerische Mathematik, 2009
Hierarchical matrices provide a data-sparse way to approximate fully populated matrices. The two basic steps in the construction of an H-matrix are (a) the hierarchical construction of a matrix block partition, and (b) the blockwise approximation of matrix data by low rank matrices. In this paper, we develop a new approach to construct the necessary partition based on domain decomposition. Compared to standard geometric bisection based H-matrices, this new approach yields H-LU factorizations of finite element stiffness matrices with significantly improved storage and computational complexity requirements. These rigorously proven and numerically verified improvements result from an H-matrix block structure which is naturally suited for parallelization and in which large subblocks of the stiffness matrix remain zero in an LU factorization. We provide numerical results in which a domain decomposition based H-LU factorization is used as a preconditioner in the iterative solution of the discrete (three-dimensional) convection-diffusion equation.
Domain decomposition based -LU preconditioning
Numer Math, 2009
Hierarchical matrices provide a data-sparse way to approximate fully populated matrices. The two basic steps in the construction of an H-matrix are (a) the hierarchical construction of a matrix block partition, and (b) the blockwise approximation of matrix data by low rank matrices. In this paper, we develop a new approach to construct the necessary partition based on domain decomposition. Compared to standard geometric bisection based H-matrices, this new approach yields H-LU factorizations of finite element stiffness matrices with significantly improved storage and computational complexity requirements. These rigorously proven and numerically verified improvements result from an H-matrix block structure which is naturally suited for parallelization and in which large subblocks of the stiffness matrix remain zero in an LU factorization. We provide numerical results in which a domain decomposition based H-LU factorization is used as a preconditioner in the iterative solution of the discrete (three-dimensional) convection-diffusion equation.
[Parallel black box−LUpreconditioning](,2009Hierarchicalmatricesprovideadata−sparsewaytoapproximatefullypopulatedmatrices.ThetwobasicstepsintheconstructionofanH−matrixare(a)thehierarchicalconstructionofamatrixblockpartition,and(b)theblockwiseapproximationofmatrixdatabylowrankmatrices.Inthispaper,wedevelopanewapproachtoconstructthenecessarypartitionbasedondomaindecomposition.ComparedtostandardgeometricbisectionbasedH−matrices,thisnewapproachyieldsH−LUfactorizationsoffiniteelementstiffnessmatriceswithsignificantlyimprovedstorageandcomputationalcomplexityrequirements.TheserigorouslyprovenandnumericallyverifiedimprovementsresultfromanH−matrixblockstructurewhichisnaturallysuitedforparallelizationandinwhichlargesubblocksofthestiffnessmatrixremainzeroinanLUfactorization.WeprovidenumericalresultsinwhichadomaindecompositionbasedH−LUfactorizationisusedasapreconditionerintheiterativesolutionofthediscrete(three−dimensional)convection−diffusionequation.[Domaindecompositionbased−LUpreconditioning](,2009Hierarchicalmatricesprovideadata−sparsewaytoapproximatefullypopulatedmatrices.ThetwobasicstepsintheconstructionofanH−matrixare(a)thehierarchicalconstructionofamatrixblockpartition,and(b)theblockwiseapproximationofmatrixdatabylowrankmatrices.Inthispaper,wedevelopanewapproachtoconstructthenecessarypartitionbasedondomaindecomposition.ComparedtostandardgeometricbisectionbasedH−matrices,thisnewapproachyieldsH−LUfactorizationsoffiniteelementstiffnessmatriceswithsignificantlyimprovedstorageandcomputationalcomplexityrequirements.TheserigorouslyprovenandnumericallyverifiedimprovementsresultfromanH−matrixblockstructurewhichisnaturallysuitedforparallelizationandinwhichlargesubblocksofthestiffnessmatrixremainzeroinanLUfactorization.WeprovidenumericalresultsinwhichadomaindecompositionbasedH−LUfactorizationisusedasapreconditionerintheiterativesolutionofthediscrete(three−dimensional)convection−diffusionequation.Parallelblackbox\mathcal {H}$$ -LU preconditioning for elliptic boundary value problems
Computing and Visualization in Science, 2008
Hierarchical (H-) matrices provide a data-sparse way to approximate fully populated matrices. The two basic steps in the construction of an H-matrix are (a) the hierarchical construction of a matrix block partition, and (b) the blockwise approximation of matrix data by low rank matrices. In the context of finite element discretisations of elliptic boundary value problems, H-matrices can be used for the construction of preconditioners such as approximate H-LU factors. In this paper, we develop a new black box approach to construct the necessary partition. This new approach is based on the matrix graph of the sparse stiffness matrix and no longer requires geometric data associated with the indices like the standard clustering algorithms. The black box clustering and a subsequent H-LU factorisation have been implemented in parallel, and we provide numerical results in which the resulting black box H-LU factorisation is used as a preconditioner in the iterative solution of the discrete (three-dimensional) convection-diffusion equation. Dedicated to Wolfgang Hackbusch on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Communicated by G. Wittum.
Circulant block-factorization preconditioners for elliptic problems
Computing, 1994
Circulant Block-Factorization Preconditioners for Elliptic Problems. New circulant block-factorization preconditioners are introduced and studied. The general approach is first formulated for the case of block tridiagonal sparse matrices. Then estimates of the relative condition number for a model Dirichlet boundary value problem are derived. In the case of y-periodic problems the circulant block-factorization preconditioner is shown to give an optimal convergence rate. Finally, using a proper imbedding of the original Dirichlet boundary value problem to a y-periodic one a preconditioner of optimal convergence rate for the general case is obtained. The total computational cost of the preconditioner is O(N log N) (based on FFT), where N is the number of unknowns. That is, the algorithm is nearly optimal Various numerical tests that demonstrate the features of the circulant block-factorization preconditioners are presented.
AILU for Helmholtz problems: a new preconditioner based on an analytic factorization
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics, 2000
We investigate a new type of preconditioner which is based on the analytic factorization of the operator into two parabolic factors. Approximate analytic factorizations lead to new block ILU preconditioners. We analyze the preconditioner at the continuous level where it is possible to optimize its performance. Numerical experiments illustrate the effectiveness of the new approach. © 2000 Académie des sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS
Preconditioners for spectral element methods for elliptic and parabolic problems
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008
In this paper we propose preconditioners for spectral element methods for elliptic and parabolic problems. These preconditioners are constructed using separation of variables and are easy to invert. Moreover they are spectrally equivalent to the quadratic forms which they are used to approximate.
Applied mathematics and computation, 2007
In this paper, we use the BiCG, BiCGSTAB methods as preconditioned techniques. Also we compare the preconditioned Krylov subspace methods such as GMRES, GMRES(m), QMR, BiCG, CGS, BiCGSTAB for solving linear systems arising from a class of fourth-order approximations for solving the elliptic partial differential equation Au xx + Bu yy = f(x, y, u, u x , u y ), where A and B are constants. Numerical results are given to show the efficiency of the proposed preconditioned BiCGSTAB method. (S.M. Molavi-Arabshahi), (M. Dehghan).
For solving large sparse symmetric linear systems, arising from the discretization of elliptic problems, the preferred choice is the preconditioned con- jugate gradient method. The convergence rate of this method mainly depends on the condition number of the preconditioner chosen. Using Fourier analy- sis the condition number estimate of common preconditioning techniques for two dimensional elliptic problem has been studied by Chan and Elman [SIAM Rev., 31 (1989), pp. 20-49]. Nested Factorization(NF) is one of the powerful preconditioners for systems arising from discretization of elliptic or hyperbolic partial differential equations. The observed convergence behavior of NF is bet- ter compared to well known ILU(0) or modified ILU. In this paper we introduce Modified Nested Factorization(MNF) which is an improvement over NF. It is proved that condition number of modified NF is O(h−1 ). An optimal value of the parameter for the model problem is derived. The condition number of modifi...