Assessing standard costs in local public bus transport: Evidence from Italy (original) (raw)
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At present, the structural reform of the Italian local public transport is aimed at a potential re-launching of the sector which should make the engaged resources more productive, and, at the same time, at the achievement of more general objectives linked to sustainable mobility, such as accident prevention measures, environmental protection, urban life quality and international market competitiveness. Nevertheless, currently there is a limited true competition existing in the transport market and in many cases, especially in Italy, incumbents are the winners of the new tender procedures. Additionally, recent, changes in the legislation on local public services allow the assignment of transport services “in house”. This means that tendering procedures will no longer be compulsory. The consequence is that some local bodies have cancelled tendering procedures and some others have immediately assigned the service to the previous public operators. This is the case of Bari, which will be...