Discorsi e polemica in Tucidide, in: Auctores Nostri. Studi e testi di letteratura cristiana antica, 14, 2014, a c. di F.M. Catarinella, M. Marin, Santo Spirito (BA), Edipuglia, 2015, pp. 39-49. (original) (raw)
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1 Cfr. e g. Poeti bizantini di Terra d'Otranto nel secolo XIII, a cura di M. GiGAnte, Napoli 1979 (rist. Galatina 1985: Storia e cultura, 4); La tradizione degli scholia iliadici in Terra d'Otranto, a cura di E. SciArrA, Roma 2005 (Bollettino dei classici. Supplementi, 23). 2 Per una sintesi sugli studi sui manoscritti greci salentini cfr. D. ArneSAno, La minuscola « barocca » Scritture e libri in Terra d'Otranto nei secoli XIII e XIV, Galatina 2008 (Fonti medievali e moderne, 12), p. 7. 3 Cfr. e g. J. iriGoin, L'Italie méridionale et la tradition des textes antiques, in Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik 18 (1969), pp. 37-55 (= iD., La Tradition des textes grecs Pour une critique historique, Paris 2003 [L'âne d'or, 19], pp. 439-465); iD., La tradition manuscrite des tragiques grecs dans l'Italie méridionale au XIII e siècle et dans les premières années du XIV e siècle, in Bisanzio e l'Italia Raccolta di studi in onore di Agostino Pertusi, Milano 1982 (Scienze filologiche e letteratura, 22), pp. 132-143 (= iD., La Tradition cit., pp. 537-552). 4 Per la Liturgia di Basilio cfr. A. JAcoB, La traduction de la Liturgie de saint Basile par Nicolas d'Otrante, in Bulletin de l'Institut historique belge de Rome 38 (1967), pp. 49-107; iD , Le cahier préliminaire du codex Ettenheim-Münster 6 de la Badische Landesbibliothek de Karlsruhe, in Synaxis Katholike Beiträge zu Gottesdienst und Geschichte der fünf altkirchlichen Patriarchate für Heinzgerd Brakmann zum 70 Gerburtstag, Teilb. I, herausgegeben von D. AtAnASSoVA, T. chronz, Münster 2014 (Orientalia -Patristica -Oecumenica, 6.1), pp. 301-316.
This article analyses samples of literary hybridisation traceable in judicial documents from the Holy Office of the Inquisition in the Venetian State Archives. These records, of which we offer a partial edition in the Appendix, testify to intense intellectual exchanges between Venetians and Cypriots that evolved during the sixteenth century within accademia culture. The article confronts printed literary compositions with texts from the 1563 trial of two Philo-Protestant Cypriots. Thus it shows how a context dominated by new religious élan, dialogue and recitation, illuminated by new theories on dialogue itself, stimulated the invention of specific literary artefacts ('imprese') wherein heraldry and biblical exegesis and ideas on mystical interior conversation merged into new artistic forms. Concurrently, we discover the forms by which these intellectual preoccupations found their way into the inquisitorial setting and how the protagonists’ specific literary culture dominated their dealings with the authorities. The texts studied evidence the literary expressions brought forth by these confrontations, for an important part the result of transborder relationships between Venice and part of its Eastern Mediterranean territory, wherein Greeks and Latins lived side by side, with Islam a nearby presence. Our description and analysis presents an approach, including some theoretical grips, for studies of the transcultural.