An eigenstructure approach for the retrieval of cylindrical harmonics (original) (raw)
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Power spectrum estimation of spherical random fields based on covariances
A Gaussian isotropic stochastic field on a 2D-sphere is characterized by either its covariance function or its angular spectrum. The object of this paper is the estimation of the spectrum in two steps. First we estimate the covariance function, secondly we approximate the series expansion of the covariance function with respect of Legendre polynomials. Simulations show that this method is fast and precise. Keywords: Angular correlation, angular spectrum, isotropic fields on sphere, estimation of correlatio
Linear statistical problems for stationary isotropic random fields on a sphere. I
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, No. 18,1979, 1979
A b stra c t. T he sp e ctral re p re se n ta tio n o f a sta tio n a ry iso tro p ic ra n d o m field o n a sp h ere, as w ell as its co rre la tio n fu n c tio n , are describ ed ; ex am p les o f co rre la tio n fu n c tio n s o f such fields are p ro d u c e d . T he p ro b lem o f estim atin g th e regression co effic ie n ts an d th e u n k n o w n e x p e c ta tio n o f a ra n d o m field is discussed. B ib liography: 11 title s. UDC 519.21
An efficient maximum entropy technique for 2-D isotropic random fields
ICASSP-88., International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1988
In this paper, we present a new linear MEM algorithm for 2-D isotropic random fields. Our procedure differs from previous 2-D MEM algorithms by the fact that we take maximal advantage of the symmetries implied by isotropy, which is the natural generalization to several dimensions of the l-D notion of stationarity. Unlike general 2-D covariances, isotropic covariance functions which are positive definite on a disk are known to be extendible. Here, we develop a computationally efficient procedure for computing the MEM isotropic spectral estimate corresponding to an isotropic covariance function which is given over a finite disk of radius 2R. We show that the isotropic MEM problem has a linear solution and that it is equivalent to the problem of constructing the optimal linear filter for estimating the underlying isotropic field at a point on the boundary of a disk of radius R given noisy measurements of the field inside the disk. Our procedure is based on Fourier series expansions in both the space and wave-number domains of the inverse of the MEM spectral estimate. Furthermore, our method is guaranteed to yield a valid isotropic spectral estimate and it is computationally efficient since it requires only O(BRL 2) operations where L is the number of points used to discretize the interval [0, R], and where B is the bandwidth in the wave-number plane of the spectrum that we want to estimate. We also present examples to illustrate the behavior of our algorithm and its high resolution property.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1996
This paper presents a maximum-likelihood solution to the general problem of tting a parametric model to observations from a single realization of a 2-D homogeneous random eld with mixed spectral distribution. On the basis of a 2-D Wold-like decomposition, the eld is represented as a sum of mutually orthogonal components of three types: purelyindeterministic, harmonic, and evanescent. The suggested algorithm involves a two-stage procedure. In the rst stage we obtain a suboptimal initial estimate for the parameters of the spectral support of the evanescent and harmonic components. In the second stage we re ne these initial estimates by iterative maximization of the conditional likelihood of the observed data, which is expressed as a function of only the parameters of the spectral supports of the evanescent and harmonic components. The solution for the unknown spectral supports of the harmonic and evanescent components reduces the problem of solving for the other unknown parameters of the eld to linear least squares. The Cramer-Rao lower bound on the accuracy of jointly estimating the parameters of the di erent components is derived, and it is shown that the bounds on the purely-indeterministic and deterministic components are decoupled. Numerical evaluation of the bounds provides some insight into the e ects of various parameters on the achievable estimation accuracy. The performance of the Maximum-Likelihood algorithm is illustrated by Monte-Carlo simulations and is compared with the Cramer-Rao bound. Index terms: ML estimation of 2-D random elds, 2-D Wold decomposition, 2-D mixed spectral distributions, purely-indeterministic elds, harmonic elds, evanescent elds, Cramer-Rao bound.
Linear statistical problems for stationary isotropic random fields on a sphere. II
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, No. 19,1980, 1980
Linear extrapolation problem s are discussed concerning station ary isotropic random fields on a sphere w hich are observed on point sets E = X S n, E f = x): u -T « t < u, X = x k G S fc = 1, M \ E^ = {(?, x): t e N, -00 < t < at = Xp. G Sn, k = 1, m } and E^ -{(£ at): t N, t < u, x = x k^Sn > k = ~ M }, where u and T are fixed num bers, w hile E j is a subset o f R -(-oo? oo). Bibliography: 5 titles. UDC 519.21
Internal models and recursive estimation for 2-D isotropic random fields
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1991
Efficient recursive smoothing algorithms are developed for isotropic random fields that can be obtained by passing white noise through rational filters. The 2-D estimation problem is shown to be equivalent to a countably infinite set of I-D separable two-point boundary value smoothing problems. The 1-D smoothing problems are solved using a Markovianization approach followed by a standard I-D smoothing algorithm. The desired field estimate is then obtained as a properly weighted sum of the 1-D smoothed estimates. The 1-D two-point boundary value problems are also shown to have the same asymptotic properties and yield a stable spectral factorization of the power spectrum of the isotropic random fields.
Unified Array Manifold Decomposition Based on Spherical Harmonics and 2-D Fourier Basis
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2000
In this paper, we derive a unified framework for orthonormal decomposition of the array manifold on scalar fields. Such fields are encountered in cases where polarization is not considered, e.g., single polarized radio waves and acoustic pressure. The results generalize and unify different decompositions of the array manifold, found in recent literature, to arrays of arbitrary geometry including conformal arrays. The concept of equivalence matrix is introduced, establishing a link between the spherical harmonics and 2-D Fourier basis functions. Under some mild assumptions that typically hold in practice, a one-to-one relationship between spherical harmonic spectra and 2-D Fourier spectra may be established. Additionally, it is shown that the rows of the equivalence matrix and the 2-D Fourier spectra of the array manifold span the same subspace. With such results the spherical harmonic and 2-D Fourier decompositions of the array manifold vector, i.e., Wavefield Modeling and 2-D Effective Aperture Distribution Function (EADF) are shown to be equivalent. Results on the modeling capabilities of both orthonormal decompositions are obtained. Moreover, the equivalence matrix is shown to facilitate noise attenuation. A fast spherical harmonic transform with complexity O(Q log Q) can be obtained by exploiting the equivalence matrix, where represents the total number of points on the sphere. Finally, the equivalence matrix allows to gain more insight into the relation between rotating a function on the sphere and on the torus. These contributions facilitate high-resolution array processing both in elevation and azimuth irrespective of the array structure or imperfections.
Extrapolation of time-homogeneous random fields that are isotropic on a sphere. II
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, No. 53, 1996, 1996
A b s t r a c t . This article is the second part of [1]. The problem o f the least (in mean square) linear estimate o f a functional of the unknown values of a time-homogeneous random field £ (t ,x ) isotropic on a sphere Sn using observations of the field £ (t,x ) for t < 0, x 6 Sn is considered. The least favorable spectral densities and the minimax (robust) spectral characteristics of the optimal estimates of the functional are determined for some special classes of spectral densities.
Kalman estimation for a class of rational isotropic random fields
1985 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1985
This paper considers the application of Kalman estimation theory to the problem of estimating two-dimensional isotropic random fields, whose equations are expressed in terms of the Laplacian, given some noisy observations on a finite disk. It is shown that this problem is equivalent to that of solving a countably infinite number of one-dimensional estimation problems. Markovian models for the one-dimensional processes are developed and the associated Kalman filters are shown to be asymptotically stable. The desired field estimate is then obtained by combining the smoothed estimates resulting from each of the one-dimensional problems weighted in an appropriate fashion.