Kerjasama Dalam Kelompok Tani Budidaya II Desa Rasau Jaya Tiga Kecamatan Rasau Jaya Kabupaten Kubu Raya (original) (raw)

Pendampingan Pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa Maju Jaya di Desa Rasau Jaya Tiga Kecamatan Rasau Jaya Kabupaten Kubu Raya


Pembentukan BUMDes Maju Jaya Desa Rasau Jaya Tiga sebagai bentuk dari upaya pemerintah desa dalam meningkatkan pendapatan asli desa serta meningkatkan taraf hidup warga Desa Rasau Jaya Tiga. Namun demikian tanpa pengelolaan yang baik dan dukungan pemerintah serta masyarakat harapan untuk menjadikan BUMDes Maju Jaya sebagai lokomotif perekonomian desa dapat tidak terwujud. Pada sisi lain, keberlangsungan BUMDes Maju Jaya Desa Rasau Jaya Tiga sebagai infant organisasi akan sangat ditentukan bagaimana BUMDes Maju Jaya diharapkan dapat melewati tahun pertama berdirinya BUMDes Maju Jaya yang merupakan tahapan paling kritis dengan tingkat kegagalan tertinggi dalam siklus hidup organisasi. Fenomena ini disebut liability of newness, kegagalan yang tinggi bagi organisasi baru disebabkan belum ada struktur formal dalam proses menghasilkan nilai tambah serta adanya sistem prosedur kerja baku dan pasti. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan program pendampingan pengelolaan BUMDes Maju Jaya de...

PKM Bagi Kelompok Tani Nanas Dan Kelompok PKK Desa Pematang Tujuh Kecamatan Rasau Jaya Kabupaten Kubu Raya Kalimantan Barat

TEKNOLOGI PANGAN: Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Ilmiah Teknologi Pertanian

Pematang Tujuh Village is a village in Rasau Jaya I District which has the potential of local plants, namely pineapple. Pineapple in this area has not been processed into various food preparations. The purpose of this activity is to provide skills and knowledge to process pineapple into jam, syrup, jelly candy and dried candies. The method used is two stages, namely by presenting / oral speeches about material and product processing practices. The results obtained are jams, syrups and dried candies preferred by all consumers, while candy jelly is favored by 18 people and is not favored by 2 consumers.

Efisiensi Alokatif Usahatani Nanas di Kecamatan Rasau Jaya Kabupaten Kubu Raya

Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 2021

Research on the allocative efficiency of pineapple farming in Rasau Jaya District is important because of the low production due to the minimal use of production input factors. Farmers can still increase pineapple production by using efficient production factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the use of production factors and to analyze the level of allocative efficiency of pineapple farming in Rasau Jaya District. The data analysis used is the analysis of allocative efficiency and looks at the marginal product value of NPM / Px. The results of the regression analysis show that the use of TSP inputs has an effect on pineapple production in Kubu Raya Regency, while other variables have no effect. The level of allocative efficiency of pineapple farming in Rasau Jaya Subdistrict is inefficient for variable land area, urea, TSP, phonska, protepon and labor. Meanwhile, the inefficient variables were seeds, fertilizers and gramaxone.

Efektivitas Komunikasi Penyuluh Pertanian Dalam Usahatani Kedelaidi Kecamatan Rantau Rasau Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur

Jurnal Ilmiah Sosio-Ekonomika Bisnis, 2018

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitaif yang dilaksanakan langsung di Kecamatan Rantau Rasau Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur karena merupakan wilayah yang paling potensial untuk pengembangan pertanian kedelai dan merupakan salah satu sentra produksi kedelai di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur Provinsi Jambi. Fokus penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh PPL dengan perilaku petani pada usahatani kedelai di Kecamatan Rantau Rasau KabupatenTanjung Jabung Timur.Objek pengamatannya adalah pada usahatani kedelai yang masih aktif menghasilkan produksi kedelai. Metode penarikan sampel dilakukan secara acak sederhana (Simple Random Sampling), yaitu setiap populasi memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk dipilih sebagai sampel dengan cara mengambil sampel dari anggota populasi secara acak dalam anggota populasi tersebut. (Singarimbun dan Effendi,1995). Penelitian yang dilakukan efektif bahwa komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh penyuluh mejelaskan langkah-langk...

Pemberdayaan Kelompok Masyarakat Pesisir sebagai Mitra Penyedia Bahan Baku Udang Kupas di Desa Dabong Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Kubu Raya

Kapuas, 2021

Berdasarkan potensi sumberdaya perikanan, terutama udang di Desa Dabung Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Kubu dan permintaan pasar ekspor terhadap udang beku, mendorong untuk membina kelompok masyarakat pesisir di Desa Dabung Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Luaran yang dihasilkan: (1) terbentuk kelompok masyarakat pesisir yang dapat mengolah udang kupas dengan kualitas mutu yang bagus, (2) artikel mengenai kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat di Desa Dabong Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Kubu Raya dengan materi penerapan sanitasi dan higiene dalam pengolahan udang, diterbitkan di media massa Pontianak Post. Berdasarkan data yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa, hampir semua peserta menyatakan:(1) suka, setelah mengikuti kegiatan terhadap penyelenggaraan pelatihan ini, (2) sudah menguasai materi yang disampaikan mengenai penanganan dan pengupasan udang yang sesuai dengan sanitasi dan hygiene, (3) materi yang disampaikan merupakan pengetahuan baru, (4) tertarik membuka usaha penanganan dan pengupasan udang, (5) perlu dilaksanakan pelatihan selanjutnya selain penanganan dan pengupasan udang. Kata kunci : bahan baku, udang, kelompok masyarakat, sanitasi hygiene Abstrack Based on the potential of fishery resources, especially shrimp in Dabung Village, Kubu District, Kubu Regency and the export market demand for frozen shrimp, it is encouraging to foster coastal community groups in Dabung Village, Kubu District, Kubu Raya Regency. The resulting outputs: (1) formed a coastal community group that can process peeled shrimp with good quality, (2) an article on Community Service activities in Dabong Village, Kubu District, Kubu Raya Regency with material on the application of sanitation and hygiene in shrimp processing, was published in the Pontianak Post mass media. Based on the data obtained, it shows that, almost all participants stated: (1) they liked it, after participating in the activities for the implementation of this training, (2) had mastered the material presented regarding handling and stripping shrimp in accordance with sanitation and hygiene, (3) the material used was presented is new knowledge, (4) interested in opening a shrimp handling and stripping business, (5) further training needs to be carried out in addition to shrimp handling and stripping.

Partisipasi Anggota Pada Kegiatan Kelompok Tani Mitra Jaya DI Desa Mundung Kecamatan Tombatu Timur


This study aims to determine the participation of members in the Mitra Jaya farmer group activities in Mundung Village, East Tombatu District. This research took place from October to December 2018. The data used were primary data obtained through interviews using a questionnaire to10 respondents and secondary data obtained from the Mundung Village Office in East Tombatu District. The technique of collecting data uses census techniques. Data analysis used in this study is descriptiveanalysis using a Likert Scale. The results showed that the participation of members in farmer groups was high, because they participated in each activity held by the Mitra Jaya farmer groups both in the activities of the planning stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation phase of farmer group activities. The participation of members in the Mitra Jaya farmer group in Mundung Village, Tombatu Timur District in the management of farmer group activities is high.*eprm*.

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Tani Dengan Integrated Farming System DI Desa Pal IX Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya


Kecamatan Sungai kakap selama ini dikenal sebagai sentra produksi sapi dan padi dan mensuplai hasilnya bagi masyarakat kota Pontianak. Masing masing sektor ini masih diusahakan secara konvensional sehingga sumberdaya lokal berupa limbah belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Metode pelaksanaan di lapangan terdiri dari sosialisasi, penyuluhan dan pelatihan, praktek dan pendampingan serta evaluasi kegiatan. Tujuan kegiatan adalah memberikan teknologi integrated farming system kepada masyarakat. Melalui kegiatan KKN PPM ini masyarakat telah diberikan seperangkat alat instalasi biogas, pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam pembuatan alat instalasi biogas dan cara penggunaannya, demplot budidaya tanaman padi dan rumput gajah menggunakan pupuk organik, pembuatan pakan ternak dari limbah pertanian serta pengemasan pupuk organik padat dan cair. Bagi mahasiswa kegiatan ini mampu meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, softskills dan empati terhadap masyarakat. Kata ku...

Peran Kelompok Tani Dalam Kegiatan Usahatani Kakao DI Desa Ketulungan Kecamatan Sukamaju Kabupaten Luwu Utara

Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia

The formation of farmer groups will make it easier for farmers to carry out their farming activities. This study aims to examine the role of farmer groups in cocoa farming activities in Ketulungan Village. The approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. Respondents were cocoa farmer groups selected using a purposive method. Data collection is done by in-depth interviews with respondents and informants. The informants in this study were extension agents both from related institutions and from the private sector. The results of this study indicate that the role of farmer groups in farming activities includes: (1) Farmer groups as a forum for sharing information, namely farmer groups disseminating information obtained from instructors to their members through meetings; (2) Farmer groups as a place of discussion, namely farmer groups as a place to find solutions to problems in cocoa farming activities such as maintenance and handling of pests and diseases; (3) Far...

Pemberdayaan Kelompok Tani Budi Karya Desa Ampukung Kecamatan Kalua Kabupaten Tabalong


This study aims to determine (1) the Empowerment of the Budi Karya Farmer Group, Ampukung Village, Kalua District, Tabalong Regency, (2) Factors that affect the Empowerment of the Budi Karya Farmer Group, Ampukung Village, Kalua District, Tabalong Regency. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with a philosophical foundation. postpositivesme, Determination of informants purposively (purposeful) , Data collection techniques Interview, Observation and Documentation. The analysis technique used is data condensation, data display, verification. The results of the study 1. The empowerment of the Budi Karya Farmer Group in Ampukung Village, Kalua District, Tabalong Regency has not been fully optimal, it can be seen from. Enabling is an effort to build power that encourages, motivates and raises awareness of the potential of the community as well as efforts to develop. In the case of the Budi Karya Farmers Group, Ampukung Village, it has been able to help increase the potential of farmers in terms of the use of assistive devices such as thresher machines, spray machines, pumping machines, and other assistance from other agencies, although support and motivation from other agencies is still minimal. Empowering this with opportunities that make the community more empowered, in the case of the cultural farmer group in its empowerment it is quite optimal, judging from the potential opportunities for the largest Ampukung village that is farming, Protecting is defending the interests of the community, Protecting has not been fully carried out by the government, there is no mechanism that has been implemented. protect farmers when farmers fail to harvest. (1) Driving Factors a. Community Social, b. Community Economy, (2) Inhibiting Factors a. Sustainability Support, b. Coordination between Organizations. Suggestion The need to improve coordination between the farmer groups with the village and local governments, it is necessary to increase empowerment in collaborative activities so that the goals can be achieved as expected.

Efisiensi Saluran Pemasaran Jagung Manis DI Desa Rasau Jaya I Kecamatan Rasau Jaya Kabupaten Kubu Raya

Jurnal Social Economic of Agriculture, 2015

This study aims to : 1) Determine the functions of marketing channels. 2) Determine the value of the cost advantage is issued by each each of maize marketing channels that exist in the study area. 3 ) Know efficiency of the marketing channels of corn. This study used a survey method that is done by taking a sample of the population and the questionnaire as a data collection tool that subject , and immediately went to study sites to obtain information necessary research. The most efficient channel is the channel the consumer to the producer