The Instability of Unsteady Boundary Layers in Porous Media (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2007
In this paper we analyze the stability of the developing thermal boundary layer which is induced by a step-change in the temperature of the lower horizontal boundary of a uniformly cold semi-infinite porous medium. Particular attention is paid to the influence of local thermal non-equilibrium between the fluid and solid phases and how this alters the stability criterion compared with corresponding criterion when the phases are in local thermal equilibrium. A full linear stability analysis is developed without approximation, and this yields a parabolic system of equations for the evolving disturbances. Criteria for the onset of convection are derived as a function of the three available nondimensional parameters, the inter-phase heat transfer coefficient, H, the porosity-scaled conductivity ratio, c, and the diffusivity ratio, a.
Acta Mechanica, 2016
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Onset of Convection in an Unsteady Thermal Boundary Layer
Natural Convection, 2006
In this study, the linear stability of an unsteady thermal boundary layer in a semi-infinite porous medium is considered. This boundary layer is induced by varying the temperature of the horizontal boundary sinusoidally in time about the ambient temperature of the porous medium; this mimics diurnal heating and cooling from above in subsurface groundwater. Thus if instability occurs, this will happen in those regions where cold fluid lies above hot fluid, and this is not necessarily a region that includes the bounding surface. A linear stability analysis is performed using small-amplitude disturbances of the form of monochromatic cells with wavenumber, k. This yields a parabolic system describing the time-evolution of small-amplitude disturbances which are solved using the Keller box method. The critical Darcy-Rayleigh number as a function of the wavenumber is found by iterating on the Darcy-Rayleigh number so that no mean growth occurs over one forcing period. It is found that the most dangerous disturbance has a period which is twice that of the underlying basic state. Cells that rotate clockwise at first tend to rise upwards from the surface and weaken, but they induce an anticlockwise cell near the surface at the end of one forcing period, which is otherwise identical to the clockwise cell found at the start of that forcing period.
Onset of convection in a gravitationally unstable diffusive boundary layer in porous media
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2006
We present a linear stability analysis of density-driven miscible flow in porous media in the context of carbon dioxide sequestration in saline aquifers. Carbon dioxide dissolution into the underlying brine leads to a local density increase that results in a gravitational instability. The physical phenomenon is analogous to the thermal convective instability in a semi-infinite domain, owing to a step change in temperature at the boundary. The critical time for the onset of convection in such problems has not been determined accurately by previous studies. We present a solution, based on the dominant mode of the self-similar diffusion operator, which can accurately predict the critical time and the associated unstable wavenumber. This approach is used to explain the instability mechanisms of the critical time and the long-wave cutoff in a semi-infinite domain. The dominant mode solution, however, is valid only for a small parameter range. We extend the analysis by employing the quasi-steadystate approximation (QSSA) which provides accurate solutions in the self-similar coordinate system. For large times, both the maximum growth rate and the most dangerous mode decay as t 1/4 . The long-wave and the short-wave cutoff modes scale as t 1/5 and t 4/5 , respectively. The instability problem is also analysed in the nonlinear regime by high-accuracy direct numerical simulations. The nonlinear simulations at short times show good agreement with the linear stability predictions. At later times, macroscopic fingers display intense nonlinear interactions that significantly influence both the front propagation speed and the overall mixing rate. A dimensional analysis for typical aquifers shows that for a permeability variation of 1 −3000 mD, the critical time can vary from 2000 yrs to about 10 days while the critical wavelength can be between 200 m and 0.3 m.
The horizontal spreading of thermal and chemical deposits in a porous medium
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1987
This is an analytical and numerical study of the buoyancy-driven horizontal spreading of heat and chemical species through a thud-saturated porous medium. The buoyancy effect is due to both temperature and concentration gradients. It is shown that when the flow is driven primarily by temperature gradients the approach to eventual thermal equilibrium can take place along two distinct routes, one dominated by convection (high Ra) effects, and the other dominated by diffusion. In the convection dominated regime, for example, the porous medium reaches an intermediate state of stable stratification (horizontal layering) before the final state of uniform temperature. It is shown also that the species migration processes that ride on flows driven by temperature gradients can be sorted out similarly, depending on whether mass convection is important. The scaling trends and estimates discovered analytically are cont%med by extensive numerical experiments conducted in the range 10 < Ra < 103, 0.01 < Le < 100 and 1 < L/H < 4. The distinct regimes and respective heat and mass transfer scales of the flows driven primarily by buoyancy due to concentration gradients are also documented. A closed form analytical solution is developed for the limit of infinitely shallow layers, L/H + co.
Transport in Porous Media, 2006
Carbon dioxide injected into saline aquifers dissolves in the resident brines increasing their density, which might lead to convective mixing. Understanding the factors that drive convection in aquifers is important for assessing geological CO 2 storage sites. A hydrodynamic stability analysis is performed for non-linear, transient concentration fields in a saturated, homogenous, porous medium under various boundary conditions. The onset of convection is predicted using linear stability analysis based on the amplification of the initial perturbations. The difficulty with such stability analysis is the choice of the initial conditions used to define the imposed perturbations. We use different noises to find the fastest growing noise as initial conditions for the stability analysis. The stability equations are solved using a Galerkin technique. The resulting coupled ordinary differential equations are integrated numerically using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The upper and lower bounds of convection instabilities are obtained. We find that at high Rayleigh numbers, based on the fastest growing noise for all boundary conditions, both the instability time and the initial wavelength of the convective instabilities are independent of the porous layer thickness. The current analysis provides approximations that help in screening suitable candidates for homogenous geological CO 2 sequestration sites.
Penetrative convection and multi-component diffusion in a porous medium
Advances in Water Resources, 1998
Linear instability and nonlinear energy stability analyses are developed for the problem of a fluid-saturated porous layer stratified by penetrative thermal convection and two salt concentrations. Unusual neutral curves are obtained, in particular non-perfect 'heartshaped' oscillatory curves that are disconnected from the stationary neutral curve. These curves show that three critical values of the thermal Rayleigh number may be required to fully describe the linear stability criteria. As the penetrative effect is increased, the oscillatory curves depart more and more from a perfect heart shape. For certain values of the parameters it is shown that the minima on the oscillatory and stationary curves occur at the same Rayleigh number but different wavenumbers, offering the prospect of different types of instability occurring simultaneously at different wavenumbers. A weighted energy method is used to investigate the nonlinear stability of the problem and yields unconditional results guaranteeing nonlinear stability for initial perturbations of arbitrary sized amplitude.
Onset of convection over a transient base-state in anisotropic and layered porous media
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2009
The topic of density-driven convection in porous media has been the focus of many recent studies due to its relevance as a long-term trapping mechanism during geological sequestration of carbon dioxide. Most of these studies have addressed the problem in homogeneous and anisotropic permeability fields using linear-stability analysis, and relatively little attention has been paid to the analysis for heterogeneous systems. Previous investigators have reduced the governing equations to an initialvalue problem and have analysed it either with a quasi-steady-state approximation model or using numerical integration with arbitrary initial perturbations. Recently, Rapaka et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 609, 2008, pp. 285-303) used the idea of non-modal stability analysis to compute the maximum amplification of perturbations in this system, optimized over the entire space of initial perturbations. This technique is a mathematically rigorous extension of the traditional normal-mode analysis to non-normal and time-dependent problems. In this work, we extend this analysis to the important cases of anisotropic and layered porous media with a permeability variation in the vertical direction. The governing equations are linearized and reduced to a set of coupled ordinary differential equations of the initial-value type using the Galerkin technique. Non-modal stability analysis is used to compute the maximum growth of perturbations along with the optimal wavenumber leading to this growth. We show that unlike the solution of the initial-value problem, results obtained using non-modal analysis are insensitive to the choice of bottom boundary condition. For the anisotropic problem, the dependence of critical time and wavenumber on the anisotropy ratio was found to be in good agreement with theoretical scalings proposed by Ennis-King et al. (Phys. Fluids, vol. 17, 2005, paper no. 084107) . For heterogeneous systems, we show that uncertainty in the permeability field at low wavenumbers can influence the growth of perturbations. We use a Monte Carlo approach to compute the mean and standard deviation of the critical time for a sample permeability field. The results from theory are also compared with finite-volume simulations of the governing equations using fully heterogeneous porous media with strong layering. We show that the results from non-modal stability analysis match extremely well with those obtained from the simulations as long as the assumption of strong layering remains valid.
Convective mixing in vertically-layered porous media: The linear regime and the onset of convection
Physics of Fluids, 2017
We study the effect of permeability heterogeneity on the stability of gravitationally unstable, transient, diffusive boundary layers in porous media. Permeability is taken to vary periodically in the horizontal plane normal to the direction of gravity. In contrast to the situation for vertical permeability variation, the horizontal perturbation structures are multimodal. We therefore use a two-dimensional quasisteady eigenvalue analysis as well as a complementary initial value problem to investigate the stability behavior in the linear regime, until the onset of convection. We find that thick permeability layers enhance instability compared with thin layers when heterogeneity is increased. On the contrary, for thin layers the instability is weakened progressively with increasing heterogeneity to the extent that the corresponding homogeneous case is more unstable. For high levels of heterogeneity, we find that a small change in the permeability field results in large variations in the onset time of convection, similar to the instability event in the linear regime. However, this trend does not persist unconditionally because of the reorientation of vorticity pairs due to the interaction of evolving perturbation structures with heterogeneity. Consequently, an earlier onset of instability does not necessarily imply an earlier onset of convection. A resonant amplification of instability is observed within the linear regime when the dominant perturbation mode is equal to half the wavenumber of permeability variation. On the other hand, a substantial damping occurs when the perturbation mode is equal to the harmonic and sub-harmonic components of the permeability wavenumber. The phenomenon of such harmonic interactions influences both the onset of instability as well as the onset of convection.