The Myth of SUN Purple Sweet Potato Baby Cereal Advertisement in Television (A Semiotic Study) (original) (raw)
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This paper uses Roland Barthes semiology to reveal the myth and ideology constructed in television commercial advertisement. The study tries to explain how the product consumed and used, work ideologically, by observing the dynamic relationship between the signifier and the signified in the broadcast commercial product text. The study focuses its area of concern in the motorcycle product advertisement aired on television and completed with direct interview with members of motor community of Makassar Indonesia. The result indicates that commercialtelevisionadvertising mediainIndonesia does notemphasizethemeaning ofdenotation(the benefits of the product), butitemphasizesthe symbolicsignwhich representsasimulacrumreality. The true meaning of the current human life is much determined by the relationship established between the man and the commercial products. Product serves from time to time as a symbol of social identity. Commercial advertisement works as a simulacrum that consists in making product impression and images constructed in human mind become natural and reasonable though around an ambivalent reality.
Contemporary Services Managment Issues , 2018
The aim of this study is to investigate the extent and scope of influence healthy nutrition has on advertisements that air on television, which maintains its status as the most effective medium for children. For this purpose, semiotic analysis is employed to two advertisements which belong to one of the brands that is of highest public recognition level and profess to be offering "healthy snacks". While child-oriented advertisements are required not to be deceptive, misleading and promotive of consumption due to impressibility of children; the results of the study reveal that commercials analyzed are far from these requisites. Junk foods are claimed to be unhealthy and other packaged milky snacks are asserted as healthy food and positioned as subtitutes for junk food in the advertisements. The so-called 'healthy snack' product is presented as a saviour for parents who are helpless in the face of their children's desire for junk food.
Summary of a Semiotic Analysis on Chocolate Advertisements in Instyle
This research is aimed at knowing the relationship among representament, object, and interpretant on the chocolate advertising on Toblerone, Nabisco 100 Calorie Milk Chocolate, and Dove Chocolate with Peanut Butter and to find out the relationship between meaning of signs and the hidden message that want to be delivered to the readers based on Charles Sanders Peirce's theory. The writer uses descriptive qualitative method to describe the semiotic elements; representament, object and interpretant. This research analyzed object, verbal and non verbal as representament, and interpretant in those advertisements. Object is the product itself, and interpretant is the result of the relationship between representament and object. Furthermore, the relationship between representament and the object is represented by interpretant. So, interpretant can be understood as a sign's effect on the mind, and interpretant is what the result from a process of interpretation. From the analysis, the writer found that the sign of Toblerone, Nabisco 100 Calorie Milk Chocolate, and Dove Chocolate with Peanut Butter advertisement have closed relationship. First, the semiotic relationship in Toblerone Chocolate is represented by interpretant that Toblerone chocolate makes the reader wish because of the uniquely shape, a great big triangle shape. Second, Nabisco 100 Calorie Milk Chocolate is represented by interpretant that Nabisco100 Calorie Milk Chocolate is about enjoying chocolate as like as diet like diva doesn't have to worry about the calorie because it is low calorie chocolate. Third, Dove Chocolate Peanut Butter is represented by interpretant that Dove chocolate Peanut Butter showing to represent a desirable lifestyle; one of beauty, luxury, and seduction.
Journal of Public Relations and Advertising , 2023
The new Cadbury chocolate role-reversal advertisement, which was launched on September 17, 2021, is an imitation of a three-decade-old campaign for the same company, with the characters' gender roles switched around this time. The researchers conduct a comparative analysis of both advertisements using Ronald Barthes' semiotic theory to find out which symbols have been embedded in the audiovisual text of the ad films to mimic the contemporary socio-cultural state of India. The important visual and verbal indicators that carry social meanings have been identified through the interpretative qualitative analysis of signifier and signified. The findings conclude that, in contrast to the previous advertisement, which depicted gender roles in traditional socio-cultural contexts in India, the new advertisement promotes equality and celebrates female empowerment, shattering preconceived notions about gender.
Expose: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
In this digital era, advertisement is a form of communication. Messages can be included in advertisements. One example is the Bear Brand advertisement, which broadcasts health messages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bear Brand is a milk drink brand. As a brand, it has several advertisements in media. The purpose of this study is to analyze health messages in the Bear Brand New Normal series advertisements. This study uses qualitative research methods. This study analyzes advertisements in the official channel of Bear Brand on YouTube. Purposive sampling is used in this study. This study examines the channel's New Normal ad series. This study employs Roland Barthes' semiotic theory to explain the level of signification of the relationship between the signifier and the signified in the Bear Brand advertisement, as well as to describe the denotative and connotative forms and myths in the advertisement. This study also employs Stuart Hall's representation theory to examine th...
Analisis Semiotik Iklan Top Coffee Versi Iwan Fals Pada Media Televisi
This research is based on the construction of signs which often used in advertising to convey message. Therefore, this research is conducted to see how the construction of signs representing myth of lifestyle in Top Coffee advertising Iwan Fals version “Inspiration”. This research uses Roland Barthes’ semiotics theory. The method used in this research is Barthes’ semiotics with denotative, connotative, and myth as the devices. The approach used in this study by using qualitative, subjects were Advertisement Top Coffee Iwan Fals Advertising on TV. While the object of this research is the message on the Top Coffee Advertising Iwan Fals Version. To get Top Coffee Version Iwan Fals Advertising, researchers downloading files from the internet media. The advertising is then used to analyze the research material. In denotative level, ads Top Coffee version Iwan Fals "Inspiration" only show the same character with Iwan Fals. However, the connotative, this advertising shows a new s...
For many of today's cultural critics and semioticians, questions about visual semiotics and interpretation of TV images are of central concern. It focuses on the ways visual images communicate messages and also on the system that dominates their code and usage. Admittedly, television advertising is a communication field whereby images are "perfect" representation of life. This paper examines the construction of meaning of visual messages in television advertising from a semiotic analysis perspective. More precisely, patterns of meaning construction are analysed and interpreted. For this purpose, I have investigated two specific advertisements The 'Garlic Cube Knor' and the 'Prince Biscuit' commercials which ran in Moroccan 2M channel. Obviously, traditional criticism mostly questions the aesthetic aspects of object or the text according to their face values. However, semiotics largely makes inquiries into the manner of which the meaning is created rather than simply investigating what it is. The results yielded both iconic message elements and symbolic or indexical ones. However, symbolism seems to be more effective and prevalent than iconic meaning. Résumé : Pour beaucoup de critiques et de sémioticiens culturels d'aujourd'hui, des questions sur la sémiotique et l'interprétation des images de télévision visuelle sont au centre des préoccupations. Il se concentre sur les façons d'images visuelles communiquent des messages ainsi que sur le système qui domine leur code et l'utilisation. Certes, la publicité télévisée est un champ de communication dans lequel les images sont considérées comme étant une parfaite représentation de la vie. Cet article examine la construction du sens des messages visuels dans la publicité télévisée à partir d'une perspective d'analyse sémiotique. Plus précisément, les modèles de construction signifie seront analysées et interprétées. A cet effet, je l'ai étudié deux annonces spécifiques « L'ail de Cube Knor »et le produit du' Prince biscuit 'qui couraient dans le canal marocaine 2M. De toute évidence, la critique traditionnelle interroge essentiellement les aspects esthétiques de l'objet ou le texte en fonction de leurs valeurs faciales. Cependant, la sémiotique fait largement enquêtes sur la manière dont le sens est créé plutôt que de simplement enquête sur ce qu'il est. Les résultats ont donné les deux éléments de messages emblématiques et symboliques ou indiciels. Cependant, le symbolisme semble être plus efficace et plus répandue que signification emblématique.
Semiotic in Milk Advertisements
Television advertisement has a promotional function as a medium to advertise a product. It implicitly persuades people to create demand of a product that is being advertised. Implicit meaning can be studied with semiotic; it is the theory and study of sign, symbol, and signification as communicative behavior, especially as elements of language or other system of communication. This study is aimed to identify the types of signs of milk television advertisements. The writer focuses on four advertisements of milk products 'Bear Brand Sterilized advertisements, which published on television media since June 2009-2015. The methodology used in this research is qualitative method and the researcher uses semiotics approach of Charles Sanders Peirce. The data of this analysis are phrases, sentences, images, objects, and colors in each advertisement. The writer identifies some signs in each scene of the advertisement. The data are found in 25 in the bear brand advertisements. The result o...
Science of Semiotic Usage in Advertisements and Consumer's Perception
The modern consumer market has been developing as a web of symbols and signs in multidisciplinary approach to construct brand images in the consumer's perception. Simiology is an advanced subject in which enlightened the semiotics ideally. Marketing, advertising and communication are the inseparable, interwoven major carriers in distinctive market – consumer behavioral world. Marketers are constructing and deconstructing the sign and symbols to make positive image and to bring them the satisfaction to motivate to purchase productions. Potential study of the semiotics shows that the language based media and the image based media are the fundamental and the pervasive medium for the human communication. The sign and symbols can be taxonomies as intrapersonal and interpersonal. Advertisement is capable of manipulating the perception and the behavior of the consumers. Each advertisement is a cultural document and has a cultural shadow which carries to readers to share and negotiate the cultural themes. These symbolic and the iconic conversation are ritualized enactments through the dimensions of cultural esteem. This helps to preserve the culture and help to read the cultural perception becoming natural. [Journal of American science 2010;6(2):6-11]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Semiotic Storytelling in Advertising: An Analysis of Four Indomie Noodles Advertisements
New media and mass communication, 2019
Advertising is around us. We are surrounded daily by adverts, which aim at changing a consumer’s behaviour. These adverts are embedded with several meanings. This article will discuss semiotics and the types of sign images used in advertising, which are icons, indexical and symbolic. Furthermore, semiotics in advertising is discussed. This article aims to explain how advertising semiotics uses societal ideology and creates meaning behind images. Consequently, four indomie noodles adverts are decoded to illustrate the application of semiotics in advertising. Keywords : Advertising, Semiotics, Storytelling DOI : 10.7176/NMMC/81-06 Publication date :June 30 th 2019