A sanctuary of Silvanus in the rural territory of Napoca (original) (raw)
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Acta Musei Napoensis, 56/I, 2019
The A3 motorway (Brașov-Tg. Mureș-Oradea) archaeological diagnosis, from 2016, has revealed an important number of unknown archaeological sites in the rural area north of Cluj-Napoca. Out of these, one of the most complex was site no. 9, excavated in the summer of 2017. Remains of at least three historical ages have been discovered (Bronze, Roman and Early Migration), some of the archaeological features giving us remarkable results. Out of these, the most relevant, datable in the Roman times, were a sanctuary, an altar dedicated to Silvanus, bearing an unusual attribute and other strucures apparently related to the presumed cultic place. Rezumat: Lucrările de diagnostic aheologic efectuate pentru construcția Autostrăzii A3 (Brașov-Tg. Mureș-Oradea) au scos la iveală, în 2016, un număr important de situri arheologice necunoscute până atunci, în zona rurală de la nord de Cluj-Napoca. Dintre acestea, unul dintre cele mai complexe a fost situl nr. 9, cercetat în vara anului 2017. Au fost descoperite vestigii aparținând a cel puțin trei epoci istorice (bronz, roman și epoca timpurie a migrațiilor), unele dintre complexele arheologice oferindu-ne rezultate remarcabile. Dintre acestea, cele mai relevante, databile în epoca romană, au fost un sanctuar, un altar dedicat zeului Silvanus, purtând un epitet neobișnuit și alte structuri în legătură cu presupusul loc de cult.
Journal of Roman Studies, 2019
The rediscovery of the Baths' decorative sculpture and ornamentation through time is discussed in ch. 2. G. draws attention to the movement and recycling of materials: the sculptures of the Farnese collection in the Archaeological Museum of Naples, the capitals reused in Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome and in the Duomo of Pisa, and the colossal column from the frigidarium which now stands in Piazza Santa Trinita in Florence, to cite just a few examples. This chapter includes a short catalogue of all the decorative materials recovered from the Baths, of either known or uncertain setting within the ancient building (62-75). A longer, descriptive catalogue of the freestanding sculpture can be found in a separate appendix at the end of the book (271-388). The main body of discussion is developed throughout chs 3-5. Bearing in mind that only part of these materials can be associated with specic sectors of the bath complex, G. nevertheless manages to undertake a very scrupulous analysis. Her study is praiseworthy as it looks at the whole of the building's decorative programme, including sculpture, architectural ornament, mosaics and furnishings. Major statuary groups, such as the Hercules Farnese, the Latin Hercules and the Farnese Bull, are not just examined as individual masterpieces of sculpture, but are also set in their respective display contexts together with the rest of the decoration. Images of military power recurred across the entire building, from shield-shaped motifs on the mosaics to thunderbolts and eagles on the column capitals. The author recognises such images as a distinctive feature of Caracalla's political agenda, likening their ideological effect, perhaps quite ambitiously, to those of Augustus' Res Gestae and Trajan's Column (112-26). Another interesting observation concerns the repetition of images in the various rooms of the Baths (165-72). In the frigidarium, bathers walking from the antechamber into this hall would have seen two statues of Hercules on either side; after raising their heads, they would have spotted a small-size version of the same image on the gured capitals on top of the columns. The existence of groups of other deities (Venus, Bacchus, Mars, Virtue/Roma and Fortuna) on the preserved capitals may suggest the presence of analogous, large-size statues that are now lost. The strong connection between water architecture and military power is better understood when one considers the Baths of Caracalla within the urban context where they were placed (210-41). In the Severan period, the area of Porta Capena became a fulcrum of imperial building activities with the construction of the Septizodium, the Baths of Septimius Severus (probably to be located along the Via Appia at the foot of the Caelian) and the Baths of Caracalla. These buildings formed a homogeneous group in terms of architectural language and would have been clearly identied by people who entered the city from this direction, including ordinary travellers, members of the urban elites and soldiers, as well as the emperor and his household during the celebration of triumphs over the enemies of Rome. In conclusion, both books under review address (with different emphases) important aspects of art, architecture, decoration and display in the Roman world. K.'s study of temple pediments in Rome is a fundamental collection of the extant material evidence, which is now made available in a single monograph to the benet of all scholars. With regard to the Baths of Caracalla, while this building and its ornamentation had been examined in previous studies, G. has the great merit of approaching this topic by looking at the monument, its wide range of decorative materials, urban setting and history as a whole. These two studies are therefore welcome initiatives which mark a clear progress of research in the eld of Roman art and architecture.
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Clay Containers in Context: The Boian "Sanctuary" at Căscioarele-Ostrovel, Southern Romania
Rezumat. În textul de față, împreună cu datele deja cunoscute, prezint o serie de materiale inedite provenite din "sanctuarul" Boian din tell-ul de la faza Spanţov). Pe baza acestor materiale, am analizat critic interpretările anterioare, mut}nd accentul dinspre discursurile dominante referitoare la funcționalitatea construcției (e.g. "sanctuar", "templu", "locuință"), spre noțiuni pe care le consider a fi centrale pentru înțelegerea lumii eneolitice -și anume cele de recipient, conținere și circulație a substanțelor.