Preparedness of Teacher Candidates and Problems Faced by Teachers in the Beginning Years of Teaching (original) (raw)
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Al Ibtida: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru MI, 2021
This study aims to determine the description of mastering pedagogical competence, map the teaching readiness, and analyze the significant effect of mastering pedagogical competence on teaching readiness of the prospective elementary school teachers at State Islamic University (UIN) Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia. This research was ex-post-facto quantitative research. The research variables were pedagogical competence and the readiness to be a teacher. The population and sample were all of the final semester students, consisting of 80 students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar who had taken the Field Experience Practice program using simple random sampling. The instrument used was a Likert scale-based questionnaire. A basic linear regression was employed to analyze the data. The following are the results of this study: (1) the mean score of prospective elementary school teachers' pedagogical competence was 70.62, indicating that the pedagogical competency score was in the high category; (2) the mean score of prospective elementary school teachers' teaching readiness mapping was 72.25, indicating that the mapping score of teaching readiness was in the high category; (3) the mean score of prospective elementary school teachers' pedagogical competence was 70.62, indicating that the pedagogical competency score was in the high category. As a result, prospective elementary school teachers' teaching preparation was influenced by their knowledge of pedagogical competence. Accordingly, prospective elementary school teachers' teaching preparation is needed
Preparedness of Graduate-Teachers from the University of Trinidad and Tobago for the Real Classroom
International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 2017
Graduates with a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degree from the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) are currently employed at primary schools. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent to which graduate-teachers have been prepared for the real classroom. The study investigated beliefs about their preparedness, experiences and mitigating factors. A mixed method study was conducted with a sample of sixty participants. Data collection included face to face interviews, focus group interviews, questionnaires, and journaling. Findings revealed that graduate-teachers believed that they were prepared for the ideal classroom and that some courses should be modified. The themes include 1. Equipped with Competency 2. Complexity of the Classroom 3. Pragmatic Applications for Challenges 4. Inclusive Practice in Action. The research suggests modification of UTT's B.Ed. programme and perhaps other similar programmes to make teacher preparation more functionally appropriate for classroom practice. A period of internship is recommended.
Investigating the Preparedness of Newly Qualified Teachers
This investigation was in part an evaluation of the extent to which the (then) current teaching standards (DfEE 1998a) have prepared primary teachers for the profession. The research was located within the broader theoretical framework of the acquisition of professional knowledge. The study sought to identify some of the factors involved in teachers' professional development and analyse how they are used in the development of professional learning and expertise in the primary classroom. The main objectives were: adequacy of preparation for primary teaching: the extent to which NQTs are prepared to teach the whole primary curriculum and fulfil other professional responsibilities; types of support given to newly qualified primary teachers during their induction period, and key factors which enable or inhibit NQTs' professional development and affect retention; identification of patterns of transition from initial training to the first years of teaching and wider processes of p...
Readiness and Preparation of Pre-Service Teachers on the K to 12 Program
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The Readiness of the Teacher Training Institution in Preparing Teacher Competencies
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Teacher quality determines the process of education reform. MOEC of Indonesia has prepared various schemes to achieve this quality. MOEC expects study programs held at higher education to meet the competencies of prospective teachers in four aspects, namely professional, pedagogy, social, and personality. This study is to describe the achievement of competence level as a teacher in the physics education study program. The method used is a survey method for physics education students, with 50 students participating. Competency measurement uses the test instrument consisting of four aspects, namely professional (65 items), pedagogy (45 items), social (40 items), and personality (40 items). The instrument refers to an evaluation conducted by National Education Standards Agency. It was analyzed using Two-way ANOVA to see the effect of gender and learning experiences. The results show that gender does not affect competence. Instead, the learning experience influences on competence. Average score of the ability of the students is lower than the limit specified teacher competency requirements MOEC. This result means that professional, pedagogical, social, and personality competencies are not yet the focus of teacher training institutions. The learning process experienced by prospective teachers (students) has not been able to improve competence significantly to achieve the MOEC's standard. This result implies that the study program needs to evaluate the curriculum and the learning process so that graduates can achieve quality teachers.
Assessing student teaching experiences: Teacher candidates’ perceptions of preparedness
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of student teaching experiences by measuring teacher candidates' perceptions of their preparedness. The participants were 130 teacher candidates who had completed their student teaching as part of a program preparing them to teach children in pre-K through grade 4. Teacher candidates responded to the survey by recalling their before and after student teaching experiences. A paired t-test was calculated to determine statistical mean differences before and after student teaching on five categories: a) pedagogical content knowledge, b) planning and preparation for instruction, c) classroom management, d) promoting family involvement, and e) professionalism. Mean differences of all of the paired items between pre-and post survey were shown to be statistically significant on all five categories.
Preparing teachers: Expectations and existing situation at faculties of education
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The problems of teacher candidate's about teaching skills during teaching practice
Abstract he purpose of the study is to determine teacher candidates’ problems who attend teaching practice courses about teaching skills. A qualitative design was selected for this research study. The participants of this study were 40 pre-service primary education teachers pursuing their studies in the academic years of 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. Participants were asked to keep reflective journals about the teaching skills problems during their practice teaching. The problems that the student teachers in both the academic years experienced in the process of practice teaching are “planning, subject matter knowledge, using instructional materials, motivation, communication, and time management and behavior management skills’’. Keywords: Teacher training; teaching practice; teacher candidates; teaching skills; practice school.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal , 2023
The study determined the level of preparedness of public elementary teachers in performing their teaching tasks before, during, and after classroom observation in Lopez East District in the Division of Quezon. The research employed descriptive research design using quantitative research method and random sampling. This engaged 146 respondents from selected teachers and school heads within Lopez East District in the Division of Quezon. To analyze and interpret the data, mean was used to described the level of perception of the teachers and school heads on the level of preparedness in classroom observation and twoway ANOVA was used to determine the significant difference in the perception of the teachers when grouped according to their profile. In gathering data, the instrument used the following; pre-assessment, actual observation, and post-assessment, to assess the requirements prepared of a classroom teacher in classroom structuring and teacher observation guide for instructional competence. Consultation of the self-made questionnaire was carried on with the expert in DepEd using the classroom observation tool under mandated DepEd Order No. 42 s. 2017, an updated PPST-RPMS classroom observation tool in the enhancement of teacher's quality as provided by the Department of Education. There is no significant difference in the teacher's perception and their demographic profile. There was no problem encountered by the teachers and school heads before the classroom discussion, they all prepared and familiar with the classroom observation tool. Most of the indicators during the classroom observations was Always Observed and after the classroom observation the respondents perceived was Highly Achieved.Based on the results, the researcher still recommends that classroom observation, coaching, and mentoring may be perceived to ensure the quality of teachers.