Negotiating Gender? An Ethnologist Works Embedded in a Society of Men Apprenticing Seduction. Déjà lu in Journal of World Council of Anthropological Associations. Issue 3. 2015. (original) (raw)

Doing Gender in Research: Reflection on Experience in Field

The Qualitative Report, 2005

The article shows how doing gender (mutual gender categorization of interacting people and construction of their behavior according to this categorization) can influence research method and research hypothesis. Communication between respondent and researcher during semi- structural interview is in focus. Key Words : Reflexivity, Doing Gende r, and Interview

Gender, reflexivity and positionality in male research with women

This article reflects on the epistemological, methodological, and ethical issues related to undertaking a cross-gender research (male researcher with female participants) in one's own community. It also examines issues of analysis and representation germane to taking a gendered perspective in this study of the lives and experiences of left-behind women. The article frames the discussion of these issues within four interrelated sites or levels of reflexivity: theoretical reflexivity, gender and fieldwork relations, positionality and the insider/outsider dynamic, and representation. The conclusion reflects on the ethical obligation a researcher conducting a study in one's own community bears and the consequences of this ethical burden on representation.

Contemporary Issues and Perspectives on Gender Research

Contemporary Issues and Perspectives on Gender Research, 2019

The actuality and content of the papers, their scientific foundations and the high quality of research results of fundamental and applicative character, are the key reasons why the collection as a whole meets all the necessary standards for publication. This volume provides a valuable contribution to the development of gender studies, an input into understanding and critically reconsidering basic concepts in creating gender identities and in gendering institutions. Prof. Nevena Petrušić This thematic collection of papers is dedicated to current topics of gender studies, abounds with results from recent research projects and provides the review of contemporary relevant literature in these fields. Authors from different disciplines of social sciences and humanities perceive various gender issues in the context of current social situation. The volume is characterized by a remarkable innovation in the selection of topics and unavoidable interdisciplinary approuch in the study of gender issues.

Shaping the binary division between the sexes in the macro-scale and in terms of individual experiences (at the level of biographical processes)

Nowadays we can observe the ongoing process of formation of a so-called "somatic society" [Kurczewski 2006 : p.172 and the next one], where a body is considered as a cultural product; as space where meanings are broadcasted and written in. This particular perspective, suggesting the performative nature of corporeality as such, does not explain, however, substantial differences in the perception and self-experience for women and men. The aim of this paper is therefore to approximate the process of developing the different stereotypes regarding gender, which appear to be of such importance that they determine not only radically different way of perceiving and experiencing each other by men and women, but also determine their fundamentally different opportunities for selfexpression and self-creation and, in consequence, differentiate the real possibility of access to social gratification.

Gender as a category of analysis in the social sciences


Gender is a broader category than the simple distinction between the sexes-it shows the relationship and the infl uence of social institutions on perceptions and the development through socialization of femininity and masculinity. Th e term gender is not clearly understood, making it necessary to accurately defi ne the category that will be used in the studies carried out in the framework of the 'Innovative Gender' as a New Source of Progress project. Th e purpose of this chapter is to develop a defi nition of gender which can become the basis of the concept of innovative gender. To this end, we show the origins of the concept of gender as established in psychology. Th en, considerations are transferred to the social sciences, which introduces a new aspect, namely the concepts of gender are shift ed to the level of social relations from the previously studied level of the individual. In the social sciences, economics is highlighted, and the opportunities that the introduction to this science of the analysis of gender are opening up.

"Fighting Against Gender Categorization: the Complexity of Subjectivity", The Power of/in Academia: Critical Interventions in Knowledge Production and Society, Goethe University, Frankfurt 13-14 November 2015

Every time that we have to determine an object, we are obliged to use terms (such as nouns or adjectives) able to indicate its main characteristics. One of the most representative examples of definition is that offered by Aristotle: “Man is a rational animal”. ‘Animal’ and ‘rational’ are the two properties that allow us to collocate “man” into a precise category, containing all the other beings definite by the same essential properties. The primary goal of philosophy is consisted in individuating these determinations, but also in reconsidering their status: do the categories have an ontological value, or are they mere determinations thank to which our mind can build, classify and especially control the reality? The contemporary debate on gender is undeniably connected with the process of categorization. My prospective moves towards a specific evidence: the academic approach, that puts its stress on the necessity to complete a categories list able to include all the aspects of the reality, seems to privilege only the general and superficial features; consequently it disregards the peculiar connotations which define an individual in his/her irreducibility to roles and stereotypes. Whether the goal of the linguistic categorization is to built general classes, the humanities and, in particular, the psychoanalysis, have claimed the right of the single individual. From the above, this paper aims to discuss the traditional process of categorization, trying to put in evidence the limits involved in the classical definition of category, in order to move toward a new prospective that will be the basis for a richer theory of singularity. After discussing the principal approaches to sexuality and their limits (from Essentialism to Constructivism and Queer movements), the essay will conclude with the most prolific psychoanalytic thought (in particular the Lacanian concept of sessuation) in order to demonstrate that, far from being only a gene or a social construction, the sexual identity always includes the subject’s mediation.

Research as Gendered Practice

TESOL Quarterly, 1996

Gender is one of the major social relations continually negotiated as we engage in social practices. It is a complex and contradictory system that operates not only on language practices and identities of learners and teachers but also on the practices and identities of researchers-the questions we ask, the methods we use, the interpretations we make of our data, the implications we draw from our research, the controversies we choose to argue and even the identities we construct in the process of conducting our research. I would like to pose a few provocative questions to highlight the tensions that must be managed in the gendered practice of research.