Translation techniques are never getting old; translation is a classic method in the process of learning languages. The trigger under personal motto that NOT WORDS, BUT MEANING led to write this paper and we are also fully aware that people understand speeches, but not WORDS. This study investigates the use of translation method, technique, and structure in learning any languages (particularly Mongolian to English vice versa) by focusing on specialized or professional translations. The objectives of this study are: i. to try to introduce systematic approaches how to translate from source language to the targeted one, why the translation is playing in main role in languages, how the meanings are shown by words structurally and grammatically, ii. To give more simple ideas on grammatical structure and lexical families for translating materials tailored to the communication needs of students, being passionate for translations at the universities by combining cultural and language differences based on contrastive and comparative, parallel linguistic researches on translation. For this purpose, as the researcher and author of this academic paper, this is aimed for applying much easier and simpler ways to the students, beginner for sophisticated translations; so that instructors and learners at the universities may understand well on creating own much optimal translations. In general understanding of translations, this is a process of conveying the source meaning to the targeted language with the same ideas as informed. Certainly for translation, we need to have excellent knowledge of grammars, lexical families (word choice), sentence structures, order of context, and so forth, however, mother language is always fundamental influence to translate any speeches or documents. Hence, this academic paper is based on authentic cases and translation barriers of students at universities, targeting on how to have systematic approaches on written translations.