Crossing Texts, References and Images. A Survey of a City Planner’s Personal Library in São Paulo (1920-1960) (1/2) (original) (raw)

Crossing histories: Brazilian planners of São Paulo and their transnational references (1910-1930)

urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana

This paper examines how some pioneering planners in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, Victor Freire, Prestes Maia, Ulhoa Cintra, and Anhaia Mello disseminated and appropriated the dominant principles of international urbanism in the period 1910-1930. The education in city planning is directly associated with the repertoire of engineering courses and professional associations. In this environment, where public debates on urban issues were intense, it is worth noting the presence of English urbanist Barry Parker, who lived for two years in São Paulo, implementing innovative projects and debating with local planners. The access to urban planning manuals and reviews, and the presence of these Brazilian professionals in international seminars, led to the dissemination of the international ideals and some resulting essays on the way these ideals could be applied in many fields: urban regulations, projects in downtown areas, housing, sanitation, town extension plans, city management, zonin...

Importing planning ideas, mirroring progress: the hinterland and the metropolis in mid-twentieth-century Brazil

Planning Perspectives, 2012

By 1950, the northern region of Paraná State was an affluent settlement zone, due to the prosperous coffee-growing industry and a recent systematic colonization scheme, with its deliberate process of urbanization, which had been responsible for a network of planned new towns. The region was economically and culturally tied to the dominant city of São Paulo, and the changing image its main towns-Londrina and Maringá-was basically the result of the work of prestigious São-Paulo-based architects and town planners that had been hired by the local elite. Notably, modern architecture and urbanism were imported as a means of achieving modernity: a targeted instrument of civilization, even in a colonization zone where material conditions were relatively unfavorable. In fact, the acts of borrowing, rejection, imitation, adaptation, and transformation can be observed in the movement of ideas. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the two-way relationship established between the most influential Brazilian metropolis and the wealthy provincial hinterland longing to mirror modern features. More precisely, it aims to account for foreign influences and local initiatives as global mechanisms responsible not only for the diffusion of modern planning and architectural practices but also for the construction of a pioneering regional identity.

Interpreting the historiography of Modern Brazilian Architecture: Brasília and monographs between 1959 and 1973

DOCOMOMO Magazine, 2018

Interpretando a historiografia da Arquitetura Moderna Brasileira: Brasília e monografias entre 1959 e 1973 Interpretando la historiografía de la Arquitectura Moderna Brasileña: Brasilia y monografías entre 1959 y 1973 Abstract Brasília is certainly one of the great urban and architectural events of the entire twentieth century and, despite the importance that the city has in the history of modern architecture, little is known of the historio-graphical representations initially developed about the new capital. It is possible to affirm that most of the works elaborated on Brasilia have only been written more recently, but it would be a mistake to ignore a series of books published in the previous decades. The oldest publications present particularized readings, performed by different authors and in different stages of consolidation of the city: the narratives and representations range from a bandeirista spirit to readings of a 'real' city, which began to show signs of strong peripheral expansion and reproduction of the coun-try's social inequalities. This article intends to present a reading of the publications-made between the years of 1959 and 1973 2-that have Brasilia as object of analysis, seeking an interpretation of the presented historiography and verifying possible recurrences and influences. Thinking about the possibility of a periodi-zation the text was divided into three 'acts' that, from the author's observations, can indicate specific moments of the historiography of the city. Keywords: Architecture historiography; Modern architecture in Brazil; Brasília. Resumo Brasília é certamente um dos grandes aconteci-mentos urbanos e arquitetônicos de todo o século XX e, apesar da importância que a cidade tem na história da arquitetura moderna, pouco se sabe das representações historiográficas inicialmente desen-volvidas sobre a nova capital. É possível afirmar que a maioria dos trabalhos elaborados sobre Brasília tenham sido escrito apenas mais recentemente, mas seria um erro ignorar uma série de livros publicados nas décadas anteriores. As publicações mais antigas apresentam leituras particulares, realizadas por di-ferentes autores e em diferentes estágios de consoli-dação da cidade: as narrativas e representações vão de um espírito bandeirista a leituras de uma cidade 'real', que começava a apresentar sinais de forte ex-pansão periférica e reprodução das desigualdades sociais do país. Este artigo pretende apresentar uma leitura das publicações-feitas entre 1959 e 1973 2-que tiveram Brasília como objeto de análise, bus-cando uma interpretação historiográfica e verifican-do possíveis recorrências e influências. Pensando uma periodização possível, o texto foi dividido em três 'atos' que podem indicar momentos específicos da historiografia da cidade. Palavras-chave: Historiografia da arquitetura, Ar-quitetura moderna no Brasil; Brasília. Resumen Brasilia es ciertamente uno de los grandes aconte-cimientos urbanos y arquitectónicos de todo el siglo XX y, pese a la importancia que la ciudad tiene en la historia de la arquitectura moderna, poco se sabe de las representaciones historiográficas inicialmente desarrolladas sobre la nueva capital. Es posible afir-mar que la mayoría de los trabajos elaborados sobre Brasilia han sido escritos apenas más recientemente, pero sería un error ignorar una serie de libros publi-cados en las décadas anteriores. Las publicaciones más antiguas presentan lecturas particulares, reali-zadas por diferentes autores y en diferentes etapas de consolidación de la ciudad: las narrativas y repre-sentaciones van de un espíritu "bandeirista" a lectu-ras de una ciudad 'real', que comenzaba a presentar señales de fuerte expansión periférico y reproducción de las desigualdades sociales del país. Este artículo pretende presentar una lectura de las publicaciones-hechas entre 1959 y 19732-que tuvieron Brasilia como objeto de análisis, buscando una interpreta-ción historiográfica y averiguando las posibles re-currencias e influencias. Pensando una periodización posible, el texto fue dividido en tres 'actos' que pue-den indicar momentos específicos de la historiografía de la ciudad. Palabras clave: historiografía de la arquitectura, arquitectura moderna en Brasil; Brasilia.



The present, duplicated by the alternative reality of the Internet and all kinds of indirect reception, builds a picture filled with myths. More than 50 years ago, one of the largest urban and architectural projects of the 20th century, which was the construction of the capital of Brazil, was completed. However, do the buildings erected on a characteristic plan testify to the avant-garde of this project, or do they create a myth and an illusory image of “a dream of power”? The article presents an analysis of selected elements in the field of architecture and urban planning, trying to provide an answer to the question asked – to resolve the dissonance contained in the title. Współczesność, powielona przez alternatywną rzeczywistość Internetu i wszelakich form pośredniego odbioru, buduje obraz wypełniony mitami. Ponad 50 lat temu zrealizowano jedno z największych przedsięwzięć urbanistyczno-architektonicznych XX w. jakim była realizacja stolicy Brazylii. Czy jednak budowle wzniesione na charakterystycznym planie zaświadczają o awangardzie tego projektu, czy też tworzą mit i złudny obraz „snu o potędze”? W artykule przedstawiono analizę wybranych elementów architektury i urbanistyki, próbując przedstawić odpowiedź na zadane pytanie – rozstrzygnąć zawarty w tytule dysonans.

Imagining the model, designing the city. Planning diffusion in twentieth-century Brazil

Planning Perspectives, 2014

This paper examines planning diffusion by considering the role of a model city upon the design of two Brazilian new-town layouts. Maringá, designed along garden city lines, informed the planning of Ivaiporã and Sinop, but in spite of certain similarities with the common model, the two new towns could not appear more diverse. This paper will thus show that a model town can be perceived differently from person to person, from situation to situation and from one period to another, which can result in quite different outcomes. A set of borrowings, emulations, and adaptations are illustrated, as planning history is understood as a narrative of the dissemination and transformation of planning ideas.

Urban phenomena in São Paulo’s nineteenth and twentieth centuries Appropriating local spatio-temporalities - Fenômenos urbanos na São Paulo dos séculos XIX e XX: apropriando-se de espaçotemporalidades locais

Tempo Social, revista de sociologia da USP, v. 31, n. 1, 2019

The article seeks to investigate urban phenomena in São Paulo’s 19th and 20th centuries by utilizing Henri Lefebvre’s concept of appropriation. Thus, I focus on the relations between urban space(s) and its inhabitants, and the analysis of the city – usually perceived as space – becomes a spatio-temporal and relational analysis regarding dynamic practices, conflicts, etc. understood as urban phenomena. How did the inhabitants appropriate São Paulo? May we state special forms by comparing it to other Latin American cities of former times? How did the migrants arriving at the end of 19th century change old forms of living in the city? I conclude with remarks and critics on the potential of using the concept of appropriation in urban studies. Keywords: São Paulo; Appropriation; Henri Lefebvre; Spatio-temporalities; Urban studies.


09° Congresso Città e Territorio Virtuale, 2013

The crisis of the planning estabilished on the 1970 decade, the historical changes occurred in Brazil on the 1980 years, the strong of neoliberal ideology, the globalization ideas and the performance of the consultants are important elements to the understanding of the legitimation process of the dominant paradigms on the urban research and on the accomplished planning practices, in general, of the great urban projects. This article establishes connections between the historical context of Brazil and the diffusion of new ideas. The objective of this paper is to propose reflections about the interfaces between the actual planning practices and the urban utopians elaborated on the XIX century. 1. Introduction The emerging of some recent ideas situated within the field of planning-including strategic plans and marketing strategies-is part of the historical changes undergone by the socioeconomic structures and policies, within the context of restructuring the world`s economy. The emerging of these ideas, however, brings us to the old and already much discussed issue of import of planning models in other countries. Elaborated in quite distinct economic-political-cultural universes, these models are not, evidently, neutral, as they structure relationships and represent, in a certain way, a socio-spatial reality, designing a way of confrontation that, in fact, constitutes an only income only for completely different realities. Moreover, despite the planning proposals released in recent times appear as a substitute for the old-operative conceptual apparatuses, we observe that since the nineteenth century, with the emerging of the industrial city and the utopians, until today, the solutions offered always are presented based on the idea of the ideal pre-set scheme, to whose rules the urban design and / or government has sought to submit, necessarily, the reality. This article estabilishes conections between the historical context of Brazil and the diffusion of new ideas. The objective of this paper is to propose reflections about the interfaces among the present planning practices and the urban utopians elaborated on the XIX century.

Urban Planning, Agents and Representations: Creation of the Banhado, São José Dos Campos Landmark

Ambiente & Sociedade

This historical and sociological research explores urban planning as a symbolic system. By means of a case study, and the use of documental analysis, it asses the symbolic capital contained in urban planning propositions developed for the Banhado, an Environmental Protected Area of São José dos Campos - SP, which houses an urban-rural community. The area has been a target of several urban planning propositions in the last 60 years. The analysis showed that the field of ideas and the actions held by urban planners have historically contributed to the construction of a social representation that excludes the dwellers from the idealized landscape. Such position is reinforced by the academic production and influence and guide segregationist propositions for the use and management of urban environmental protected areas, institutionalized in directive urban plans.