The extent to which principals’ use of transformational leadership style influences students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Kenya

International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research, 2022

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which principals' use of transformational leadership style influences students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Mwala sub-county, Machakos County. This study used descriptive survey research design. It targeted 72 schools, 72 principals and 505 teachers in Mwala Sub-county. The study employed stratified random sampling technique to select 36 principals and simple random sampling technique to include 216 teachers. The instruments were validated through piloting and by research experts to ascertain content validity while reliability was achieved through piloting using test-retest method. Data was coded and entered into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 for analysis. Descriptive statistics which included frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations were employed to analyse data. Inferential statistics which basically involved running correlation analysis at 0.05 level of significance were employed to test the nature and strength of relationships between variables. The study employed tables to present the analysed results. The results revealed that there was weak positive but statistically significant correlation between transformational leadership style and students' academic performance (R=.374, p=.038). The study recommends to: Kenya Institute of Educational Management (KEMI) and the Teachers' Service Commission (TSC) to regularly in-service teachers on leadership styles; principals to enhance practices associated with transformational leadership practices since they improve academic performance.

Transformational Leadership: Teachers' Idealized Influence on Students' Academic Performance in County Secondary Schools in Kirinyaga, Kenya

The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2021

Leadership plays an essential role in any education development and quality of students' academic performance. In many parts of the world, including the developed and developing countries, there is the recognition that schools require influential leaders and managers if they are to provide the best possible education for their students. This study explores the relationship between transformational leadership and academic performance of secondary school students in Kirinyaga County. Education plays a vital role in bringing enlightened transformation in society. Therefore, understanding how the administration can improve students' performance in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations in Kirinyaga County, is central to this study. The study examined teachers' idealized management practices as an essential indicator for a transformative leader on students' academic performance in KCSE. The study adopted an explanatory sequential mixed method research. This approach involved collecting quantitative data first, analyzing it and then developing qualitative interviews to follow the initial findings. The qualitative design focused on phenomenology, to understand how teachers' experienced idealized influence and how it affected their student's academic performance. In the quantitative phase, surveys were used to determine teachers' idealized Management practices (IMP) on Students Academic Performance (SAP). A random sampling of 48 teachers and 359 students were selected to participate in the survey from the total population of 484 teachers and 9,904 students. The researcher interviewed teachers to qualify their transformational leader knowledge on transformational leadership and experience in relation to their students' performance. Besides was a documentary analysis to obtain more information on students' academic performance. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics, analysis frequencies, means, standard deviations and percentages were calculated and presented in tables. Results revealed that IMP has a significant favorable influence on KCSE academic performance of 0.208 at alpha value 0.05 level of significance (2-tailed). Future research may focus on the impact of teachers and transformational leadership on school culture, among other areas of interest, to inform educational officers and other professionals working to support young people through effective transformational leadership around idealized management practices.

Head Teachers’ Transformational Leadership Styles in Community Schools of Lalitpur District

The Batuk, 2022

This study is conducted to investigate the transformational leadership (TL) dimensions of head teachers of community schools. To fulfill the objective, the study adopted quantitative research design followed by the survey method. The data obtained from 36 head teachers working in the various community secondary schools in Lalitpur district was processed using SSPS and then analyzed employing descriptive statistics. The findings concluded that the head teachers are practicing transformational leadership styles properly. It contributes to the development of an educational institution by encouraging head teachers to practice transformational leadership. It helps to ensure teachers' commitment leading to a more effective and viable school environment and helps to establish cordial relationship among the stakeholders for academic enhancement. This study also contributes to school leaders to ensure better academic performance, commitment, and demonstrate their transformational and pedagogical leadership capacity.

Analysis of transformational leadership style of junior high school principals of 30 Pekanbaru cities

International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS), 2022

The research aims to describe the transformational leadership style in the education sector for the principals of Junior High Schools 30 Pekanbaru. Today, organizational development includes actors as a characteristic pattern of a person in leading. It can be said that the success of an organization is determined by the quality of the leader and the failure of leadership is determined by the failure of the character of the person. So, in that case, someone must have a leadership style. One of the models/leadership styles in the world of education that is predicted to encourage the creation of effectiveness of educational institutions/institutions is the Transformational Leadership Style. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with data collection techniques in library research. The results showed that the leadership style of the principals of Junior High Schools 30 Pekanbaru is oriented to a 590 transformational leadership style seen from the indicators of Individual Consideration, Intellectual Stimulation, Inspirational motivation so that the principal can make an impact and improve school management and performance.

Relationship Impact of Principals’ Transformational Leadership Style and Effectiveness of School as Perceived by Teacher’s in Lagos State Secondary Schools, Nigeria

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2020

Practicing the transformational leadership style by school principals have shown to have a significant great impact on several studies conducted on school effectiveness. This study was aimed at exploring the relationship that exists between the school principals' transformational leadership style and school effectiveness among Secondary schools in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study also determined what level of school effectiveness and transformational leadership practice as perceived by the schoolteachers. Data were collected and completed by 372 teachers in 20 local governments. The sample size was determined using multistage sampling procedures and analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Person product-moment correlation statistical tools. The finding of the study revealed that the principal transformational leadership style and school effectiveness are positively correlated. The study further revealed that both level of school effectiveness and principal transformational leadership are at a moderate level. It is, therefore, recommended that the government through the ministry in charge of education and school administrators should increase efforts at improving school's effectiveness through constant training for Principals and teachers where more emphasis should be placed on transformational leadership style which focuses on producing excellent academic performance, developing a clear vision and mission to be the watchdog for everyone, shared school goals, supporting and encouraging teachers to perfume and excel in their profession, the high expectation for success, rewards, intellectual stimulation, modeling and culture-building that will affect and improves on the schools' outcomes and achieving of set objectives.

Principals' Transformational Leadership Skills in Public Secondary Schools: A Case of Teachers' and Students' Perceptions and Academic Achievement in Nairobi County, Kenya

Due to reforms in the education sector, school managers need to appreciate the new policies and laws that guide school management, namely Children's Act and Basic Education Act. Management of resources while ensuring accountability and integrity to the public is equally crucial. The reforms emanate from the Education changes brought about by the new constitution dispensation and the devolved system of Government. The managers of schools need to appreciate the new policies and laws that guide the management of schools such as: Education being a basic human right, therefore being free and compulsory and schools being disability friendly. There is also the element of participation which is important. Management of resources while ensuring accountability and Integrity to the public is equally crucial. Sessional Paper No 1 of 2005 emphasizes improving quality completion rates both at the primary and secondary school level of education (MOE: 2005). There have been reports about the literacy and academic achievement of students in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Examination that point towards a decline in academic standards. With all these, the overall outlook of school managers has to change. This paper explores the way forward to a better understanding and management of schools in a new kind of leadership, transformational leadership, hence the need for this study. The study aimed to establish teachers' and students' perceptions on the Principals' transformational leadership in Nairobi County, Kenya and correlate these to student academic achievement. Transformational leadership among the principals in Nairobi were examined and correlated with the study dependent variable, the student academic achievement. The two research objectives that guided the study were: (1) To find out the extent to which the principals in Nairobi County exhibit transformational leadership (2) To determine the correlation between the principals' transformational leadership and student academic achievement. A mixed method approach was adopted by the study where both naturalistic and descriptive survey designs were used. Qualitative approach was utilized to gather more in-depth information from the principals and other respondents. A total of 21 eligible public secondary schools were drawn from a sampling frame of 73 schools through stratified sampling method. A total of ten teachers, ten students and the principal from each eligible school were sampled and included in the study. A total of 21 principals from each eligible school were included in the study. The total sample size was therefore four hundred and forty one (441) respondents drawn from the selected 21 public secondary schools. Questionnaires and interview guides were employed to collect data. Likert items with a 5-point response scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree were included in the questionnaire. The data was sorted out and analyzed by use of descriptive and inferential statistics. Correlations and T-test were used to examine how well the transformational leadership factors correlated with student achievement. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft's Excel and data presented using tables. The results of the study indicated that (i) there was a moderate, negative correlation between student perception towards principals' transformational leadership and student achievement, which was statistically significant (ii) there was a strong, positive correlation between teacher perception towards principals' transformational leadership and student achievement, which was statistically significant. The study recommends action plan by TSC in establishing training needs and training principals in transformational leadership.

Effectiveness of Teachers’ Transformational Leadership Style on Students’ Academic Achievement

Pakistan Journal of Education

The main aim of this research was to find out the effectiveness of teachers’ transformational leadership styles on students’ academic achievement. The objectives of the study were: to evaluate opinions of public and private sector college teachers about transformational leadership style, to assess difference of views about idealized influence, to judge difference of views about inspirational motivation, to appraise difference of views about intellectual stimulation, to consider difference of views about individual consideration and to compare relationship between teachers’ transformational leadership style and students’ academic achievement. The study involves the descriptive research methodology by using the standardized test ‘Multifactor Leadership Questionnaires’ (MLQ 5x-short) 3rd* Lecturer, Department of Education, IMCG Postgraduate, Islamabad, Pakistan edition developed by Bruce and Bernard (1994) to collect information. This questionnaire consists of two parts: the Self Ratin...

The Effect of Principal Transformational Leadership on Teachers Performance at Junior High School of Banda Aceh

Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun

This study aimed to examine the teacher performance model built on associative causal relationships between exogenous variables and endogenous variables, namely; the effect of a principal's transformational leadership on job satisfaction, the effect of organizational culture, the effect of organizational climate, the effect of principal's transformational leadership to teacher performance, the effect of organizational culture, and the effect of organizational climate. This research was conducted at Junior High School in Banda Aceh City by involving 260 teachers as respondents. The Data collection was done using a questionnaire using a proportional random sampling method. The validity test used Product Moment correlation to test its reliability using the Alpha formula. Before testing the hypothesis, especially before the test was calculated, the analysis requirements included the normality data test and regression linearity test. Based on the analysis of the research hypothes...

The Influence of Transformational Leadershipof Principals and Teacher Achievement Motivation on Teacher Teaching Performance At SMA Dirgantara Center

International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 2020

This research aims to findout the influence of transformational leadership and motivation to excel on teacher teaching performance at Dirgantara Senior High School Center. The population in the study was teachers at SMA Dirgantara Center which numbered 34 teachers, while the sample determination technique was. So the sample in this study was 34 people. This type of research is quantitative research. Quantitative research is a study that aims to find out the degree of relationship and pattern/form of influence between two or more variables, where by this research will be built a theory that serves to explain, predict and control a symptom. As for the data sources in this study from primary data and secondary data. Where is the primary data from observations, interviews and questionnaires? While secondary data can be from documented data. Test results (t) or partial tests show that transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on teacher teaching performance as wel...

Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Teacher Performance: A Correlation Analysis


This study aims to determine the relationship between principal transformational leadership and teacher performance. This research was conducted at State Vocational High School (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri / SMKN) Malang, East Java, Indonesia. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive-correlational research type. The research sample was 230 teachers taken from a total population of 542 teachers. The sampling technique used was proportional stratified random sampling. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and correlation analysis. The results of this study indicate that the principal's transformational leadership is in the very good category, as indicated by the percentage value of 40%; teacher performance is in good category, this is indicated by the percentage value of 29%; and there is a positive relationship between transformational leadership and teacher performance as evidenced by the percentage of the contribution of the independent variable to the dependent variable obtained by 49.4%.