Combined prompt gamma activation and neutron diffraction analyses of historic metal objects and limestone samples (original) (raw)
Related papers
Archaeometry, 2006
Non-destructive neutron diffraction techniques were applied to determine composition and microstructure data, and hence to derive information on manufacturing techniques of Picenum bronze artefacts. Furthermore, texture analyses were carried out on standards and suitable ancient artefacts to investigate their potential role in archaeometallurgical studies. This is a first step towards an overall characterization of the bronze collection of the Marches National Museum of Archaeology, Italy, and the analytical demonstration of relations with and differences compared to Etruscan metallurgy. The work is also an example application of the powerful non-destructive archaeometrical approaches provided by time-of-flight neutron diffraction.
Neutron techniques in cultural heritage
Roman marble fragments from the Villa Adriana at Tivoli (Rome) have been characterised by neutron diffraction. This study aimed at distinguishing between different marble types on the basis of the mineral phase compositions and the crystallographic textures. The texture information, along with other structure details, can be used as characterising feature to address questions of attribution and restoration of archaeological marble, ceramic or bronze objects.
Quantitative multiphase analysis of archaeological bronzes by neutron diffraction
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 2002
In this paper, we report the first investigation on the potentials of neutron diffraction to characterize archaeological bronze artifacts. The preliminary feasibility of phase and structural analysis was demonstrated on standardised specimens with a typical bronze alloy composition. These were realised through different hardening and annealing cycles, simulating possible ancient working techniques. The Bragg peak widths that resulted were strictly dependent on the working treatment, thus providing an important analytical element to investigate ancient making techniques. The diagnostic criteria developed on the standardised specimens were then applied to study two Etruscan museum pieces. Quantitative multiphase analysis by Rietveld refinement of the diffraction patterns was successfully demonstrated. Furthermore, the analysis of patterns associated with different artifact elements also yielded evidence for some peculiar perspective of the neutron diffraction diagnostics in archeometric applications.
Neutron metallography of archaeological bronzes
Physica B: Physics of …, 2004
Following a first demonstration on the potentials of time-of-flight neutron diffraction in the microstructural characterisation of archaeological bronzes, we present here the results of a further systematic study on the topic. The experiments were performed on standardised specimens and original archaeological bronze findings at the powder diffractometer ROTAX. The possibility to achieve various metallographic data concerning alloy composition, homogeneity, dendritic structure, metal and mineral phases, as well as the effects of hardening, annealing, and recrystallisation processes was successfully demonstrated. Furthermore, we also report a texture analysis on a Roman coin, which provided a clear striking fingerprint thus demonstrating a powerful authentication method.
The contribution of neutron scattering to cultural heritage research
The discovery of ancient artefacts and artworks that bear witness to our cultural heritage typically raises a variety of questions: from the correct determination of their historical and cultural time-frame, the place and method of production, to the choice of treatments and conditions for restoration and preservation. A large variety of chemical, physical and microstructural techniques are currently employed to characterise objects of cultural significance, indeed the same techniques that are generally applied to studies in the mineralogical and material sciences, and which deal with the characterisation of solid, generally inorganic matter such as; mineral, stone, ceramic, glass, metal, and their derivates. Neutrons, as opposed to X-rays, are the best probe for examining the interior of thick samples. Neutron analysis, which is intrinsically non-invasive, is both unique and complementary to more conventional techniques. When sampling is not possible, neutron methods provide chemical, phase specific, and microstructural information from undisturbed large volumes. Furthermore, comparison with artificially produced materials, such as metals and alloys, can also be effectively exploited in order to obtain indirect information on the manufacturing techniques of the objects under investigation. Specifically, neutron diffraction at the most modern and powerful neutron sources and, in the future, at the new generation of ESS-type sources, is providing and will provide invaluable information on cultural heritage objects that must not be damaged by cutting, drilling, scraping etc. Data can be collected from large, intact objects of almost any shape, and the experimental set-up is both simple and free from sample movements. The many-fold increment in signal and resolution afforded by the newly designed sources and instruments, will allow element sensitive small volume phase identification and quantification, detailed crystal structure analysis of the constituent phases, and direct imaging in two-and three-dimensions by imaging and tomography techniques also enhanced by energy-tuning procedures. These methods can certainly provide a clearer picture of the technological, commercial and, more generally, his-torical and archaeological aspects of the sample. With a view towards preservation, they can provide invaluable information regarding the choice of restoration and conservation procedures. As with the mineral and Earth sciences, the potential of neutron scattering is only recently being realised in the fields of archaeometry and preservation of cultural heritage. With the availability of modern and future neutron sources there is much to look forward to with the opening of new avenues in this field of study.
Physics Procedia, 2013
In the pottery sample which is the replica of the archeological sample, we attempted to get simultaneously not only the image by neutron radiography but also the information about elemental components by prompt gamma-ray analysis (PGA) at the B-4 beam hole that is usually used for the neutron radiography facility in Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute. It was confirmed that qualitative analysis of elements in the pottery sample was successfully performed by PGA at the B-4 beam hole and that PGA is applicable to the large sample analysis for inhomogeneous bulk archeological samples in the future.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
The present paper describes the merits of the combined neutron-based elemental analysis and neutron imaging techniques, called prompt-gamma activation imagingneutron tomography (PGAI-NT), and illustrates its application to cultural heritage science with relevant case studies. The approach is proven to be best applicable to samples with corroded/layered/gilded/painted/coated structures where the surface weighted response would bias the analysis results obtained with simpler, more widespread, but less representative techniques (such as X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy or laser-ablation ICP-MS), as well as to answer questions related to the inner composition of a sealed object.
Archaeometry, 2007
The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory pottery provenance group developed standards and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) methods that are used at many archaeometry laboratories around the world. The background and development of 'Standard Pottery' and of methods for INAA are described. Early pottery provenance studies are described, and other research programmes, involving obsidian and magmatic mixing, the origin of the stone used for the Colossi of Memnon, and the 'Plate of Brass', are mentioned. Research work by the Laboratory included the discovery of the worldwide iridium anomaly and extensive subsequent research on what has come to be known as the 'Asteroid Impact Theory'. Characteristics of the analytical programme for pottery provenance work, including overall aims, precision and accuracy, intercalibration, and irradiation and measurement protocols, are discussed. New research areas developed in the past 15 years, to broaden the usefulness of chemical compositional data for archaeological investigation, and examples of recent work, are described. This research, which makes use of high-precision X-ray fluorescence analysis in addition to INAA measurements on sample splits, includes distinguishing the products of different workshops located at the same production site, studies on the significance of the distribution of silver in archaeological pottery and the use of high-precision chemical compositional data as an aid for making chronological distinctions.
Some aspects of the analysis of ancient artifacts by neutron activation analysis
Journal of the International Institute of Conservation-Canadian Group, 1978
SI.OWPOKt: Rclctor Ollicc. Room 134. Wallbcrg Building. I)cpartmcnt ol Chcmical F-nginccringand Applicd Chcmistr\ Iinirclsitr ol loronto. Ioronto. Ontario. M5S lA4, Canada Manuscript rcccircd March ll. l97lt Rcrision rcccircd -lunc 2-1. l9?li Lorrt'ktl[on ol Lul<iunt $itlt qll tlu' othcr elentcnts it1 lr()tt(rr. iu.\tulr()\itit)n ottt d outrt: /ltitttttts duns lu ltottt it'. * Ilutliotrt trvt' i.tottt1t1,.s trtut l,t tltlittctl lr.v tltt ctrcr,qiL'.s ttf t/rcl-rtt.v: tlrcr L'trtir tttrtl h.r tltL'ir lrull-li/t'nhit/t i.: tlrc tittrc irtrtrt'ul irt wlti<lt tlrt,tttrtptttrr pl rutlittuL tivitl ltf u ltttrtit trlur rutlirti.stttttlt4 11g1 111.s ttt ltull it.t vulttc. '['lttt.s ttrtt, rrru t .s1teuA t tf :ltttr I untl It trt,q-I ivetl rutlir tr t tltt'.:. Bronze. J.llC-CG., Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.2l-21 'Ihe substantial encouragement ol' U.M. Franklin. Department of Metallurgy and Material Sciences. is gratefully acknowledged.
Neutron diffraction study of Bronze Age tools from second millennium BC dwellings in Italy
Il Nuovo Cimento C, 2007
Neutron diffraction was utilized to characterise XX to XIII century BC bronze axes (Ancient to Late Bronze Age) from "Terramare" and other Bronze Age settlements near Modena, Italy. Archaeometric metallurgy issues have been addressed by means of phase and texture analysis from measurements carried out at the ROTAX and GEM beam lines of the neutron spallation source ISIS of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). Neutron data provide accurate composition and structural information from the bulk of the alloy, with good grain statistics, without limitations due to surface alterations and with few limitations as to sample size. Bronze composition results are in good agreement with data obtained by micro-sampling and traditional analytical techniques thus confirming the validity of the method used for a totally non-destructive determination of the alloy composition from precise lattice parameter measurements. Phase analysis from diffraction profiles provides identification and quantification of surface alteration and corrosion products, free of interference with the analysis of the bulk alloy. Furthermore, texture analysis techniques may yield information on the ancient production methods of the artefacts.