Adiciones y Correcciones Al Catálogo Micológico De Madeira (Portugal) (original) (raw)
From the 164 col1ections of fungi obtained during our 2007 forays in Madeira, more than 30 spe cies seem to be new to the previous catalogue. Among them we could mention the fol1owing ones: Bisporella citrina, Scutellinia setosa, Tuber puberulum, within the Ascomycota and Amanita aff. eliae, Chroogomphus fulmineus, Crepidotus applanatus, Galerina hypnorum, Gymnopilus picreus, Hygrocybe insipida, Hypholoma capnoides, Inocybe brunnea, Melanoleuca decembris, Phellinus ferruginosus, Pisolithus arhizus, Pluteus thomsonii, Ripartites metrodii, Russula paludosa and Stereum insignitum for the Basidiomycota. Two Myxomycota: Arcyria oerstedii and Trichiafavo ginea are also included. As a result ofthis study, 32 new taxa have been included in the catalogue, compiling a total of 281 taxa identified by us in Madeira until now. Several other species not stu died, for absence of the material, but kept through photograpphs are also listed.