Asinominitas Dalam Pembacaan Kritis Atas Buku Al-Kitāb Wa Al-QurĀn Qirā
Ah Mu’Āṣirah Karya M. Syaḥrūr (original) (raw)
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Kajian Asinonimitas Al-Kitab Wal Alqur’An: Qira’Ah Muashirah
Jurnal Bahasa Lingua Scientia
This research aimed to describe the concept of Muhammad Syahrur in reviewing texts of the Qur'an by not using synonyms in the Qur'an, it's called a-synonymy. synonyms in the Qur'an is often discussed, and the scholars of Arabic linguists was divided into two opinions whether there is the existence of synonyms in the Qur'an or not, most of them agree but others disagree for several reasons. one of them is Muhammad Syahrur. This reseach used analytical descriptions and linguistic approach. The first data source used his book " al-Kitabwal al-Qur'an; Qira'ahMuashirah", From analytical descriptions the writer can elaborate of Syahrur's linguistic approachby analyzing the meanings contained in that verses by using analysis of syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis and integrate the concepts that have been obtained to acquire a special meaning in the Qur'an, from that we can take Syahrur's textual context of the verses being studied.
Pemikiran Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid cukup memberikan inspirasi terhadap perkembangan pemikiran keagaamaan, terutama dalam teori hermeneutiknya. Secara umum, teori hermenutika yang dilakukan oleh Abu Zayd lebih bercorak humanis-kritis terhadap studi al-Qur'an sebagai pembacaan productive hermeneutics menurut istilah Hans Georg Gadamer, dan al-qira'ah al-muntijah menurut istilah Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd. Abu Zayd percaya bahwa memahami al-Qur'an tidak terbatas pada penjelasan atau pendapat seseorang, tetapi melibatkan proses interpretasi untuk menangkap signifikansi dari teks literal. Dengan menggunakan hermeneutik Abu Zayd, al-Qur'an merupakan ikon islam dan pada saat yang sama representasi budaya arab itu sendiri tidak secara harfiah mutlak, tetapi terbuka untuk interpretasi. PENDAHULUAN Kebutuhan pengkajian al-Qur'an sudah mulai terasa sejak masa awal sejarah penyebaran Islam dan mencapai respon keilmuan yang cukup penting. Pembaharuan metodologi tafsir al-Qur'an meniscayakan pergeseraan cara pandang terhadap teks al-Qur'an sebagai objek kajian. Masalah utama dalam studi al-Qur'an adalah mengembalikan kaitan antara kajian al-Qur'an dengan kajian bahasa dan kritik sastra. Antara kajian al-Qur`an dengan sastra tersusun berbagai ilmu yang porosnya satu, yaitu teks, baik teks tersebut berupa al-Qur`an ataupun hadits Nabi. Persoalan tafsir-ta`wil sebagai kajian ilmiah terhadap al-Qur`an bukanlah tingkat obyektivitas atau subyektifitasnya, namun terhindarkannya dari kecenderungan
BUKU PANDUAN PENGKAFIRAN: Evaluasi Kritis Tibyān fī Ma’rifat al-Adyān karya Nūr al-Dīn al-Ranīrī
The aim of this article is to critically evaluate the thought of Nūr al-Dīn al-Ranīrī, particularly his thought in Tibyān fī Ma'rifat al-Adyān. The book contained his accusation of others as being a kafir. This Indian origin theologian explained the history of religions from the times of Adam to the times of Jesus. He claimed that those pre-Islamic religion had perverted. He discussed also Islamic theological schools such as Rafidi, Khawarij, Jabbariyah, Qadariyah, Jahmiyah, Murji'ah and Karamiyah. He said that those schools are perverted as well. According to him, only Ahl al-Sunnah wa 'l-jamā'ah is the right theology. He also discussed various ideologies and the practices of mysticism that have ever grown and claimed that those are perverted too, except the akhlaqi tasawwuf. This article reviews the historical background of Aceh chronically till this "guidance book of takfir" come into existence. For that cause, the content of Tibyān fī Ma'rifat al-Adyānwill is discussed in brief. Finally, the theological thought of al-Ranīrī regarding the unity of being. The article focuses on the criticism over the attack of al-Ranīrī against the concept of the unity of being held by Hamzah Fansūrī and Shams al-Dīn al-Sumatranī. Abstrak: Tulisan ini bertujuan melakukan evaluasi kritis atas pemikiran Nūr al-Dīn al-Ranīrī, khususnya dalam bukunya Tibyān fī Ma'rifat al-Adyān. Dalam buku tersebut dia mengkafirkan banyak pihak. Teolog asal India itu mengulas sejarah agama-agama sejak Adam hingga Isa al-Masih. Dia mengatakan agama-agama tersebut telah menjadi agama yang sesat setelah Islam muncul. Selanjutnya dia membahas aliran-aliran teologi seperti Rafidi, Khawarij, Jabariyah, Qadariyah, Jamamiyah, Murji'ah dan Karamiyah. Dia mengatakan semua aliran teologi tersebut adalah sesat. Menurutnya aliran yang benar hanya Ahl al-Sunnah wa 'l-Jamā'ah. Selanjutnya dia mengulas berbagai itikad dan praktik mistisme yang pernah berkembang dan mengatakan semua itu sesat kecuali aliran tasawuf akhlaqi. Tulisan ini mengulas tentang latar belakang Aceh secara kronologis hingga "buku panduan pengkafiran" tersebut hadir. Selanjutnya diulas secara ringkan isi Tibyān fī Ma'rifat al-Adyān. Terakhir dilakukan evaluasi kritis atas pandangan teologis al-Ranīrī tentang Waḥdat al-Wujūd. Tulisan ini berfokus pada kritik atas serangan al-Ranīrī terhadap pemikiran Waḥdat al-Wujūd yang dipegang oleh Hamzah Fansūrī dan Shams al-Dīn al-Sumatranī.
Muhammad Syaḥrūr is one of the Islamic thinkers who introduces a new accounts related to the study of Qur'anic exegesis. By using historical and scientific approaches, he refuses the idea of sinonymity (tarāduf) in the Qur'an. For him, there is a substantial difference between "nabi" and "rasūl", as well as other terms such as "al-kitāb, al-Qur'ān, al-ẓikr, and al-Furqān". Based on his rejection to this idea, Syaḥrūr constructs his own theories concerning Qur'anic interpretation. There are several books that represent the anti-thesis to the Syaḥrūr's ideas. This article tries to formulate its synthesis. With reference to the classic linguistic literatures, the author proves that the Qur'an contains the synonymities, and it apparently weakens the Syaḥrūr's argumentation.
At-Tahfidz: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Aisyah Abdurrahman or better known as Bintu Syati 'is a very famous female mufassirah in her era. The existence of Amin al-Khulli's style of thought - who is also Bintu Syathi's teacher and husband - made Aisyah Bintu Syathi's preference in explaining or using methods in her interpretation. The book that is in the hands of this author is Bintu Syati's monumental work in the field of interpretation "Al-Tafsīr Al-Bayāni Li Al-Qur'ān Al-Karīm" which is very concerned with enthusiasts of al-Qur'an studies. This book consists of two volumes, each of which includes 7 chapters, consisting of the letters al-Dhuha, al-Insyirah, al-Zalzalah, al-A'diyat, al-Nazi'at, al-Balad, and al-Takatsur. While the second volume consists of the letters al-Alaq, al-Qalam, al-Ashr, al-Lail, al-Fajr, al-Humazah and al-Ma'un. Thus this commentary only contains 14 short suras, taken from juz 'Ammah, chapter 30 of the Qur'an.After studying further, the st...
TRADISI KRITIK TAFSIR: Diskursus Kritisisme Penafsiran dalam Wacana Qur'anic Studies
Jurnal THEOLOGIA, 2017
This paper aims to discuss the methodology of interpretation criticism in the qur'anic studies discourse. As new plots in the Qur'an studies, the interpretation criticism has not been much sought after by Qur'anic scholars. As a consequence, in methodological discourse has not yet found a definite method can be used to criticize an interpretation. As for the thought-provoking critique of the interpretation for this still are sporadic and likely are political-ideological. For that, it needs special attention in developing area studies the Quran towards the study criticism of interpretation. Finally, this paper gives the conclusion that, in the discourse of criticism the methodological framework needed interpretation, as a step towards the operational interpretation of criticism. So, the criticism was done not nuanced political-ideological, but able to uphold the values of objectivity, comprehensiveness, scientific and systematic. There are at least four operational steps in carrying out work interpretation of criticism of the region of ontology, epistemology, and axiology i.e; Firstly, the critic must understand the substance of exegesis are an interpretation as process and interpretation as a product. Secondly, understand the construction of criticism interpretation, namely the construction of the historicity of the critique, the base of criticism, the purpose of criticism, as well as the principles and parameters of criticism. Thirdly, start working with two regions exegesis critique work i.e; intrinsic and extrinsic criticism. Fourthly, give the evaluation and assessment of the object of study of criticism that is good and decent, or perverted and unworthy of being used. Abstrak: Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan metodologi kritik tafsir dalam diskursus wacana Qur'anic Studies. Sebagai wilayah garapan baru dalam studi al-Qur'an, kritik tafsir belum banyak diminati oleh kalangan sarjana al-Qur'an. Akibatnya, dalam wacana metodologis belum banyak ditemukan metode baku yang dapat digunakan untuk mengkritisi sebuah tafsir. Adapun pemikiran kritik tafsir selama ini masih bersifat sporadis dan cenderung bersifat politis-ideologis. Untuk itulah dibutuhkan perhatian khusus dalam mengembangkan wilayah studi al-Qur'an ke arah studi kritik tafsir. Akhirnya, tulisan ini memberi-kan kesimpulan bahwa, dalam diskursus kritisisme penafsiran, dibutuhkan kerangka metodologis sebagai langkah operasional kritik tafsir. Sehingga, kritik yang dilakukan tidak bernuansa politis-ideologis, namun mampu mengedepan-kan nilai-nilai objektivitas, komprehensivitas, ilmiah dan sistematis. Setidaknya terdapat empat langkah operasional dalam melaksanakan kerja kritik tafsir yang bermuara pada wilayah ontologis, epistemologis, dan aksiologis yaitu; Pertama,
Kritik Literalisme dalam Membaca Al-Qu'ran dengan Hermeneutik Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd
Menurut Abu Zayd, beliau percaya bahwa memahami Al-Qur'an tidak dibatasi pada penjelasan atau komentar saja, tetapi hal ini melibatkan pula proses interpretasi untuk menangkap signifikansi (maghza) dari teks literal. Praduga dibutuhkan untuk penafsiran bahwa Al-Qur'an sendiri tidak memberikan kepastian dan kemutlakan literal. Praanggapan tersebut membutuhkan tafsir yang mengilustrasikan kemungkinan menerima aneka ragam tafsir Al-Qur'an di zaman dan situasi sekarang. Dengan Hermeneutika Abu Zayd, Al-Qur'an adalah Ikon Islam dan juga merupakan pencerminan dari budaya Arab, yang mana terbuka untuk ditafsirkan dan tidak harus mutlak secara harfiah. Dalam lingkaran hermeneutic Hans Georg yang merupakan rujukan inspirasi dari hermeneutika Abu Zayd menegaskan bahwa dalam mengetahui dan mengaplikasikan makna teks, subjek melakukan peran dalam teks daripada sebaliknya. Zaman sekarang sedang marak-maraknya terjadinya fundamentalisme Pada Agama Islam di Indonesia maupun Islam secara global. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kritik literasi dalam membaca Al-Qur'an dengan metode hermenuetik dari Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd agar menghindari fundamentalisme di Islam yang diakibatkan dari penafsiran tafsir tunggal Al-Qur'an.
Jurnal Studi Agama, 2018
This article attempts to explore one perspective of the knowledge of the Qur'an and interpretation. Muhammad Shahrur ad-Dayyub, a linguist with civil engineering background, offers a new approach to understanding the Qur'an. Syahrur's concept about Qur'an which published in "Al-Kitab wa al-Qur'an: Qira'ah Mu’ashirah" has been offered as the most ideal contemporary reading method in accordance with the present social dynamics. In this case, Shahrur wanted the Qur'an to be placed in a position as if it had just been revealed. The offer has been deconstructed as well as the scientific reconstruction of the Qur'an and interpretations that have been "considered" to be accepted. Some view Syahur concept as novelty that needs to be positively appreciated in the creative discourse of reading religious texts. But not a few also respond to his thoughts with criticism and even blasphemy.