Vection induced by a pair of patches of synchronized visual motion stimuli covering total field of views as small as 10 square-degrees (original) (raw)

2023, i-Perception 2023, Vol. 14(5), 1–16

Vection (illusion of self-motion) is known to be induced by watching large field-of-view (FOV) moving scenes. In our study, we investigated vection induced by small FOV stimuli. Three experiments were conducted in 45 sessions to analyze vection provoked by moving scenes covering total FOVs as small as 10 square-degrees. Results indicated that 88% of the participants reported vection while watching two small patches of moving dots (1°horizontal by 5°vertical, each) placed on the left and right sides of the observers. This is less than a quarter of the total visual area of two Apple Watches viewed at a distance of 40 cm. Occlusion of the visual field between the two display patches significantly increased the levels of rated vection. Similarly, increasing the speed of the moving dots of the two display patches from about 5 to 25°/sec increased the levels of rated vection significantly. The location of the two patches in the horizontal visual field did not affect the vection perception significantly. When the two straight stripes of dots were moving in opposite directions, participants perceived circular vection. The observers connected the two stimuli in their minds and perceived them as parts of a single occluded background. The findings of this study are relevant to the design of mobile devices (e.g., smartphones) and wearable technology (e.g., smart watches) with small display areas.

Relative Visual Oscillation Can Facilitate Visually Induced Self-Motion Perception


Adding simulated viewpoint jitter or oscillation to displays enhances visually induced illusions of self-motion (vection). The cause of this enhancement is yet to be fully understood. Here, we conducted psychophysical experiments to investigate the effects of different types of simulated oscillation on vertical vection. Observers viewed horizontally oscillating and nonoscillating optic flow fields simulating downward self-motion through an aperture. The aperture was visually simulated to be nearer to the observer and was stationary or oscillating in-phase or counter-phase to the direction of background horizontal oscillations of optic flow. Results showed that vection strength was modulated by the oscillation of the aperture relative to the background optic flow. Vertical vection strength increased as the relative oscillatory horizontal motion between the flow and the aperture increased. However, such increases in vection were only generated when the added oscillations were orthogon...


Visually induced self-motion, often referred to as vection, is a phenomenon that is often observed in the real world. The famous railroad station paradox is an often quoted example. In this manifestation a person in a stationary train experiences the illusion that he/she is moving when the adjacent train begins to move. Once the person realizes that he/she has not received vestibular or somatosensory stimulation or gazes at a fixed object the illusion is destroyed and replaced with a veridical sense of homeostasis. Past research has indicated that there is latency in the onset of the vection illusion from about a second to as long as 10 seconds. Furthermore it has been found that this latency can be reduced to as little as 0.1 second if a vestibular stimulus of even a jolt in the appropriate direction. However it also has been shown that a superliminal vestibular stimulus in the wrong direction will abruptly destroy well developed vection. Until recently virtually all this research has been conducted in a laboratory and not in a flight simulator. This paper will reviews the recent literature to assess the extent to which the above questions have been answered. It will also discuss the development of a novel approach to quantitative metrics for assessing the ability of simulator visual systems to induce vection. Finally it presents a protocol and instrumentation for experiments to measure the occurrence of vection in a driving simulator

Display Lag and Gain Effects on Vection Experienced by Active Observers

Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 2011

Background : This study examined the effects of display lag and gain on visual self-motion perception (i.e., vection) in active observers. Methods: Our subjects viewed displays simulating self-motion in depth while physically oscillating their heads from side to side at ; 1 Hz. Their horizontal head movements were recorded and incorporated into selfmotion displays with four levels of added lag (0, 50, 100, and 200 ms; baseline system lag was 113 ms) and three levels of gain (i.e., subjects’ head movements were either not incorporated into the display or were incorporated at either the same or twice the amplitude). At the end of each trial, subjects rated the strength of their perceived self-motion in depth. Results: While increasing display lag above baseline by an additional 50 ms impaired vection strength ratings, increasing display lag beyond this level eventually improved vection. For example, 200 ms added display lag produced vection strength ratings that were similar to those found with the baseline lag. As expected, larger simulated display gains were shown to improve vection strength ratings regardless of the level of added display lag. Conclusions: We conclude that increasing display lag during active head oscillation only impairs vection until the resulting sensory confl ict becomes too great to tolerate. Beyond this critical level of lag, the visual system appears to override or downplay such sensory conflicts.


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