The expeditions of the research yacht Utowana and the building of the plant living collections of the oldest botanical garden of Cuba (original) (raw)
Related papers
Willdenowia, 2006
The collections from the Royal Spanish Expeditions to Latin America conserved in the Institut Botànic de Barcelona, comprising 695 specimens, illustrate the changing fortunes in the study of the flora of tropical America by Spanish botanists and their herbarium material. We present data on the collectors, the collection localities and the expeditions, and as electronic supplement, a list of all specimens with collecting data and the determinations on the sheets.
Plantas vasculares de Cuba: inventario preliminar. Vascular plants of Cuba: a preliminary checklist
Parte general ix forthcoming vol. 23 of the Flora. Moreover we have incorporated data that appear in various works published during the last year, or published earlier but previously overlooked. Whenever possible we have filled in the province-by-province distributional data, based on published information. The source of distributional data and of names that are new or changed with respect to the first edition has been cited in apposite Notes, at the end. The most conspicuous new item of the current edition is the addition, at the end, of a checklist of Cuban Pteridophytes. This novel Checklist is based principally on Sánchez's (2017) recently published list of ferns and "lycophytes" of Cuba. In the classification and nomenclature here adopted, we chose however to follow a different model: the one proposed in the modern and well documented "linear sequence of extant families and genera of lycophytes and ferns" of Christenhusz & al. (2011). That classification has been proposed as an international standard for use in, e. g., books, checklists, Floras, herbaria, living collections, and spore banks: the same use that our Checklist, by implication, is destined to serve. The said classification, based on a comprehensive study of modern systematic literature and on international collaboration, promises to be more stable and thus better suited for our purposes than the notoriously ephemeral and changeable proposals from groups such as APG or PPG (Schuettpelz & al. 2016), followed by Sánchez (2017). We deviate from the precepts of Christenhusz & al. (2011) in a single instance: we do not accept the three satellite genera of Thelypteris of these authors, given that, as they admit, generic relationships in Thelypteridaceae are not well understood at present; moreover, the nomenclature they adopt is faulty (they include the earlier Meniscium Schreb., as a synonym, in Cyclosorus Link). We therefore retain Thelypteris in the traditional, wide sense, the same that was used also in the Flora de la República de Cuba (Sánchez & al. in Greuter & Rankin Rodríguez 2006). At family level, only minimal differences exist between our treatment and that of Sánchez (2017), and they concern only the placement of two species: we include Didymochlaenaceae in Hypodematiaceae and Hemidictyaceae in Diplaziopsidaceae. The current edition of the Checklist was not generated directly by data download from the database version, as would have been desirable, but results from editing of the previous text version. This means that, when this edition is published online, the database version, which can be consulted interactively, is not fully congruent with it but is less complete and not fully updated. We expect that, thanks to the aid of Prof. Walter Berendsohn and his data specialists team at the Berlin Botanical Museum, this regrettable incongruence will not last for long. The continued improvement and upgrading of the editorial platform EDIT that serves the database "The Spermatophyta of Cuba" ( will henceforth permit direct, continued updating of the database itself, so that the subsequent consolidated editions of the Checklist can be generated directly through download from the database.
Especimenes tipo alojados en el Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Cuba
Type specimens housed in the National Museum of Natural History of Cuba are listed. The collections contain 187 holotypes. Scientific name, author and description date, reference, catalogue number, original number, type locality, collector, date of collecting and preservation method are given for each specimen.
Collezioni botaniche storiche in America Latina: il contributo italiano nel XIX secolo -Le collezioni botaniche storiche rappresentano un importante strumento nella ricerca botanica (nomenclatura, tassonomia e fl oristica), e nella comprensione della biodiversità passata e attuale. Il presente contributo considera cinque casi di studio con l'obiettivo di evidenziare il ruolo delle collezioni storiche botaniche realizzate nell'America Latina da botanici italiani nel secolo XIX, oltre alla loro insostituibile funzione negli studi attuali di Tassonomia Vegetale. Vengono inoltre trattati altri contributori italiani con le relative collezioni neotropicali da essi studiate.
The Extant Botanical Collections and Nomenclatural Types of Agustín Stahl, Puerto Rican Botanist
Caribbean Journal of Science, 2007
The extant original material that Agustín Stahl used for describing five new species in his Estudios sobre (para) la flora de Puerto Rico was studied. Lectotypes are designated for Hibiscus tomentosus Stahl, Marialva elliptica Stahl, Byrsonima portoricensis Stahl, and Clusia gundlachii Stahl. His known extant plant collections are cited in an appendix with reference to the herbaria where they are deposited. RESUMEN.-El material botánico original, sobreviviente, que Agustín Stahl utilizó para describir cinco especies nuevas en su obra Estudios sobre (para) la flora de Puerto Rico fue estudiado. En este articulo se designan lectotipos para los siguientes nombres: Hibiscus tomentosus Stahl, Marialva elliptica Stahl, Byrsonima portoricensis Stahl, y Clusia gundlachii Stahl. Las colecciones de plantas de Agustín Stahl que sobreviven hoy día son enumeradas en un apéndice que hace referencia a los herbarios donde se encuentran depositadas.
Additional notes to the checklist of Cuban cultivated plants (2
Feddes Repertorium, 2008
Checklists are considered as useful tools for exploration work in plant genetic resources programmes. New information is presented for the checklist of Cuban cultivated plants (ESQUIVEL et al. 1989). 107 species were newly included. For a few other species additional data are given. This information is the result of two further collecting missions in Cuba. Fodder crops predominate, as a result of the cooperation with a specialist in this field. A computerized database was developed allowing not only to maintain the information but also to standardize nomenclatural abbreviations, e.g. authority and protologue.Check-Listen werden als brauchbare Hilfsmittel für Programme zur Exploration pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen eingeschätzt. Neue Informationen zur Check-Liste der kubanischen Kulturpflanzen (ESQUIVEL et al. 1989) werden gegeben. 107 Arten wurden neu aufgenommen. Für einzelne weitere Arten werden ergänzende Angaben gebracht. Diese Informationen sind das Ergebnis von zwei weiteren Sammelreisen in Kuba. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit einem entsprechenden Spezialisten fanden besonders Futterpflanzen Berücksichtigung. Zur Handhabung der Informationen wurde eine Datenbank aufgebaut, mit deren Hilfe es auch möglich ist, die nomenklatorischen Angaben, z. B. Abkürzungen von Autor und Protolog, zu standardisieren.
A botanical survey of Joseph Quer's Flora española
We examine various aspects of Joseph Quer's Flora española (1762-1764, 1784), taking into consideration the contributions made by Casimiro Gómez Ortega and proposing that he be credited as a co-author on the last two volumes of the work. Flora española comprises 2602 species, 2493 of which are vascular plants, including both wild and cultivated species. When assigned to the currently accepted species of Flora iberica, we obtain 1690 native or naturalized plant species (28 % of the total Spanish species). Most of the reported species correspond to common plants, only 3 % are considered narrowly distributed species and no more than 5 % are endemic species. In Flora española only two species are proposed as new. The limited number of new taxa may be due to Quer's self-taught background, strongly influenced by Tournefort's work, and the unfavourable scientific environment, characterized by the lack of resources and supporting institutions. By far the weakest points of Flora española are the names listed in alphabetical order and the use of old polynomials instead of Linnaean binomials. In contrast, the study of dried plants then kept at herbaria constituted a suitable working methodology, which made this Flora a solid base for subsequent works in the Iberian Peninsula. We also address the extensive field work carried out by Quer: he visited 632 different localities spread over most of the Iberian Peninsula. The information provided in Flora española, together with a thorough review of Quer's herbarium vouchers, the labels of which do not include information on localities, allows us to gain valuable insights into some rare and potentially extinct species. Resumen: Se analizan diversos aspectos de la Flora española de Joseph Quer (1762-64, 1784). Se revisa la aportación de Casimiro Gómez Ortega y se propone su coautoría en los dos últimos volúmenes de la obra. La Flora española comprende 2602 especies, 2493 de las cuales son plantas vasculares, que incluyen tanto especies silvestres como cultivadas. Cuando estas especies son asignadas a las actualmente aceptadas en Flora iberica, se obtienen 1690 especies nativas o naturalizadas (28 % del total de especies de España). La mayor parte de las especies citadas corresponden a plantas comunes, solo el 3 % tienen un área de distribución reducida y únicamente el 5 % son especies endémicas. En la Flora española solo se proponen 2 nuevas especies. La escasa originalidad de esta flora puede deberse a la formación autodidacta de Quer, fuertemente influenciado por la obra de Tournefort, y a un entorno científico poco propicio por la falta de instituciones y medios materiales. La ordenación alfabética de la Flora española y el uso de los antiguos polinomios en vez de los nombres binomiales linneanos son sus puntos más débiles. Por el contrario, la preparación de un herbario como base de su flora, hace de su trabajo un sólido precedente de las floras actuales. En el mismo sentido, se puede destacar el amplio trabajo de campo realizado por Quer, quien visitó 632 localidades distintas repartidas por casi toda la Península Ibérica. La información proporcionada por la Flora española junto con la revisión exhaustiva del material de herbario de Quer, cuyas etiquetas carecen de localidad, nos ha permitido obtener nuevos datos sobre algunas especies raras o posiblemente extintas.
Additional notes to the cheklist of cuban cultivated plants (1
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 1990
New information is presented for the checklistof Cuban cultivated plants (Esquivel et al. 1989). 79 new species were included. For another 50 species new items are indicated. Neue Informationen zur Liste der kubanischen Kulturpflanzen (Esquivel et al. 1989) werden gegeben. 79 Arten wurden neu aufgenommen. Für weitere 50 Arten werden ergänzende Angaben gebracht. Даётся новая информаЦия к списку кубинских культурных растений (Esquivel et al. 1989). Вновь были включены 79 видов. Публикуются дополнительные данные для других 50 видов.
Webbia, 2017
The early history of botanical collections is reviewed, with particular emphasis on old collections from the tropics. The information available about older and newer botanical collections from the tropics was much improved after World War Two, including better lists of validly published names, more detailed description of literature and better information about collections and collectors. These improvements were initially made available as publications on paper, whereas now the information has become available on the Internet, at least in part. The changed procedures for handling botanical collections in connection with taxonomic research is sketched, from sending specimens on loan between institutions via publishing herbaria on microfiches to providing scanned images on the Internet. Examples from different institutions and organizations of how to make digitized images of specimens and other information available on the Internet are given. The question about the best way of organizing future access to the collections is posed.
A checklist of the cultivated plants of Cuba
Die Kulturpflanze, 1989
Checklists of cultivated plant species of a geographical area have proven to be a very useful tool for the further exploration and collection in this area and for the compilation of local floras of cultivated plants. They contain valuable information for ethnobotanists, plant breeders as well as for other researchers engaged in cultivated plants. A checklist of the cultivated plant species of Cuba compiled from Cuban literature sources and own field studies is presented. It contains 755 taxa belonging to 740 different species, 414 genera and 103 families. These findings are in striking contrast to the opinions of previous foreign investigators about the poverty of plant genetic resources in Cuba. The alphabetically ordered articles for the taxa contain nomenclatural information (accepted name, synonymy and their literature references), the plant family, Cuban folk names, details of plant uses, additional remarks and references to relevant Cuban literature sources, including reports from own explorations. Three appendices provide indexes by families and genera, by synonyms, and by folk names respectively, which allow to locate the information by different ways. The information given in the checklist is maintained in the Database of the Cultivated Plants of Cuba (DBCPC), a microcomputer-based system. Its main purpose is to produce the list and the indexes mentioned from the same set of data, but it allows also to retrieve the information and to check the data for consistency. . Cebolla corojo, cebolla de diente, cebolla de la tierra, cebolla multiplicadora V. (b., 1.), M. (b.) Widely used in traditional agriculture because of the high storability of the bulbs in open environment. Several accessions show tolerance to Alternaria porri and the ability to produce flowers and seeds under Cuban conditions.