Current Concepts of Gravity: The M-String Theory of Witten, Holographic Mass Model of Haramein, Compton Particle Theory of Mayer and the Entropic Gravity Theory of Verlinde as Compared to The Twin-Bipolaron Gravity Concept (original) (raw)
2023, Current Concepts of Gravity: The M-String Theory of Witten, Holographic Mass Model of Haramein, Compton Particle Theory of Mayer and the Entropic Gravity Theory of Verlinde as Compared to The Twin-Bipolaron Gravity Concept
This comparison of recent Gravity concepts, relates to the recent papers of Haramein et al., on "The Holographic Origin of Mass and Gravity", the article of Mayr on the "Compton particles and Quantum Forces", the earlier "M-String theory of Witten" as well as the" Entropic Gravity Theory" of Verlinde, versus the Twin-Bipolaron Gravity concept of Meijer et al., that all attempt to extend the theoretical foundation of physics and quantum physics. Firstly, the Twin-Bipolaron concept, based on phonon-guided electron-proton pairs, describes an electromagnetic coupling as a Black Hole equivalent to the gravitational field. This introduces the property of Gravity as a 'natural monopolar' superconductive current flow. Secondly, this 'monopolar electricity' can then be described as a consequence of particular Planck-String couplings, preceding the birth of the thermodynamic and classically relativistic cosmogenesis, in a unified self-state of unbroken Super-Matter/ Anti-matter symmetry. The known five string classes are encompassed by the Twin Bipolaron model and the Bipolaron model so demystifies the nature of M-theory as the collection of the background dependent string classes. In 2019, Haramein et al., defined a spherical volume unit or voxel for space, which was called the oscillating Planck Spherical Unit (PSU), being seen as the most fundamental unit of energy, also representing a bit of information. The number of PSUs that can tile the surface of the spherical object under consideration represents a surface density which gives the information content of the surface in terms of PSU. With surface entropy η and volume entropy R. Haramein et al., define a non-dimensional ratio that expresses the surface-to-volume entropy and represents the information potential transfer or rate of information exchange between the volume and the surface of the spherical system. This holographic mass demonstrates that every proton is connected to every other proton in the universe, via the micro-wormhole network of multiply-connected space-time geometry. A closely related theory was proposed picturing electrons and protons as Compton particles. Like in the Holographic mass model, an inner structure of fermions is proposed consisting of packed elementary dipoles, similar to the Planck Spherical Units of Haramein, also having a connective role in the cosmos. Mayer demonstrates the crucial role of entropy and information in fractal cosmic architecture, in line with the Entropic Gravity conjecture of Verlinde. It is concluded that all of the theories highlight the proton as a fundamental modality for Gravity/Dark Energy creation in a holographic, scale-invariant, toroidal context. Yet, the Holographic Mass and Compton Parricle theories are devoted to the inner structure of the proton, build up from Planck units, whereas the Bipolaron concept sees the proton as "never alone", being paired with an electron as well as a cloud of informational guiding phonons, so forming the quasi-particle polaron. This informational aspect resembles the theory of Verlinde, that conceives gravity to be a compensatory reaction to the displacement of information. The present Bipoaron boson/fermion construct, with its implicit phonon guiding and informational "pilot wave" aspects, could therefore act as a 5 th gauge "Gravitone" of an adapted Standard Model. A Black Hole Horizon of holographic information at the very center of every atom/el. particle, implies a cosmic wormhole matrix structure that may continually bridge the physical to the metaphysical Universe.