Memaknai Penyelamatan Zipora terhadap Rencana Pembunuhan Musa oleh Tuhan (original) (raw)
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Kematian Yesus Kristus Bagi Pengampunan
Without the death of Jesus Christ, there will be no forgiveness of sins nor the eternal salvation for human. The salvation that happens, cannot be separated from the faith of believers to Christ, for what He has done on the cross. By the grace of His forgiveness, the sinful people experience the freedom, which is the restorative key towards the broken relationship between God and human.
Repetisi mengenai Keputusasaan Pemazmur dalam Menantikan Pertolongan Allah: Eksegesis Mazmur 13
PASCA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen, 2021
Mazmur 13 merupakan reptisi yang diakhiri dengan bergerak kepada ketenangan sebagai peran dari pertolongan Allah. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan hermeneutika, khususnya sastra puisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan suatu repetisi dari pemazmur sebagai penekanan terhadap permohonan kepada Allah yang berdampak kepada suatu nilai-nilai teologis. Artikel ini menemukan adanya pengulangan keluhan pemazmur sebanyak tiga kali; pertama, ekspresi keputusasaan pemazmur yang menderita berkepanjangan, kedua Pemazmur sungguh mengharapkan pembebasan dari Allah yang dapat segera terwujud. Lalu terjadi repitisi kembali tentang penyelamatan Allah sendiri, yang menyelamatkan dari dunia kematian, menerangi mata (ayat 3), dan ketiga melakukan hal-hal yang baik (ay 5b).
Kematian Kristus Bagi Pengampunan Orang Percaya
Missio-Christo, 2018
Without the death of Jesus Christ, there will be no forgiveness of sins nor the eternal salvation for human. The salvation that happens, cannot be separated from the faith of believers to Christ, for what He has done on the cross. By the grace of His forgiveness, the sinful people experience the freedom, which is the restorative key towards the broken relationship between God and human. What Christ has done should be the model for believers in forgivining themselves, also accepting and giving forgiveness. In fact, it needs big effort in forgiving, because of the complex reason. Not only the unbelievers, but also the believers, more than that, God's servants that have been serving, do not want to give forgiveness to others, which gives impact to the ministry itself. A lot of people are dissapointed, and some leave their faith to Jesus Christ, because they don't understand the meaning of Christ's forgiveness through His death in their lives. The unwillingness in forgiving causes the unfinished conflict, and at the end, there will be no harmony between one to another. The forgiveness of God in and through Christ Jesus is totally perfect and enough for human. God's forgiveness is total, and does't talk about the sin in the past anymore. The forgiveness that is given by God in and through Jesus Christ is the foundation and model for the forgiveness of believers. The unlimited and perfect forgiveness of Jesus Christ enabled believers in forgiving others. Key phrases: The death of Jesus Christ, forgiveness of believers.
Misi Penyelamatan dalam Narasi Keluaran Menjawab Pergumulan Teologis Penderitaan Manusia
Kharisma: Jurnal Ilmiah Teologi
Two years in the mids of Covid-19 pandemic has caused suffering globally. Nations experience crises in various fields of life. As a result of this crisis, many cry out to question where God is and why He doesn't intervene and solve human sufferings today. Therefore, God is considered absent in human life.To answer this theological problem, the author by using a literary criticism approach will interpret the book of Exodus to show the nature of God's saving mission which is formative-constitutive and prophetic-paradigmatic. The Exodus event illustrates an appropriate response in interpreting the situation of a nation experiencing suffering. Through this interpretation, a pattern of salvation is found for the suffering people. A nation in a state of suffering asked God for help and God answered through His chosen agency for a rescue mission.This research finds that God's people today are enslaved by the fear of death as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. When God's peo...
Janji Berkat Ismael: Kontra Argumen Terhadap Islamofobia dan Implikasi Bagi Misi Gereja
Kharisma: Jurnal Ilmiah Teologi
Islamophobia is an attitude that is widespread, especially among Christians. This attitude is one of the obstacles to evangelism and the mission of the church. Using a qualitative descriptive and literary study method, this research aims to make the church aware of the importance of Ishmaelites and Muslims as targets of God's mission of love to fight Islamophobia. The results of the discussion put forward Islamophobia in a Christian environment, the relationship between Ishmael and Islam, the meaning and content of Ishmael's Blessing Promise, and its implications for the church and mission. The conclusion from this discussion is that Islam has a correlation with Ismail and Christians have a duty as a means of mission, namely to preach the Gospel and show love for Muslims. AbstrakSikap Islamofobia merupakan sikap yang marak terutama di kalangan Kristen. Sikap ini merupakan salah satu hambatan penginjilan dan misi gereja. Dengan metode Deskriptif Kualitatif dan Studi Pustaka, ...
Narapiter Care: Bantuan Khusus Filantropi Islam Terhadap Upaya Penanggulangan Terorisme di Indonesia
Esai Santri Writer Summit, 2017
Tepat pada Rabu malam 24 Mei 2017 dentuman keras menggelegar di samping sebuah halte Trans Jakarta di kawasan Kampung Melayu Jakarta Timur. Ledakan itu telah menewaskan tiga orang anggota kepolisian yang sedang menjaga pawai obor. 1 Peristiwa bom bunuh diri yang terjadi di Kampung Melayu Jakarta Timur tersebut merupakan salah satu tindak kejahatan terorisme yang melanda Indonesia. Sebelumnya, Indonesia juga dilanda aksi teror seperti: Bom Bali I dan II, Bom di Hotel JW. Marriott dan Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, bom bunuh diri di Masjid Mapolresta Cirebon saat Salat Jumat dan yang lainnnya, aksi-aksi teror tersebut berhasil merangsek masuk ke Indonesia. Sebagai negara yang penuh dengan keanekaragaman dan pluralitas, Indonesia sangatlah rawan akan terjadinya tindak kejahatan terorisme. Hal ini diperkuat dengan letak geografis Indonesia yang strategis berada di dua benua dan dua samudera, sehingga menyebabkan tidak sedikit teroris dari luar negeri masuk ke Indonesia, menciptakan jama'ah dan perkumpulan kelompok-kelompok radikal. Luasnya hutan dan banyaknya pulau-pulau yang terpencil juga memperkuat gerakan kelompok mereka. Pendapat lain yang menyebabkan suburnya terorisme di Indonesia adalah karena faktor kemiskinan yang masih menyelimuti rakyat Indonesia. Ketidakadilan. Serta sistem kapitalis yang menjadikan mereka frustasi akan mimpi-mimpi mereka terhadap sebuah kesejahteraan. Kinerja pemerintah dan lembaga-lembaganya yang dinilai buruk juga memotivasi mereka untuk melakukan aksi teror. Kemiskinan, kesenjangan sosial dan ketidakadilan agaknya menjadi hal yang paling fundamental yang mendorong kuat seseorang memilih untuk menjadi teroris. Mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat George W. Bush dan mantan Perdana Menteri Inggris Tony Blair berpandangan bahwa kemiskinan, kurangnya pendidikan dan minimnya lapangan pekerjaan akan menyuburkan terorisme. Fathali Moghaddam juga menjelaskan bagaimana seseorang secara bertahap melewati tangga menjadi teroris. Basisnya adalah kondisi psikologis dan 1, Kronologi Ledakan Bom Bunuh Diri di Kampung Melayu
Taubat Pelaku Pembunuhan Sengaja dalam Al-Qur’an
TAFSE: Journal of Qur'anic Studies
Taubat is one of the religious commandments that man must do. In the Koran, there are many verses that command to repent. On the other hand, the act of killing deliberately is regarded by some mufasir as an act that which there is no repentance (taubat) for the perpetrator. This study wants to see what verses in the Koran are indicated to have a connection with taubat for perpetrators of intentional murder and its interpretation and how the mufasir views related to taubat for perpetrators of intentional murder. This research is a library study and the data is presented using thematic methods. The mufasir referred to in this study are Ibn Katsīr, Hamka, M. Quraish Shihab, al-Qurthubi and Wahbah al-Zuhaili. The results showed that some scholars from salāf circles argued that it was not accepted by people who had committed intentional killings. Meanwhile, the scholars of both salāf and khalāf hold the view that people who have committed the act of killing intentionally still have the o...
Tasya Bella Anggraeni, 2023
This study discusses the development of fitrah in the perspective of the Koran and hadith which is divided into the concept of fitrah, the development of fitrah and the significance of fitrah according to the Koran and hadith. Fitrah is the process of human creation or the origin of humans as Muslims. There is a correlation between human nature and child development. Where children are guided through education and Islamic values.