Misi Kristologi dalam Konteks Kebudayaan (original) (raw)

Kristologi Dalam Bingkai Asia

Jurnal Antusias, 2013

Kristologi yang selama ini dipelajari tidak bisa dipungkiri awalnya banyak dikembangkan di Barat maka rumusan Kristologi tentunya lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh konteks Barat ketimbang konteks Asia.Konteks yang berkembang di Barat sangat berbeda dengan konteks yang berkembang di Asia maka menelan mentah-mentah semua rumusan Kristologi yang dikembangkan di Barat akan membuat rumusan tersebut menjadi asing di Asia, Kristologi di awang-awang alias tidak membumi. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan Kristologi dalam bingkai Asia.

Kristologi Dalam Konteks Islam DI Indonesia

Gema Teologi, 2009

Indonesian Christians live in a Moslem surrounding. That is the context of Christians in Indonesia. Sometimes there is a tension between Christians and Moslem in Indonesia because of their faiths. Anxious feelings emerge because when Christians and Moslem construct their theologies, the 'other' is considered as 'enemy' that threat ourselves, theology became 'apology'. The context plays a role in the interpretation of Christian faith which is conscious of the importance of the situation and connection for shaping the theology, include Christology. Christological interpretations emerge because of the Christian faith affirmation in the context which they have taken shape. In Indonesia, not many scholars, however, dedicate a study with regard to the Christology in the context of Islam in Indonesia. J.B. Banawiratma is one of exceptions. He proposes Jesus as the 'Word of God' who has role as mediator between human being and Divinity. The concept is parallel to the concept of al-Qur'an in Islamic theology.

Kristologi dalam konteks Islam


Tulisan ini akan memperlihatkan bagaimana Kristologi mampu berdialog dengan pemahaman yang dimiliki oleh Islam yaitu Kalam Allah yang turun dalam wujud Al-Qur'an. Bagaimana kita mempertemukan konsep Logos yang turun menjadi Kristus dengan Kalam Allah yang turun dalam bentuk Al-Qur'an.

Teologi Misi Bagi Gerakan Misi dan Komunikasi Kristen Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

Jurnal Teologi Kontekstual Indonesia, 2021

Hakekat teologi misi berupa Missio Dei, Missio Christos, dan Missio Ecclesiae adalah misi Allah (God’s Mission) berupa aktifitas Allah Tritunggal (The Truine God) menebus dunia ciptaan-Nya dari kebinasaan akibat dosa. Kerangka pemikiran teologis ini menjadi dasar pemikiran yang melandasi gerakan misi dan komunikasi Kristen pasca pandemi Covid-19 atau Era New Normal. Olehnya, gereja diajak untuk memikirkan ulang dan merekonstruksi strategi misinya dengan sikap non-eksklusif, toleran dan melayani secara holistik. Metode penelitian yang dipakai berupa studi perpustakaan dengan mengkaji teks-teks alkitab, jurnal penelitian dan buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan topik atau judul penelitian guna menjawab masalah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa gereja perlu memberi perhatian yang lebih besar kepada isu-isu global kemanusian, mengalakkan dialog konstruktif dan terbuka dengan penganut agama lain dan meningkatkan intensitas pemanfaatan media sosial dan komunikasi virtual dalam meny...

Misiologi Dari Perspektif Teologi Kontekstual

Gema Teologi, 2007

In the sixties of the twentieth century the mission concept of the church changed. The 'modern' concept of the Enlightenment 'no salvation outside the church' was changed into the 'post-modern' concept that the church has to be a sign of salvation, of the Kingdom of God. God wants all people to be saved, so the church has to search for signs of salvation in this world. The church as the people of God is wandering in this world on her search for the Kingdom of God. One universal church changed in a universal church which consists of local churches in their own contexts. The local churches are interrelated. Mission is the mission of God ('missio Dei'), based on the Trinity: to save the world the Father has sent the Son, and the Son and the Father sent the Holy Spirit to guide the church in her task to become a sign of the present and coming Kingdom of God, to participate in the salvation history of God. To incarnate herself in the Asian context the mean task of the church is a threefold dialogue: the dialogue with the poverty, the dialogue with cultures and the dialogue with people of other religions and convictions. According to Amaladoss the church can inspire also non Christians to participate as fellows in the search for the Kingdom of God, because the Holy Spirit of God is also working in them. The urgent mission of the followers of Jesus in Asia is to bring the Good News as Jesus did by emptying Himself and becoming a Servant. The church has the difficult and often painful task to present the presence of God within the contexts where she lives: the different cultures, religions and often grinding poverty. Hopefully the church can become a sign of peace and harmony within the Asian context, a sign that God will become all in all. Kata kunci: perubahan konsep misiologi, Missio Dei, Trinitas, Kerajaan Allah, dialog rangkap tiga, keselamatan, gereja lokal, konteks Asia. Pendahuluan Sebagai seorang misiolog sangat sulit untuk menjelaskan inti misiologi saat ini. Sejak paradigma misi 'modern' kurang relevan lagi, misi gereja mengalami krisis besar. 1 Paradigma misi 'modern' sangat dipengaruhi oleh pikiran Pencerahan, sehingga gereja menghubungi perkembangan industri dan ilmu

Menantang Paradigma Misi Kristen yang Bersifat Kognitif-Proposisional dengan Mengembangkan Pengetahuan Historis Misi

Indonesian Journal of Theology, 2015

Mission, a basic facet of Christianity, has been deployed in many different ways. One strategy has been by means of violence, rooted as this approach has been in a cognitive-propositional mode of thinking. In this article, I show the importance of maintaining a historical understanding of mission, in order to challenge certain realizations of Christian mission-driven by such a cognitive-propositional paradigm. This article appropriates aspects of George A. Lindbeck’s thought, in order to explain the characteristics of the cognitive-propositional paradigm and its implications for Christian mission.

Iman Kristen Dan Kebudayaan

Jurnal Teologi Kontekstual Indonesia

Culture is created by God, as it is the essence of Christian faith, in order to reflects His values and glory. Culture can not be separated from the existence of God relate to its origin, process and ultimate objective. However, culture is never be able separated from humanity's oldest struggle, sin. The existence of sin also takes part in various area in the development of human culture, there for brings those who insult and assume that God is not the highest and must be glorified, even rejecting the existence of God. The teachings of the Christian faith explain the concept of redemption which finally enables the culture to recognize the existence of God as the highest being, and to reveal His glory. This paper expresses various Christian struggles in addressing the existence and development of human culture from the perspective of the Christian faith, and returning it to God's original position and purpose for humans. Kebudayaan berasal dari Allah dijalankan sesuai tata ni...

Konteks Misi Katolik di Indonesia

Seri Filsafat Teologi

Artikel ini berfokus pada tonggak-tonggak sejarah misi dalam Gereja Katolik. Dengan metode historis-panoramik, penulis berusaha untuk mengajukan beberapa tonggak penting yang telah dilalui oleh para misionaris, sebagai salah satu bukti nyata penyebaran iman mereka, yang didorong oleh amanat Kristus untuk mewartakan Injil ke segala makhluk (Markus 16:15). Amanat ini terartikulasi dalam karya para rasul. Dari Kisah Para Rasul, kita ketahui ada beberapa pusat misi, dimana para Rasul mempersiapkan diri dengan pengajaran dan pembentukan komunitas. Diantaranya, yang paling jelas ialah Antiokhia. Paulus merupakan produk misionaris yang berasal dari “sekolah” Antiokhia. Semangat misi ini di kemudian hari diteruskan oleh Gereja Katolik hingga lahirlah Propaganda Fide (1622). Pendirian Propaganda Fide ini memiliki keterkaitan latar belakang cukup beragam. Yang barangkali harus dicatat bahwa tahun itu 1622 merupakan pasca-seratus tahun kurang satu dari Bulla Paus, Decet Romanum, yang menghuk...