EFFORT TO UNDERSTANDING GOD: Learn from Stanley J. Samartha (original) (raw)

Religious Syncretism and Pluralism

Religion Society and Culture, 2015

This writing introduces the concept of religious syncretism. Religious beliefs and practices are rarely bounded to a particular territory although the world has seen many conflicts because of attempts to link religion to specific territories. This will examine the concept of religious syncretism and also explore existing examples of religious syncretism in Sri Lanka and other places.

Thinking about God in a Pluralistic World.


This is the first of eight overview lectures on strands in modern reflection about God. Published in the online journal Religious Theory: http://jcrt.org/religioustheory/2018/05/12/thinking-about-god-in-a-pluralistic-world-the-challenge-of-modern-theology-lecture-1-johannes-zuchaber/

The Philokalic Experience of Deification (Theosis) and the Advaitic Experience of Non-Duality (Brahmanubhava) a Definition of Spirituality in the Horizon of the Interreligious Dialogue


From the correspondence of the interaction between the Indian and the Occidental area, it has been highlighted, first of all, the difference of religious thinking between Hinduism and Christianity. Both of these religious identities propose a spiritual „programme‟ in which man‟s vocation is mentioned. What we propose in the present study is the definition of the deification experience (theosis) and of the advaitic experience of non-duality (brahmanubhava) as a possible basis on which one could build an interreligious dialogue mentioning the undisputable function of religion in the Western society, which is experiencing the tragedy of desacralization or secularization. We find this parallel extremely useful, since many Westerners have taken over different interpretations operated by so-called gurus on Indian philosophy problems, interpretations that have altered the authentic significance of these problems.

Exploring God concepts of Christians, Muslims, and New Age participants

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