Fibroblast cytoskeletal remodeling contributes to connective tissue tension (original) (raw)
2011, Journal of Cellular Physiology
The visco‐elastic behavior of connective tissue is generally attributed to the material properties of the extracellular matrix rather than cellular activity. We have previously shown that fibroblasts within areolar connective tissue exhibit dynamic cytoskeletal remodeling within minutes in response to tissue stretch ex vivo and in vivo. Here, we tested the hypothesis that fibroblasts, through this cytoskeletal remodeling, actively contribute to the visco‐elastic behavior of the whole tissue. We measured significantly increased tissue tension when cellular function was broadly inhibited by sodium azide and when cytoskeletal dynamics were compromised by disrupting microtubules (with colchicine) or actomyosin contractility (via Rho kinase inhibition). These treatments led to a decrease in cell body cross‐sectional area and cell field perimeter (obtained by joining the end of all of a fibroblast's processes). Suppressing lamellipodia formation by inhibiting Rac‐1 decreased cell body...
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Physical Biology, 2021
Living tissue is able to withstand large stresses in everyday life, yet it also actively adapts to dynamic loads. This remarkable mechanical behaviour emerges from the interplay between living cells and their non-living extracellular environment. Here we review recent insights into the biophysical mechanisms involved in the reciprocal interplay between cells and the extracellular matrix and how this interplay determines tissue mechanics, with a focus on connective tissues. We first describe the roles of the main macromolecular components of the extracellular matrix in regards to tissue mechanics. We then proceed to highlight the main routes via which cells sense and respond to their biochemical and mechanical extracellular environment. Next we introduce the three main routes via which cells can modify their extracellular environment: exertion of contractile forces, secretion and deposition of matrix components, and matrix degradation. Finally we discuss how recent insights in the me...
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