The entrepreneurship concept – a short introduction (original) (raw)

Interpreting the ‘Entrepreneurial Turn’ in European Higher Education

Universities are increasingly pressurized to respond to external imperatives and demands, while, at the same time, being expected to enhance both their efficiency and accountability. This is leading to the local adoption of key, structural and cultural features associated with the model or global script of the entrepreneurial university. This chapter undertakes a critical analysis of the premises associated with the latter model, and provides new insights on the sustainability of the “entrepreneurial turn in higher education” against the backdrop of the challenges facing European universities.

The Place of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education – Present State and

Entrepreneurship is one of the main driving forces of the national economies. In Poland, more and more jobs are created in private enterprises, set up and running by entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are characterized as people, which seize the opportunity to act, have higher self-esteem and a greater sense of control over their lives, and they, usually become successful people. This causes a widespread conviction, that the promotion of entrepreneurship, may result in maximizing the success of both, individual and in the scale of the national economy as well. Therefore, it becomes important to develop standards in the field of entrepreneurship education, the greater numbers of people would have been able to achieve a professional success. This article presents the essence of the entrepreneurship and the role of education, in entrepreneurship's excitation or strengthening. Also a practical example of the implementation of these provisions by one of the Polish Universities -Czestochowa University of Technology, is presented.

Towards a Comprehensive Policy on Entrepreneurship Education in the European Higher Education


The paper discusses policy issues related to entrepreneurship education in higher education and how entrepreneurship education may be related to the science-industry link. The first part of the paper is dedicated to the rationale for fostering entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial function in the economy of a given coutry or region. In a second part, the authors comment European events and policy documents on entrepreneurship education in the last tewnty years. The most significant drawback is that a specific policy targeting the explicit role of universities in the provision of entrepreneurship education is lacking and that there is a huge interest and potential to its future development. In this context, the authors suggest in the last part of the article strategic and operational measures as parts of a comprehensive policy on entrepreneurship education in the European higher education.

Entrepreneurial studies in higher education: some insights for Entrepreneurship education in Europe


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this paper is to assess the state of entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions in Europe (which are not universities for Economics) comparing the academic developments in the field of entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Western Europe (WE). THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: To fulfil the objective of the paper such research methods as literature review and Internet research were applied. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The process of arguments presented in this paper was systemized in two parts. Firstly, there was discussed the theoretical background of academic entrepreneurship education. Secondly, based on own Internet research there was presented and discussed the educational programme in the field of entrepreneurship at selected European universities. RESEARCH RESULTS: There are discrepancies in teaching entrepreneurship between universities in Europe. West-European universities offer a richer entrepreneursh...

Entrepreneurship in University


The entrepreneurship - concept known for over two centuries, is extensively promoted in academic and business environment in the last decades, as a key factor of the competitiveness and economic growth. In a broader sense, the entrepreneurship defines a behaviour ch aracterized by the emphasis on innovation, on the creation of new business or to make changes in exis ting organizations in order to obtain useful result s. Initially applied in business, entrepreneurship is present today in a ll spheres of economic and social life, materialize d through all kinds of projects: for disadvantaged regions, humanitaria n and environmental projects etc. Based on these general considerations, the paper aims pr esenting relevant aspects of academic entrepreneurs hip, with emphasis on the relationship between entrepren eurship and modern management systems implemented for quality assurance in university education and research.

Universities and Entrepreneurship: Meeting the Educational and Social Challenges

Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 2021

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Entrepreneurial University – from Ideas to Reality

Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne, 2015

The aim of this study is to formulate and highlight the thesis on reasonability and capability of applying such attitudes and pursuing such activities in the practical operation of institutions of higher education that reflect the idea of the entrepreneurial university which has become prominent nowadays. The idea is described in brief and its present status is indicated here. The authors are seeking conditions for the practical implementation of this idea. They formulate four attributes of the entrepreneurial university, naming them economic, market, innovative and managerial orientations. They point to specific criteria of identifying each of the orientations. They present the general assessment of entrepreneurship of Polish institutions of higher education. Their conclusions highlight the most topical conditions for implementing the idea of entrepreneurial university, such as: building the economic strength and market position of the university, developing relations with the socioeconomic environment, internationalisation and innovativeness. The authors give support to the idea of the entrepreneurial university but-by examining the Polish reality-they notice the need for actions in the sphere of law, which regulates the university's capabilities to act, and point to the need for entrepreneurship-oriented transformations of lawyers and university management staff's awareness.