König Artus und die Tafelrunde (original) (raw)

König Artus, die Tafelrunde und der Kampf gegen den Krieg. In: Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung 2/2016, 42-54.

King Arthur, the Round Table and the Fight against War: At first sight it may seem like a contradiction to understand Arthurian epic as a medium against war. But this tendency manifests itself in some 20th century Arthuriana. The article's main focus lies on T.H. White's "The Once and Future King" (1958). In this novel young King Arthur learns to use chivalry and the round table as means of building a peaceful society and prevent war. But in the end, he must realize that his golden age of cuivalric values is doomed. Reflections of White's theme of prevention of war can also be found in Donald Barthelme's "The King" (1990).

Der König spielt Schach? Überlegungen zu einem ›fehlenden‹ Ikonotypus im Artusroman

Artusroman und Bildlichkeit, 2023

Chess played an important role in the courtly literature of the Middle Ages. Because of the possible contrasts, dynamics, etc., narrative or pictorial images of chess-playing knights or rulers were particularly suitable for generating intensity in the sense of the ekphrasis-doctrine. Therefore, chess scenes are often found at key points in medieval literature. This is particularly true for the Arthurian novel, because here there seems to be an even closer connection between game and narrative structure, which not only generates new types of images of chess, but at the same time makes it clear that Arthur is not a chess-playing king (and therefore is usually not represented in this way), but is himself a chess piece within the logic of the Arthurian novel.

Der vierte König. Fragen zu den Tafelbildern heiliger Könige auf Burg Karlstein

Untersuchung der Darstellung heiliger Könige auf Burg Karlstein mit Fokus auf der Frage, ob dort vier Heilige Drei Könige dargestellt werden. Erste Überlegungen, ob sich die Beobachtung durch den hl. Erik von Schweden oder eine Darstellung des Priesterkönigs Johannes lösen lässt. Bitte diskutieren Sie auf dem BLog mit! Small paper asking if in the Chapel of the Holy Cross, Karlstejn Castle, there are depicted four of the Magi - and discussion of possible explanations of this, involving St. Erik of Sweden and Prester John. Feel free to join the discussion on the blog!


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Art. »König Lear«

Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur. Im Auftrag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig ed. by Dan Diner, 2012