The Miniature of Siparti 3-S: KSM Sibermas in the Urban Poverty Project in Kelurahan Tlogomas, Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Malang, Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Community participation is an important factors to ensure the sustainability of institution, program and activity, this includes the solid waste management sector. Furthermore, citizen actually hold an important role to manage the solid waste from the sources. Unfortunately, they haven't fully realized about their role and potential to participate, because of lack of awareness and negative perspective about solid waste, causing the ineffective condition of solid waste management. In consequence of this, many initiatives have resulted to increase the community participation in solid waste management, such as people movement, anorganic waste management with trash bank and focus group discussion. Purpose of this research is to identify and build a position map of stakeholders, which have been identified before, in a network that can be used to illustrate the current condition of community based solid waste management in Bandung City, based on the assessment from the respondents with the support of PolicyMaker and UCINET, NetDraw to map and identify the central institution from the network. Based on the results, government still is the main, most central institution among stakeholders in the network of community based solid waste management, whilst formal community institution holds the biggest potential to be partnered with because they have professional management with wider, various participants and area characteristics. The biggest problem in participation based solid waste management are the lack of regeneration process in each institutions and the lack of citizen awareness about their role, potential and ability to participate in the solid waste management.Without the support from citizen, collaborating with another stakeholders, such as government, formal communities, education institutes, it will be very hard to maintain the solid waste management system based on community participation. Abstrak: Partisipasi masyarakat merupakan aspek yang sangat penting untuk menjaga keberlanjutan suatu lembaga, program maupun aktivitas, termasuk sektor pengelolaan sampah. Masyarakat memiliki peran dan potensi yang tinggi untuk mendukung pengelolaan sampah dari sumber, namun mereka umumnya belum terlalu menyadari pentingnya peran mereka karena kurangnya kesadaran dan perspektif terhadap sampah yang masih bersifat negatif. Kondisi ini menyebabkan belum efektifnya pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat di Kota Bandung. Dalam perkembangannya, muncul berbagai inisiatif yang berupaya untuk meningkatkan pemahaman, kesadaran dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam sektor pengelolaan sampah, seperti gerakan masyarakat/event, pembentukan forum maupun keberadaan lembaga masyarakat formal dan informal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan posisi pelaku yang berpengaruh dalam jaringan pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat di Kota Bandung berdasarkan penilaian kelembagaan masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah stakeholders analysis dan penilaian kapasitas lembaga dengan dukungan software PolicyMaker untuk menilai kapasitas lembaga dan UCINET serta NetDraw untuk memetakan dan mengidentifikasi lembaga yang memiliki posisi sentral. Lembaga pemerintah masih dianggap lembaga yang memiliki peran sentral dan utama dalam pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat di Kota Bandung, sedangkan lembaga komunitas formal memiliki potensi yang sangat tinggi untuk dijadikan lembaga mitra. Kondisi ini disebabkan lembaga formal memiliki manajemen yang profesional serta karakteristik kegiatan, partisipan dan area yang beragam. Adapun permasalahan utama yang terjadi dalam pengelolaan sampah berbasis partisipasi adalah tidak adanya regenerasi yang akan mempengaruhi keberlanjutan lembaga dan kegiatan dan kurangnya pemahaman serta kesadaran masyarakat. Kata kunci: pengelolaan sampah, partisipasi masyarakat, pemetaan pelaku 7-62
Journal Transnational Universal Studies, 2023
This study examines the implementation of the 3R movement and the establishment of waste banks to empower the community to create a Zero Waste Wirittasi Village that Cares for the Marine Environment. By applying a participatory approach, villagers are actively involved in program planning and implementation, raising their awareness of the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling waste. The method used in this study is the quantitative descriptive method. The establishment of waste banks is at the core of this initiative, providing infrastructure for more structured waste management and empowering communities to manage waste efficiently. Implementation outcomes include a reduction in the amount of waste, changes in consumer behavior, and positive impacts on the marine environment. Nevertheless, challenges such as the sustainability of community participation and infrastructure capacity building are still a concern. The study provides an in-depth look at community empowerment efforts in the context of Zero Waste and provides a basis for the further development of sustainability strategies at local and global levels.
IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development), 2022
Purpose: This research is a qualitative research that presents an overview of the social and economic transformation that can be achieved through the application of the 3R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) concept in the Cipageran Community 22 Sukatani Village, West Java Regency. Design/methodology/approach: In this study, the data collection process was carried out through three qualitative data collection techniques, namely: (1) Interviews; (2) Observation; and (3) Literature review. The interview process was carried out with 3R activists and the community of Cipageran Community 22, while observations were made by visiting the location and witnessing the process firsthand. The literature review is implemented in various documents related to 3R practices. Findings: The results of the study indicate that there is a change in the mindset (knowledge), attitudes, and behavior of the residents of Cipageran Community 22 after gaining insight and having the opportunity to apply the 3R concept in their environment. The application of this concept not only changes knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the management and utilization of household waste but is also able to generate economic benefits through the sale of handicrafts produced from inorganic waste. Paper type: Research paper.
Devotion, 2023
This research paper examines the implementation of Creating Shared Value (CSV) at PT Pegadaian (Persero) through its Alamanda Sejahtera Waste Bank Assistance Program in Bekasi City. The study aims to describe the program formulation and implementation of CSV in the waste bank assistance program. CSV, proposed by Michael Porter and Mark Kramer in 2011, emphasizes The importance of creating shared value between companies and society. This concept gives a win-win Solution where companies can achieve their business goals while providing benefits to the community and the environment. The approach and type of research used in this study is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The research focuses on PT Pegadaian (Persero), a state-owned financial company that has successfully reduced non-organic waste by 3,600 tons from 2018 to 2022 through its waste bank assistance program. The research contributes to the understanding of CSV implementation in the Indonesian context, focusing on PT Pegadaian (Persero)'s waste bank assistance program. Through this program, the company has not only made a positive impact on the environment by reducing non-organic waste but also created shared value by involving waste bank managers as Pegadaian agents. The findings shed light on the benefits of integrating financial services with waste management initiatives, demonstrating how companies can achieve their business goals while contributing to societal well-being. This research serves as a valuable reference for other financial institutions and organizations interested in implementing CSV and promoting sustainable practices in their operations.
Ajeng Rahmawati , 2023
This article contains excerpts of P5 implementation activities at the school assigned to the teaching campus, namely SD Negeri 1 Karangasem, Klaten Regency. As for the P5 project implementation this time, the theme is "Sustainable Lifestyle". This theme was taken with the intention of training students to be sensitive to environmental problems and be able to find the right solution to overcome these problems. Given the many problems of paper and plastic waste that have accumulated in schools, I was moved to organize activities to recycle this paper and plastic waste to be used as project activities for grade 4 students who are currently using the independent curriculum. As for this article, it discusses 1) Describes the implementation of P5 activities at SD Negeri 1 Karangasem 2) Describes the form of efforts made to maximize the implementation of P5 activities at SD Negeri 1 Karangasem. With this project it is hoped that it will be able to overcome the problem of paper waste (from the results of library improvement activities) and plastic waste (especially plastic bottles) in SD Negeri 1 Karangasem can be resolved properly, considering that the school land is narrow and does not allow the waste to be burned so by holding this project activity, it is hoped that it can be a good alternative to overcome the existence of waste problems in the school. As for writing this article using a type of qualitative descriptive research with data collection techniques using observation, interviews and literature review. The conclusion of writing this article is to describe the implementation of P5 (Strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile Project) at SD Negeri 1 Karangasem in the form of project activities to recycle paper waste and plastic bottles.
Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Plastik di Kota Lhokseumawe - Provinsi Aceh
Jurnal Serambi Engineering, 2019
The study aims to describe the plastic waste management from a processing perspective that has economic value added. Conversion of waste into an economic value, is one practice that can be a role of model, so that it can guide a certain region to do good and correct waste of management. The potential of Aceh's plastic waste is relatively large, which must be considered by the regional government to be able to realize related to plastic waste processing activities by the processor, where the existence is a large potential to be used as an opportunity for recycle. The current practice is still a little and only processing the plastic waste to become plastic chips, and there is no plastic waste processing converted into processed plastic products. The existence of this processing can provide economic added value for its owners and provide benefits to local governments as well. Therefore, it is need the role of the Aceh government to bring up the spirit of entrepreneurship, especially in the management and processing of plastic waste. On the other hand, a spirit of togetherness is needed through coordination and cooperation between local governments and non-governmental institutions, activists and environmentalists to carry out the mandate of the law relating to environmental conservation including waste management activities that can be added to economic value.
Garbage is one of the most serious problems in the environment around the world and is closely related to everyday human life. Estimated waste generation throughout Indonesia is 38.5 tons / year. The problem of garbage in Jilatan Village Batu Ampar Sub District has a high percentage of household waste management in Jilatan Village, it is known that the community manages household waste by throwing it back to the house by 2.9%, by another by 2.5% Dumped into the garden by 1.5%, by way of discharge to the river by 1.0%, and managing household waste by burning 92.0% and the community that separates organic and non-organic waste inside the house by 24.0 % and the community that did not separate organic and non-organic waste in the house by 76.0%. Based on this it is known that waste management is still found in the Jilatan village. Intervention activities are conducted through empowerment activities in which improvement of knowledge, attitude and behavior. Activity interventions that ca...