Analyzing the Discursive Constructions of Roma Children s Educational Reality – A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Hungarian Case through the Lens of Teacher Education (original) (raw)

This research aims to explore and critically challenge how discourses and narratives explain and justify the inequalities experienced by so many Roma children in Hungary when it comes to schooling. Taking a top down perspective, the focus will not be the lived experiences of Roma children, but rather the critical analysis of the prevalent ways of thinking about the XIV 1 In this thesis I will use mostly the term Roma and also Roma/Gypsy. I am aware that these terms encapsulate and group under one single name a multitude of social, cultural, economic, historical, political and linguistic experiences and people sharing those experiences. I am aware that this identity interacts with others, mitigating some aspects of one's experience or doubling the effect of a prospective negative influence. I will later elaborate on this complexity and the importance of naming from a discourse analytical perspective. So, when I use Roma, Roma people, Roma population, Roma children, this understanding and the complexity pertaining to it will be present behind the name and its meaning. With this, I will simultaneously enweave this notion into the fabric of this project until its end. 7 It was also inserted into the Constitution and Kállai himself was filling in this position until the government abolished it in 2011. (Kállai 2005) 8 The Race equality directive defines direct discrimination as the "less favourable treatment on grounds of racial or ethnic origin" while indirect discrimination is understood as a situation or a process where an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice would put persons of a racial or ethnic origin at a particular disadvantage compared with other persons, unless that provision, criterion or practice is objectively justified by a legitimate aim and the means of achieving that aim are appropriate and necessary." (Concil Directive 2000/43/EC 2000, Article 2(2) in ERRC p. 15) 9 ERRC is the abbreviation which stands for European Roma Rights Centre 'Felzárkózás' as help with terms and conditions ME: As the first question, I would like steer the word to, how would you define the comprehensive aim of the Roma's felzárkóztatás (to be made convergedthis is a factitive form).