Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Asi Eksklusif Berdasarkan Karakteristik DI Puskesmas Payangan Gianyar (original) (raw)

2021, Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)

Latar Belakang: masih rendahnya cakupan keberhasilan pemberian ASI Ekslusif pada bayi dipengaruhi banyak hal, diantaranya rendahnya pengetahuan dan kurangnya informasi pada ibu dan keluarga mengenai pentingnya pemberian ASI Ekslusif. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu Untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang ASI ekslusif di Puskesmas Payangan Gianyar. Metode: Metode pelaksanaan penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif dengan pendekatan crosssekctional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu 38 orang ibu hamil dan diambil secara Accidental sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Payangan Gianyar pada bulan Juli 2021. Pengolaham data menggunakan analisis univariat yaitu deskriptif. Hasil: dari 38 responden diketahui sebagian besar berusia 27-29 tahun sebanyak 11 responden (28,9%); pendidikan terakhir responden sebagian besar yaitu SMA sebanyak 16 responden (42,1%); sebagian besar responden sebagai IRT sebanyak 20 responden (52,6%); dan sebagian besar ibu hamil yang memeriksakan kehamilannya di Puskesmas Payangan Gianyar memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang pengertian ASI eksklusif yaitu sebanyak 28 responden (73,7%) dan sebanyak 10 responden (26,3%) yang memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang tentang pengertian ASI ekskusif. Kesimpulan : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden memiliki pengetahuan baik tentang pemberian asi ekslusif. Saran: peranan petugas kesehatan yang sangat penting dalam melindungi, mening yaitkatkan, dan mendukung usaha menyusui juga sebagai penyedia informasi kesehatan berkewajiban untuk memberikan edukasi. Bentuk kegiatan tersebut yaitu sebaiknya petugas kesehatan terutama bidan bekerja sama dengan instansi kesehatan mengadakan kegiatan penyuluhan dan konseling agar dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan informasi ibu tentang pentingnyas ASI Ekslusif. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan, Asi Ekslusif Background: The low coverage of the success of exclusive breastfeeding in infants is influenced by many things, including the lack of knowledge and lack of information to mothers and families about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to describe the level of knowledge of pregnant women about exclusive breastfeeding at the Payangan Gianyar Health Center. Methods: The method of implementing this research is descriptive with a cross-sectional approach. The sample in this study were 38 pregnant women and were taken by accidental sampling. This research was conducted at the Payangan Gianyar Health Center in July 2021. The data processing used univariate analysis, namely descriptive. Results: from 38 respondents, it is known that most of them are 27-29 years old, as many as 11 respondents (28.9%); Most of the respondents' last education was SMA as many as 16 respondents (42.1%); most of the respondents as IRT as many as 20 respondents (52.6%); and most of the pregnant women who had their pregnancy checked at the Payangan Gianyar Health Center had good knowledge about the meaning of exclusive breastfeeding, as many as 28 respondents (73.7%) and as many as 10 respondents (26.3%) who had less knowledge about the meaning of exclusive breastfeeding. Conclusion: The results showed that most of the respondents had good knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding. Suggestion: the role of health workers who are very important in protecting, increasing, and supporting breastfeeding businesses as well as providers of health information are obliged to provide education. The form of these activities is that health workers, especially midwives, work together with health agencies to conduct counseling and counseling activities in order to increase mother's knowledge and information about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding.