A novel defect detection method for software requirements inspections (original) (raw)

Detecting defects in software requirements specification

Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2014

This research is concerned with detecting defects in software requirements specification. Motivated by both the problem of producing reliable requirements and the limitations of existing taxonomies to provide a satisfactory level of information about defects in the requirements phase, we focus on providing a better tool for requirements analysts. Only few attempts have been made to classify defects and defect detection techniques. Scattered knowledge about defects and defect detection techniques needs compilation and re-evaluation in order to enhance the ability to discover defects in the requirements phase. Toward this end, this work presents a taxonomy of requirements defects and the causes of their occurrences. The purpose is to reach a comprehensive understanding of both the sources of the problem and the solutions of possible defects and defect detection techniques. The taxonomy's design is based on the analysis of each defect and its sources. In addition, this paper proposes a combined-reading technique for defects in requirements. The proposed technique avoids the shortcomings of other reading techniques. The result of applying the recommendations of this work specifically improves the quality of the requirements specification and generally software quality.

Evaluation of Requirement Defects: An Implementation of Identification Technique

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2012

There are various techniques involved in identification of defects in developing software but could not find a successful identification process in early stages. A concrete and cost effective technique for defect identification in early stage is high indispensable in modern era of software application and implications. In this study, we are attentive over an effort to commence an appropriate defect identification technique having two major components i.e. Requirement Inspection Participants (RIP) and Requirement Inspection Method (RIM). Although RIP is executed through author, moderator, reader, inspector and recorder, but RIM is covered through plan development, outline design, preparation and reporting to deliver overall requirement defect. After mutual course of action in identification, the inspection technique may be competent to deliver a significant output in the form of requirement defect. The implementation of defect inspection technique would also be appreciated by industry, software developers and innovators in future.

A Practical Approach to Quality Requirements Handling in Software Systems Development


— Quality requirements (non-functional requirements or NFR) are vital for the success of software systems. Therefore, to define the quality requirements and to check the quality attributes carefully is necessary for bringing good-quality software and ensuring quality of the service. This paper proposes a framework that measures the quality attributes in the requirement document. The output of proposed framework shows where quality attributes are contained and how much. The framework’s objectives are to assist defect detection of requirements statements with focus on quality requirements. We analyzed the requirement specification document using the framework, and confirm the efficacy of this framework.

An experiment to assess different defect detection methods for software requirements inspections

Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, 1994

Software requirements speci cations (SRS) are usually validated by inspections, in which several reviewers read all or part of the speci cation and search for defects. We hypothesize that di erent methods for conducting these searches may have signi cantly di erent rates of success. Therefore, we designed and performed an experiment to assess the e ect of di erent detection methods on the probability of detecting defects in a software speci cation document. Preliminary results of our rst run with 24 reviewers, assembled in 3 member teams, indicate that a scenariobased detection method, in which each reviewer executes a speci c procedure to discover a particular class of defects is more e ective than either ad hoc or checklist methods. We describe the design, execution, and analysis of the experiment so others may reproduce it and test our results for di erent kinds of software developments and di erent populations of software engineers.

Proposing a Systematic Approach to Verify Software Requirements

Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2014

Identifying stakeholder's needs, eliciting, categorizing and translating them into specifications is the requirement analysis process. Requirement analysis can be a long and arduous process during which many delicate psychological skills are involved. For any software, it is important to identify all stakeholders, collect their requirements and ensure they understand the implications of the software. The gap between stakeholders' vision of the proposed software and the analysis's depiction of that software is the cause of shortcomings in analysis. If the requirements specified by analysts can be tested against stakeholders' expectations, then this gap might be narrowed, and better solutions might be resulted. This paper discusses the impact of the activities of the analysis phase on the development process and on the software itself. It describes the development of the ReqVerifier tool and proposes a systematic approach on how to test software requirements and verify them against stakeholders' vision in order to develop a good software requirement for a quality software.

Experiences on Analysis of Requirements Quality

2008 The Third International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, 2008

The quality of any product depends on the quality of the basis of making it, i.e., the quality of the requirements has strong effect on the quality of the end products. In practice, however, the quality of requirement specifications is poor, in fact a primary reason why so many projects continue to fail. Thus, the current approaches as applied in practice are clearly not enough to develop high quality requirements specifications. Also, the poor quality of the requirements is typically not recognized during requirements development. In this paper we present a method called LSPCM developed for certifying software product quality. We also describe experiences from using the method for analyzing requirements quality in three cases. The three different cases show that the checks in the LSPCM are useful for finding inconsistencies in requirements specifications, regardless of the application domain.

Inspection of software requirements specification documents: a pilot study


Software Requirements Specification is one of the first phases of system development. This phase results in the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document, which must contain a complete, concise, high-quality description of the system being considered. The quality assurance of SRSs depends strongly on the use of appropriate techniques. This paper focuses on the use of inspection techniques in the quality evaluation of SRSs, presenting a pilot study on the subject,

Requirements Validation Techniques: An Empirical Study

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2016

Requirements validation makes sure that the requirements written in software requirements specification (SRS) must be complete and consistent and are according to the customer's needs. It ensures the validity of user requirements by eliminating ambiguities and inconsistencies from SRS. Several techniques for requirements validation have been discussed in the literature. This paper gives an overview of requirements validation techniques which have been practicing in industry, which includes requirements inspections, requirements prototyping, requirements testing and viewpoint-oriented requirements validation. This paper also highlights pros and cons of these techniques. In requirements testing, special attention is given to TCD inspections.

Software Requirements: A Report on the State of the Art


SApproved for public release; distribution unlimited. E)IICK.; EELECTE.-APR2 1981' 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in, Block 20. if differentIm Beor VS. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES-. 19 KEY WORDS 'C,ntirue on, reverso iode if ne,-essivrv nd Identify by block niember). c 0 ABST PACT (Co-tini on reverse side Ifnrece.*.., and Identify tic bl ockI n,,n1.eI Many problems arising during the development and evolution of large computer systems can be alleviated by thorough and timely attention to requirements. This paper surveys recent research on requirements technology which the authors consider to promise substantial improvements over the analysis and specification techniques that are now commonly known and used. All aspects of requirements are considered, and points are illustrated using the requirements documient of an early, but ambitious, real-time system.. DD 1 JAN71 1473 UNCL.ASSIFIED YI-SECURITY CL ASSIFICATION OF THIS PASE 114en Ditto lciereI