«The Cossack Period» as a Historiographical Concept in the Writings on the Local History of Dnieper Region Ukraine, XIX – Beginning of XX Century (original) (raw)

45 Горбань О.А., 2019A. The Donosheniya and Reports of Don Cossacks in the Mid 18 th c.: Source Analysis. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya


Introduction. The study is connected with the issues of electronic corpora of historical sources and diachronic linguistic corpora and is based on office documents of the 18 th c. reserved in the Mikhailovsky Stanitsa Ataman archive fund (State Archive of Volgograd region). Methods and materials. The article considers donosheniya and reports as the main documents that were submitted from lower to higher authorities and had "donoshenie" (message, report) and "report" (report) designation. Solving source meta-markup problems the author examines the origin and meaning of words "donoshenie" and "report", analyzes the content and functions of the documents, their text format and verbal formulas representing the components of the form. Analysis. The paper shows that the words have different origin, but common semantics reflecting the document function. Word "report" entered the Russian language in the early 18 th century as a synonym for the original "donoshenie". Initially, relevant documents were not distinguished, but gradually they were differentiated not only by name. Donosheniya can come from military men and civilians often contain a message and request. Reports are used mainly between host and stanitsa atamans, other military officials and are mostly informative documents. Reports are also often used as accompanying documents for other documents. The text format of donoshenie and report has similarities, but can be represented by different verbal formulas. As an accompany document report has a more concise and simple structure. Results. The author concludes that including donoshenie and report to the created source corpus as independent documents is necessary for faciliting their search and more exact representation of using language units. Standard speech markers can be applied for automatic recognition of texts as well. Волгоградский государственный университет, г. Волгоград, Российская Федерация Аннотация. Введение. Исследование находится в русле проблем создания электронных корпусов исто-рических источников и диахронических лингвистических корпусов русского языка и базируется на материа-ле делопроизводственных документов середины XVIII в., отложившихся в фонде Михайловского станичного атамана в ГАВО. Методы и материалы. В статье рассматриваются доношения и рапорты как основные документы, которые подавались из низших инстанций в высшие. Решая вопросы метаразметки источников, автор анализирует значение наименований «доношение» и «рапорт», содержание и функции документов, их формуляр и речевые формулы, которые репрезентируют компоненты формуляра. Анализ. Показано, что названия имеют разное происхождение, но общую семантику, отражающую назначение документов. Слово «рапорт (репорт)» вошло в русский язык в первой половине XVIII в. как синоним исконного слова «доноше

The Generalizing Work on History and Culture of the Cossacks (Essays on the History and Culture of the Cossacks of Southern Russia)

Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 4. Istorija. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 2016

This article represents a review of the collective monograph "Essays on the history and culture of the Cossacks of Southern Russia", published in 2014 under the auspices of the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Volgograd branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. The review provides a critical analysis of the material in the collective monograph on the problems of studying the history and culture of the Cossacks. The author notes that the revival of Cossacks that began in the 1990s, not only drew attention to the Cossack problem in modern Russia, but also stimulated scientific and public interest in the history and culture of the Cossacks. Russian Cossacks have rich past and its culture is colorful and specific, its role in the history of Russia is significant. Issues of origin and development of the Cossacks, their place among the peoples of Russia, the specificity of cultural practices are constantly causing great interest for researchers. All this has led scientistsspecialists in the history and culture of the Cossacks to the idea of the creation of this scientific work, which has become a generalization of accumulated research experience on the most important issues of the Cossacks' historical existence. The authors of the monograph limited their research by Southern Russia because of the complexity of creating general work on all Cossack troops which have historically existed in the Russian state and had sometimes very great cultural differences and special historical destiny. The authors made a very successful attempt to highlight the main problematic aspects of the history and culture of the Cossacks. The genre of essay chosen for creating a collective monograph, has allowed not only to identify the most relevant topics of the Cossack history and culture, but also to consider them in relation and development. Each essay contains material that allows to identify the most important problems of different historical periods and various Cossack communities. Together, we get an idea not only about the history of the Cossacks, but also on the results of professional scientific developments in this area. Essays on the history and culture of the Cossacks of Southern Russia-work in which the efforts of its sponsors were systematically analyzed and the main existing today information and research materials on the history and culture of the Cossacks of Southern Russia were compiled into a single concept.

The Structure of the Families of Ukrainian Cossacks in the Second Half of the 18TH Century

Knowledge, Education, Law, Management, 2021

This paper is devoted to the characteristics of the family and the network of family ties of the villagers of the Ukrainian Cossack state of the Hetmanate in the second half of the 18th century. On the example of the most numerous microgroup of rural society – the Cossacks, the indicators of household population and family size, the generational composition, typology and structure of family households are analyzed. The calculations were made on the basis of accounting data of confessional registers of three villages of the Lubny regiment of the Hetmanate (later – Pyriatyn county of the Kyiv vicegerency) named Davydivka, Povstyn and Kharkivtsi. The research is based on the method of determining the structure of family households of the British historian Peter Laslett, which is widespread in modern historical demography. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that during the second half of the 18th century among the Cossack population of the analyzed villages, complex forms of family organization prevailed. The obtained data are close to similar indicators calculated by Ukrainian researchers in relation to other rural settlements of the Hetmanate.

Genesis of Cossack Law in Ukraine (16-th – first half of the 17-th centuries)

Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: History

The purpose of the article is to find out the genesis of Cossack law and its implementation in Ukrainian society in the 16 – first half of the 17 cetury. The research methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, problem-chronological, historical-systemic. Scientific novelty: for the first time in domestic historiography, it is studied the origins of Cossack law as specific norms of relations inside the Sich community and its spread in the Ukrainian society of that time. Main results: it is proved that, having originated on the basis of customary norms in individual communities, Cossack law found its development in the life of Zaporozhian Sich in the second half of the 16-th century. A sign of such phenomenon was the introduction of the position of judge as an important Kosh government official. Later, it began to be used in the volosti during the unfolding of mass rebel movements in the process of conducting the Cossack judiciary. In peacetime Cossack law was also used by local ota...

Moscow Kingdom and Cossack-Polish confrontation in Ukraine, 1591–1638

Ukraine-Poland: Historical Heritage and Public Consciousness

The purpose of the studyis general analysis of the main practical ways and forms of Muscovy’s intervention into Cossack-Polish confrontations as well as the main tendencies in its policy towards anti-Polish Cossack uprisings in Ukraine from 1591 to 1638. The author, using methods of critical analysis of Moscow Kingdom’s policy and new approaches in his scholar work, explains it in the context of development of political events and war conflicts in Central-Eastern Europe during above-mentioned period. The new conceptual view on Kremlin’s role in the inspiration of hostility between the Ukrainian Cossacks and Poland is proposed. The author explains it by the large-scale conquering policy of Moscow Kingdom. «Collection of lands of Rus’ (former State of Kyiv)» was declared as first step on the way of realization of its aggressive foreign policy. Ukrainian lands including Kyiv were main lands on the way of Kremlin’s policy tending toward territorial expansion. The policy with aim to attr...

Peculiarities of Institutionalization of the Transdanubian and the Danube Cossacks According to the Materials of Sphragistics, Vexillology and Spatial Localization

Chornomors’ka Mynuvshyna, 2019

The importance of symbols of power, such as seals, bunchuks or flags, can hardly be overestimated. Their appearance in one or another form testifies the legalization of a certain organization, institution, community. That is why the proposed article is devoted to the peculiarities of this process, of the process of institutionalization at the Transdanubian Cossacks and Danube Cossacks during the last quarter of XVIII-XIX centuries. It is suggested to consider this processes through materials of sphragistics, vexillology and spatial localization, such as seals, bunchuks, flags, etc. It was found that the emergence of these symbols of power first reflected the legalization and integration into a certain state system of the certain Cossack institution-Sich or the army. Secondly, in each of these institutions, the seals and flags displayed symbols of the corresponding state-the Ottoman or Russian Empire, sometimes with respect for the Cossack past. For example, it should be remembered combining the symbols of Islam with Christianity in the flags of the Transdanubian Cossacks, or providing the incisions (maces) to the Danube Cossacks in Russia. All these symbols kept for the Cossacks their traditions of life and respect to their glory.

Pryn O. A historical essay of activity of Ukrainian society of historical and cultural heritage’s protect in Donbass region (second half of 1960 – 1980–es) (in Ukrainian)

16 ства человечества. Сохранение культурного наследия всем международным сообществом, как элемента культуры в целом, обеспечивает непрерывную линию преемственности, к тому же, охрана культурной разнообразности мира является одним из важнейших -и по сей день актуальных -аспектов рериховской концепции Культуры и созданной им философской системы. Важным этапом деятельности Н.К. Рериха стало воплощение в жизнь специального международного договора об охране культурных ценностей во время войны и в мирный период, известного во всем мире как Пакт Рериха. Договор действует и в наше время. Andres H.O., Rudyka N.M. The doctrine of N.K. Roerich and its influence on international principles of cultural heritage's protection Roerich, philosopher and culturologue, always looked for the way to rejoin Old World and Today's World -he was confident of an inner unity of the all Humanity. Preservation of cultural heritage, as an element of culture, by all international communities contributes to continuity of cultural succession. To the point, protection of the world's cultural variety is very important, and very actual till now, aspect of the conception of Culture and the philosophical system created by Roerich. Realization of Treaty on the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historic Monuments, as known as Roerich's Pact, became the important stage of N. K. Roerich's work. The treaty has been acting all this time. О.В. ПРИНЬ Історичний нарис діяльності Українського товариства охорони пам'яток історії та культури у Донбасі (друга половина 60-х -80-ті роки ХХ ст.) У статті висвітлено найбільш показові, важливі події, практичні заходи, які відображають історію діяльності обласних організацій Українського товариства охорони пам'яток історії та культури у Донбасі.

Orenburg Cossacks as Residents of a County Town (Based on the Materials of the Town Philistine Book of Chelyabinsk, 1861)

Вестник Пермского университета. История

The article is devoted to the social characteristics of the class group of Orenburg Cossacks who lived in the middle of the 19th century in Chelyabinsk, a county town of the Orenburg province. Using the City Philistine Book for 1861 and a number of other sources, data on the Cossack population of Chelyabinsk (about 5% of the urban population), the social status of homeowners (10% of the total number of homeowners), their marital status, real estate and business activities, etc. were identified, systematized and analyzed. Based on the studied facts, using the concept of “social development” of the Polish sociologist Piotr Sztompka, the article contains a thesis about the specifics and significant social changes in the life of the Cossack citizens of the county town. In the city, unlike the countryside, the Cossacks lived in small families. A significant percentage of Cossack women acted as homeowners and economic actors. Many male Cossacks, in their free time from service or in retir...