Independence, size and performance of the board: An emerging market research (original) (raw)
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Board Size, Independence and Performance: An Analysis of Thai Banks
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 2007
This study examines the impact of board size and independent directors on the performance of local commercial banks in Thailand. A panel fixed-effect in the individual regression model is used to examine this relationship over 1999-2003. The results showed a statistically significant negative relation between Thai banks' board size and their performances. In addition, a statistically significant positive relationship was found between the proportion of independent directors on the bank board and performance. JEL Classification: G21, G34, C13, C22
The Determinants of Corporate Board Size and Independence: Evidence from Malaysia
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2012
Board of directors has gained much attention in improving corporate governance in recent years. Many reforms have been done to ensure that board of directors is effective. In general, the codes of good governance in many countries, including developed and developing markets call for greater independent directors. All these reforms show the importance of composition of boards in playing their role as advisors and monitors to the management activities. In Malaysia specifically, Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance codified the best practices of good governance and described optimal corporate governance structures. However, due to different context of business practices and nature of business environment in emerging markets, we expect that the determinants for the board structure will be deviated from the developing markets. Our study investigates the determinants of board structure for Malaysian firms from year 2000 to 2007. We also examine corporate board structure trends and the compliance level of board of directors in Malaysia with the requirement in Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance. Overall, we find that the board independence shows an upward trend throughout the years. Our results also suggest that board size and board independence are correlated with the operation level of the firms and only the board size is consistent with the monitoring hypothesis prediction.
Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review
The implementation of good corporate governance (GCG) within a firm dictates its organizational behavior driven down by the board functionality effectiveness, among which the existence and role of an independent board member are taken into account. This study examines the effect of the existence and role of independent board members in Indonesia listed firm on the board’s functionality effectiveness, and subsequently, its impact on the value of the firm. Since Indonesia adopts a two-board system instead of a one-board system, the independent board member is known as an independent commissioner (IC) who sits on the company board of commissioners (BOC) which is equivalent to the company board of directors (BOD) in the one-board system. It is found through regression analysis that when an IC holds a powerful leadership position, it enhances the BOC’s functionality effectiveness. Likewise, if the IC has the position as the chair of BOC’s sub-committee in the company. The regression anal...
Business and Economic Research, 2016
The importance of corporate governance practice is to ensure investor protection and oversight. Corporate governance is applied not only in public companies but also applied in the ordinary course of business enterprise. This study examined the characteristics of board governance as measured by the independence of the board of commissioners (independent BOD), board size, managerial ownership, board composition, the audit committee, on the implementation of corporate governance as measured through the company's financial performance measured by ROA (Return on Asset), ROE (return on Equity), and PER (Price Earning Ratio). The aim of this study was to obtain an overview of the features of board governance in public companies in Indonesia; particularly in fortifying the role of the board of commissioners in executing corporate governance. The population in this study was all of the non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) during the period from 2005 to 2013. Cross-tab analysis and regression analysis were utilized to analyze the data used in the study. The results of the cross-tab analysis indicate that the number of independent commissioners within a company is positively correlated to the number of commissioners. Furthermore, the results for cross-tab analysis between independent BOD and managerial ownership suggests that the higher the number of independent commissioners, the lower percentage of managerial stockholding in the company. In regression analysis, the variables independent BOD, board size, audit committee and managerial ownership are positively significant to company's performance measured by ROA and ROE. However, all of the previously mentioned variables are not significant to PER. Independent commissioners play a vital role, especially in regard to the financial performance measured with ROA and ROE.
Contaduría y Administración
This research examines the effect of institutional ownership, independent board and the board size to firm performance. Using fixed effect data panel regression, this research investigates 293 firms listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2010-2015. Firm performance is proxied by market measure (Tobin's Q). The findings of this research suggest that the institutional ownership, the board of Independence has a positive impact only to Tobin's Q value, while the board size can increase both Tobin's Q. This research also finds that the board size has a non-linear relationship with investment as proxied by IOS. While the IOS variables can mediate the effect of board size on firm performance.
Board of Directors Structure and Firm Performance: Evidence from Indonesia and Malaysia
Management Analysis Journal, 2022
The purpose of this study is to identify the influence of board size, independent director, board meeting frequency and women director on firm performance. Type of this research is a quantitative research using secondary data. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and Bursa Malaysia in 2015-2019. The sampling method used was purposive sampling consisting of 120 companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange and 209 companies in Bursa Malaysia. The data analysis method used is multiple regression analysis which is preceded by the selection of a panel data estimation model using the Eviews 9 software. The results of the model test show that the best panel data estimation model is using the random effect model. The results showed that board size and board meeting frequency have a significant positive effect on the performance of manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange and Bursa Malaysia. Independent directors has a significant positive effect on firm performance in Bursa Malaysia, but have a significant negative effect on firm performance in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Women directors has a significant positive effect on firm performance in Indonesia Stock Exchange, but has significant negative effect on firm performance in Bursa Malaysia.
Independent directors and ownership concentration are two important things at corporate governance that affects the firm performance. Independent Directories considered capable to improve the performance of the company as it can represent all shareholder interests, especially to the company whose ownership still concentrated. Indonesia is one of the countries where the structure company ownership is still highly concentrated and vulnerable to inter-conflict shareholders. Currently, Indonesia has a regulation on liability a public company to have at least one independent director within the ranks Board of Directors. The regulation is issued by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on 2014. This study aims to determine the impact of the existence of the independent director on firm performance in Indonesia. This study used 370companies listed on the IDX as research samples with observation period5 years from 2012 to 2016. Using the panel data regression method, this study found that independent directors had no influential effect on firm performance. This study also found that ownership concentration has no independent board of directors who influence on firmperformance.
Independent Comisioners As A Good Corporate Governance Mechanisme To Increase Coporate Performance
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics and Banking 2015, 2015
This study aims to determine the effect of independent commissioner in the composition of the board of commissioner on corporate performance that measured by return on assets. The research object are Islamic banks that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). In examining the effect of the composition of the independent commissioner to the ROA, the author uses panel data regression test, the process using EViews7 program. We use panel data regression because the data is a cross section and also time series. Panel data regression test results indicate that there is a negative and significant impact on the composition of the board of commissioners to the ROA, indicated by coefficient β:-3.8692 and 0.0000 probabilities. The results of the test can be concluded that the more independent board in the board of commissioners in the company, it will decrease ROA. theseconditions reinforces the opinion that the implementation of the Good Corporate Governance in Indonesia is not maximized.
Size of Board Effect Return on Asset and Return on Equity of Banking Sector in Indonesia
Good corporate governance, is one of the keys to the company's success to grow and be profitable in the long term while winning global business competition. One of a country's economic stability is affected by the health of the banking system. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of governance on the performance of banking companies in Indonesia. A review of the previous literature presented in this study found that corporate governance is positively related to company performance or successful in improving company performance. The research sample contained 27 banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2013-2018 period. Empirical results show that performance such as return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) are significantly related to banking corporate governance in Indonesia. However, earnings per share (EPS), as a measure of performance does not show significant changes as a result of corporate governance. Overall this study...
Do Board of Directors´ Characteristics Influence Firm Performance? Evidence from the Emerging Market
Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 2019
This study aims to investigate the impact of board of directors' characteristics on firm performance in Jordan by focusing on the following characteristics: ownership concentration, number of board meetings, CEO duality, board size, and board independence. On the other hand, Tobin's Q was used as a proxy to measure company performance. It is believed that current study contributes significantly to the limited literature on this topic in relation to developing countries by providing evidence about the effect of corporate governance on firm performance in a developing nation. For this purpose, An empirical analysis of a dataset of all publicly traded manufacturing firms listed on the Amman Stock Exchange for the period 2011-2014 was conducted by applying least squares regression analyses. This research found that ownership concentration, board meetings, and CEO duality have a significant impact on firm performance. However, the study did not find any significant effect for board size and board independence. Moreover, firm size and firm leverage as control variables were not found to have any effect on firm performance. The findings seem to suggest that for Jordanian manufacturing firms to succeed and improve their performance, they need to have a smaller sized board, more frequent board meetings and a higher percentage of board ownership and as well as CEO duality. However, the findings also indicate that board independence does not affect firm performance.