Kotlyar Еugeny. Sergey R. Kravtsov, Vladimir Levin. Synagogues in Ukraine: Volhynia, 2 vols. Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center and Center for Jewish Art, 2017. ISBN: 9789652273420. 848 p. [Review]. Judaic-Slavic Journal 1 (3) (2020): 287-294. (original) (raw)
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The Jewish community of Ostroh was one of the oldest and most affluent communities in Volhynia. The Great Synagogue in Ostroh has been built after 1627, when an owner of the town issued a privilege, prohibiting erection of synagogues higher than churches, conducting Jewish burials in the daytime, etc. The synagogue design was novel: a spacious prayer hall had four interior columns and twelve perimeter pilasters, which support nine equal vaulted bays. The preceding edifice of this type was the Great Suburban Synagogue in Lviv. It shared with the Great Synagogue in Ostroh some almost identical shapes, which suggests a common architect, who apparently was Giacomo Medleni (d. 1630), a Lviv guild master employed also in Volhynia. The meaningful placement of the architectural order, the nine-bay scheme of the ground plan, and an addition of the slanting buttresses suggest that the architect employed an imagery of the Jerusalem Temple published in 1604 by theologian Juan Bautista Villalpando. The synagogues of Lviv and Ostroh coined the scheme of four interior pillars and twelve windows illuminating prayer hall, which would become popular in the Commonwealth and beyond.
The article has brought a 1930 report by Yelyzaveta Levytska, member of Ukrainian Archaeological Commission, on architecture and murals of the wooden synagogue of the town of Mykhalpil. Contents and findings of the paper have been critically reviewed and their values for scientific projects emphasized. In the focus of study has been a perception of artistic traditions originated at Jewish synagogue architecture and wall paintings in particular, a point differentiating this study from other similar ones processed during the first third of the XX c. (H.Pavlutsky, P. Zholtovsky and other art scholars); quite unique character of synagogue murals developed in Podolia at the XVIII c. is underlined. Kotlyar Y. On Studying Extinct Synagogues. Yelyzaveta Levytska`s Paper on Murals of the Wooden Synagogue of the Town of Mikhalpol // Narodoznavchi Zoshyty (The Ethnology Notebooks) Magazine. – Lviv: Ethnology Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – # 3 (111). – P. 435-446. Котляр Є. До вивчення зниклих єврейських божниць. Дослідження Єлизавети Левитської розписів дерев’яної синагоги у Михалполі, 1930 р. // Народознавчі зошити. – Львів: Інститут народознавства НАН України, 2013. – Число 3 (111), травень-червень. – С. 435-446.
Синагоге и јеврејско наслеђе у Југоисточној Европи: међународни научни зборник/ уредник Растислав Стојсављевић=Synagogues and Jewish heritage in Southeastern Europe: international scientific proceedings/editor Rastislav Stojsavljević, 2021
Атила Пфајфер, Сомборска синагога, Синагоге и јеврејско наслеђе у југоисточној Европи, уред. Растислав Стојисављевић, Нови Сад 2021, 395-426. (Atila Pfajfer, Nebojša Kartalija, Somborska sinagoga, Sinagoge i jevrejsko nasleđe u Jugoistočnoj Evropi, ured. Rastislav Stojisavljević, Novi Sad 2021, 395-426) На територији града Сомбора јеврејска заједница је присутна од 18. века. Са порастом њене бројности јавила се потреба за организовањем верског живота. После првобитног периода када се верска служба одвијала у импровизованим објектима, половином шездесетих година 19. година саграђена је синагога. Она је представљала центар религијског и културног живота Јевреја овог града. Током холокауста страдао је велики број сомборских Јевреја, што је директно утицало на судбину локалне синагоге. Као верски објекат, егзистирала је до 1947. године, када је прешла у посед државе. Користећи историјске изворе и доступну литературу покушаћемо да прикажемо историјат сомборске синагоге. Сматрамо да историја сомборских Јевреја треба да добије истакнутије место у локалној култури сећања. Надамо се да ће овај рад пружити скромни допринос у том настојању. Atila Pfajfer, Nebojša Kartalija ,The Sombor Synagogue, Synagogues and Jewish heritage in Southeastern Europe: international scientific proceedings, ed. Rastislav Stojsavljević, Novi Sad 2021, pp. 395-426. The Jewish community has been present on the territory of the city of Sombor since the 18th century. With the increase in its number, there was a need to organize religious life. After the original period when the religious service took place in improvised buildings, a synagogue was built in the mid-1860s. It was the center of religious and cultural life of the Jews of this city. During the Holocaust, a large number of Sombor Jews were killed, which directly affected the fate of the local synagogue. As a religious building, it existed until 1947, when it became the property of the state. Using historical sources and available literature, we will try to present the history of the Sombor synagogue. We believe that the history of Sombor's Jews should get a more prominent place in the local culture of remembrance. We hope that this work will make a modest contribution to this endeavor. Link: https://www.arhivvojvodine.org.rs/images/stories/zbornici/Sinagoge-Zbornik.pdf Link: https://www.academia.edu/51340768/Synagogues\_and\_jewish\_heritage\_in\_southeastern\_Europe
Ідеї, смисли, інтерпретації образотворчого мистецтва: Українська теоретична думка XX століття: Антологія , 2021
This article is a historiographic excursion to the research on Jewish art, museumification of art monuments and objects, restoration and memorialization of architectural monuments of the Jewish community, as well as the works of Jewish artists of Ukraine from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. Such a retrospective look shows the developments of the old art history school of the pre-war period, the created network of specialized Jewish museums, departments or collections. The author of the article surveys the names, art associations, ideas and manifestos of Ukrainian Jewish artists and scholars of the pre-war Ukraine. This article analyzes between two generations of Art Judaica: the artists and researches of the 1920s and the 1990s. The author argues that the results of thirty years of the Ukrainian independence show an intense and varied artistic life, in which the entire area of Ukrainian Art Judaica is revealed its inexhaustible potential, enriching the entire landscape of Ukrainian culture. Kotlyar E. Art-Judaica in the Ukrainian Cultural Space: from the Background to the Modern Landscape // Ideas, Senses, Interpretations of Fine Arts: Ukrainian Theoretical Thought of the XX-th Century: Anthology / ed. by R. Yatsiv. – Part 4. – Lviv: Lviv National Academy of Arts; Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Scientific Society named after Shevchenko, 2021. – P. 244-262. (in Ukrainian) Котляр Є. Арт-юдаїка в українському культурному просторі: від бекґраунду до сучасного ландшафту // Ідеї, смисли, інтерпретації образотворчого мистецтва: Українська теоретична думка XX століття: Антологія / Упоряд. Р.М. Яців. – Частина 4. – Львів: Львівська національна академія мистецтв; Інститут народознавства НАН України; Наукове товариство ім. Шевченка, 2021. – С. 244-262.
Skhidnyi Svit. The World of the Orient. Східний світ., 2003
Romanova O. “History of Egyptological studies in Ukraine”, in Skhidnyi Svit. The World of the Orient. 2003. Nr. 4. P.82-87. Романова О.О. “Історія розвитку єгиптологічних досліджень в Україні”, in Східний світ. The World of the Orient. 2003. № 4. С. 82–87. In Ukrainian. It is a brief essay about four Egyptologists of 20-th century: Alexander Kotzeiovsky, Serhiy Donich, Marko Antonovych, Evgeniy Cherezov, who lived at the territory of Ukraine, or who positioned himself as Ukrainian academician . Their biographies and their contributions to the Egyptology and development of Egyptological studies in Ukraine are outlined in the paper.
Кунева, Ц. Стенописите в църквата „Св. Петка” в село Таваличево. – В: Изкуствоведски четения 2022. I. Старо изкуство. Изкуство и общество / Kuneva, Ts. Wall Paintings of the Church of St. Petka (Paraskeva) in Tavalichevo Village. – In: Art Readings 2022. I. Art and Society. Sofia, 2023, 129-150. , 2023
The Church of St. Petka (Paraskeva) in the Kyustendil area village Tavalichevo has not, as of yet, been subject to thorough analysis by art historians. It is mentioned in some summarizing studies and in publications by local historians and by restorers, specifically after the discovery of preserved paintings in 2012. The original temple's architecture is typical for the post-Byzantine period, with murals by icon painters of local significance. Today the wall paintings are well preserved on the vault and eastern wall, but partially preserved on the southern and northern walls. They date back to the end of the 16th or the beginning of the 17th century. A great part of the images have never been published and/or identified up to this point. Amongst them the scenes from the Life of St. Nicholas deserve special attention. The wall painting program is traditional for late medieval Balkan art, but presents some interesting iconographical features (such as the figure of St. Paraskeva of Rome or the fan-like backrest on the throne of the Virgin of the Annunciation) and contributes to the overall understanding of the art trends in Bulgaria during that period.