Tinjauan Fatwa DSN MUI No. 85/DSN-MUI/Xii/2012 tentang Perjanjian Pada Akad Muzaraah terhadap bagi Hasil Panen Padi (original) (raw)
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Akad Muzara’Ah Pertanian Padi Dalam Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
The landless farmer chooses to enter into a muzara"ah coorporation with the landowner according to custom, without knowing whether the agreement is appropriate or not with sharia economic law. As practice in the Gebang Kulon village, the agreement there is a continuous deviation resulting in the cancellation. Seeing the problem, the writer feels the need to study more deeply based on the review of Sharia economic law. The method used in this research is to use qualitative by utilizing the descriptive approach of Sharia economic law. Technique of collecting date that is done observation, interview and documentation. From the research results obtained the agreement is done orally on the basis of hel and trust. The agreement is termed maro, where the landowner and the tiller agre the result will be devided into two with the provisions of the landowner hand over land and production capital such as paddy and other, seeds while the cultivators provide tools and manpower. According to the review of Sharia economic law, the muzara"ah is done based on the terms and conditions, so that if the conditions of muzara"ah are fulfilled then the agreement is valid.
Muzara’Ah Pada Usaha Pertanian Padi: Analisis Nilai-Nilai Islami Dan Keuangan
BISMA: Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen
The purpose of this study is to deeply explore the cooperation system in paddy farming in Bangsalsari District Jember. This study uses a positivist paradigm with a qualitative method and case study approach. Research informants were collected from the snowball sampling method, consisting of 4 landowners and 4 sharecroppers. The results showed that the cooperation system was manifested in the muzara’ah contract. This study found that the Islamic values implemented in the muzara’ah business practice were consisted of not doing the despotic act, being fair and trustworthy, and implementing profit sharing and halal principles. This study designed a model of business cooperation based on revenue sharing. This study also conducted a financial analysis by calculating the net agricultural income and the value of the revenue sharing for the landowners and the farmers. Keywords: cooperation, financial calculations, Islamic values, muzara'ah contract
Muzara'Ah (Perjanjian Bercocok Tanam)
In the village of Alur Mosquito District of Birem Bayeun that muzara'ah conducted between landowners and tenant farmers are not in accordance with the contract agreement. In the previous agreement of landowners have already made an agreement with the peasants, that nurturing and caring for the garden or crops and the seeds are borne by farmers. Until it's time to harvest the crop, there was a broken promise on the same results were that more benefited by the land owner on the plant. The land owner gains as high as 60%-70% and not based on the division of the same results as in the previous agreement. But thus muzara'ah contract made between landowners and peasants in the village of Alur Mosquito District of Birem Bayeun not in accordance with the Islamic Shariah. This research aims to determine muzara'ah system in Islamic law, muzara'ah agricultural land undertaken by the District Mosquito Alur village community Birem Bayeun, as well as the implementation muzara'ah in the village of Alur Nyamuk District of Birem Bayeun not in accordance with the agreement. Abstrak, Di Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun bahwa muzara'ah yang dilakukan antara pemilik tanah dan petani penggarap tidak sesuai dengan akad perjanjian. Dalam perjanjian sebelumnya pemilik tanah sudah membuat suatu perjanjian dengan petani penggarap, bahwa memelihara dan merawat kebun atau tanaman serta bibitnya itu ditanggung oleh petani penggarap. Sampai tiba saat panen atas tanaman, terjadilah ingkar janji atas bagi hasil yang sama yang bahwa lebih diuntungkan oleh pemilik tanah atas tanaman tersebut. Keuntungan pemilik tanah tersebut mencapai 60%-70% dan tidak berdasarkan atas pembagian hasil sama sebagaimana dalam perjanjian sebelumnya. Namun dengan demikian akad muzara'ah yang dilakukan antara pemilik tanah dan petani penggarap yang ada di Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun tidak sesuai dengan syari'at Islam. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem muzara'ah dalam hukum islam, muzara'ah lahan pertanian yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun, serta pelaksanaan muzara'ah di Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun tidak sesuai dengan perjanjian.
Zakat adalah ibadah māliyah yang murni ikhlas karena Allah, yang dikerjakan oleh orang Islam sebagaimana ibadah dan kewajiban lainnya, seperti shalat, puasa, dan haji yang dilakukan untuk memenuhi perintah Allah. Selain bentuk ibadah zakat juga mengandung makna sosial yang tinggi. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari penyaluran zakat yang harus berpedoman kepada delapan golongan, yaitu fakir, miskin, amil, mualaf, budak, ghārim, sabilīllāh, dan ibnu sabīl. Zakat yang dikeluarkan harus kepada delapan golongan, selain itu tidak sah. Oleh karena itu, seorang harus cermat dalam menentukan mustahiq zakat sebelum menyalurkannya kepada orang lain. Di Desa Tanuhajo, sebagian orang yang akan menyalurkan zakat padinya ditujukan kepada buruh panen yang statusnya masih umum atau belum pasti termasuk ke dalam delapan golongan. Maka muncul persoalan dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana praktik distribusi zakat tersebut dan tinjauan hukum Islam terhadapnya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian ...
Muzara'Ah (Perjanjian Bercocok Tanam) Lahan Pertanian Menurut Kajian Hukum Islam
Di Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun bahwa muzara’ah yang dilakukan antara pemilik tanah dan petani penggarap tidak sesuai dengan akad perjanjian. Dalam perjanjian sebelumnya pemilik tanah sudah membuat suatu perjanjian dengan petani penggarap, bahwa memelihara dan merawat kebun atau tanaman serta bibitnya itu ditanggung oleh petani penggarap. Sampai tiba saat panen atas tanaman, terjadilah ingkar janji atas bagi hasil yang sama yang bahwa lebih diuntungkan oleh pemilik tanah atas tanaman tersebut. Keuntungan pemilik tanah tersebut mencapai 60%-70% dan tidak berdasarkan atas pembagian hasil sama sebagaimana dalam perjanjian sebelumnya. Namun dengan demikian akad muzara’ah yang dilakukan antara pemilik tanah dan petani penggarap yang ada di Desa Alur Nyamuk Kecamatan Birem Bayeun tidak sesuai dengan syari’at Islam. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem muzara’ah dalam hukum islam, muzara’ah lahan pertanian yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Alur Nyamuk Keca...
This paper examines the practice of implementing the Muzara'ah contract agreement in Jorong Sawah Kareh Nagari Balimbing. The purpose of this article is to find out and explain the practice of implementing the Muzara'ah contract in Jorong Sawah Kareh Nagari Balimbing in terms of three aspects, namely the implementation time limit, the form of profit sharing and ownership status according to Muamalah Fiqh. The results of the field study with data obtained from five groups of residents who carried out this muza'raah collaboration, the results obtained were that first; in terms of time limits, there is an implementation of the agreement that is not in accordance with the fiqh muamalah theory because when two groups cooperate and one of the parties dies, the muzara'ah agreement does not end. Second; in terms of profit-sharing, there are still cultivators who take the share of the land that should have been when one group that made the agreement dies, the contract and profit-sharing also end. However, the reality on the ground is that cultivators are still taking produce from the land. This is not in accordance with the concept of sharing the results of muzara'ah, unless it is then carried out with the concept of profit sharing on the basis of consensual agreement between the heirs of the land owner and the cultivators in the future. Third; viewed from the case of the concept of ownership status, land in the form of this cooperation belongs to imperfect property because land ownership is only in terms of the use of the object or its benefits. However, in practice there are groups who when the first party (land owner) dies and there is no stipulation on the expiration date of the muzara'ah in the agreement, assumes that he is the owner of the plant and still benefits from the land.
Pengupahan Buruh Panen Padi di Desa Pagersari, Mungkid, Magelang (Analisis Hukum Islam)
Al-Ahkam Jurnal Ilmu Syari’ah dan Hukum, 2019
Wage of paddy labors in villages is mostly based on heredity habits. This practice occurs continuously in muamalah activities as in Pagersari village, Mungkid, Magelang. This research aims to analyze the wage of paddy labors in Pagersari village by looking at the condition of the people who do not understand the conformity of the practice with the Islamic law rules about wage. The method used in this research was descriptive analysis with qualitative approach. The data collection techniques were using interviews, field studies, and documentation studies. Meanwhile the data analysis techniques covered the data reduction, the data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This research was done by people who practice the wage of paddy labors. The result of the research shows that those practices according to Islamic law are categorized in fikih muamalah; that is ijarah based on works (ijarah ala al a’mal) which has been fulfilled the contract basis (rukun akad). The wage received is bawo...
Ascarya: Journal of Islamic Science, Culture, and Social Studies, 2021
This research purposes: 1) To find out the maslahah and mafsadah elements of the implementation of the production sharing agreement in Sumberdodol Village Panekan District Magetan Regency. 2) To find out the level of maslahah hifz al-mal on the production sharing agreement in Sumberdodol Village Panekan District Magetan Regency. The type of research conducted by the author is field research using qualitative methods, while the data collection techniques used are interviews and observations. From this research, it can be concluded that 1) The maslahah element in the implementation of the production sharing agreement in Sumberdodol village is that the owner of the garden has prospered the farm cultivator by providing a good job. Farmers can work to supplement their family’s needs. While the element of mafsadah is the distribution of results that is not in accordance with the agreement and the cultivator does not yet know the deadline for the end of the collaboration. 2) The level of m...
Muzara'ah is a cooperative agreement in cultivating agricurtural land between the land owner and the cultivator, where the land owner gives agricultural land and seeds to be planted to the cultivator to be planted and maintained in excanghe for a certain share of the harvest. While Mukhabarah has the same meaning as Muzara'ah except that the seeds planted come from smallholders This thesis is the result of field research in Pulau Ingu Viillage, Benai District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. Data collection methods used in this research are observation, interview and documentation methods. Then the Data collected is compiled and analyzed using the descriptive analysis method, namely the collection of data about the form of coorperation between rice farming and a production sharing system between land owners and cultivators in Pulau Ingu Village, accompanied by analysis to draw conclusions. The result of this study can be concluded that the cooperation of rice agricultural land in ...
Zakat Tanaman Menurut Ulama Dayah Aceh Perspektif Maqāṣid Al-Syarī‘Ah
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2018
Penelitian ini mengkaji secara mendalam tentang alasan Ulama Dayah Aceh terkait tanaman dan biji-bijian yang dikenakan zakat. Dari sini akan diketahui bagaimana logika berfikir yang digunakannya terkait pendapat tersebut dan hubungannya dengan maqāṣid al-syarī'ah. Penelitian ini menitikberatkan kepada substansi hukum tentang zakat tanaman sebagaimana yang dimaksud oleh al-Qur'an dan Hadis, kemudian dianalisis dari sisi maqāṣid al-syarī'ah. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Ulama Dayah Aceh berpendapat zakat tanaman hanyalah padi atau sejenis makanan pokok saja, dengan alasan sebagai makanan pokok penduduk suatu negeri, yang memiliki sifat mengenyangkan dan dapat disimpan serta tahan lama. Tanaman lain sepert kelapa sawit, cokelat, kopi meskipun produktif tetapi tidak ada kewajiban zakat atasnya kerena tidak memenuhi kriteria tersebut. Nalar berfikir Ulama Dayah Aceh dengan metode deduktif dengan pendekatan metode penalaran bayānī. Di sisi lain, Ulama Dayah Aceh tidak menyangkal bahwa penelusuran maqāṣid al-syarī'ah dapat dilakukan melalui istiqrā', namun belum meyakini kewajiban zakat tanaman produktif dapat dirumuskan melalui pendekatan ini, sehingga mereka menolaknya. Menurut mereka, perintah zakat hanya dapat dipahami dari sisi ta'abbudī saja bukan melalui ta'aqqulī.