Nilai Budaya dalam Nyanyian Balian pada Upacara Perkawinan Adat Dayak Maratus di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah (original) (raw)
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimanakah upacara adat Nyangahatn dan makna upacara adat Nyangahatn di Dusun Antema, Desa Pahokng, Kecamatan Mempawah Hulu, Kabupaten Landak, Propinsi Kalimantan Barat. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik studi kepustakaan, teknik wawancara, dan observasi langsung di lapangan. Penulis berusaha untuk memperoleh data dan menyimpulkan data berdasarkan literatur yang mendukung masalah penelitian. Di dalam masyarakat Desa Pahokng masih sangat kental di bidang budaya dan tradisi yang dilakukan secara turun-temurun sampai sekarang. Budaya dan tradisi tersebut masih ada dan masih dihormati dan diyakini sebagai suatu kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat. Dari berbagai tradisi dan budaya yang ada di masyarakat Desa Pahokng salah satunya adalah upacara adat Nyangahatn. Upacara adat Nyangahatn merupakan tradisi masyarakat dalam melantunkan doa-doa atau mantera kepada Jubata untuk memohon dan mendapatkan berkat serta kese...
Degradasi Budaya Dalam Upacara Perkawinan Masyarakat Nias DI Denpasar
E Jurnal Kajian Budaya, 2012
ABSTRAK Every man in the world cannot be separated from culture. Human and culture are a partner that cannot be separated. There is no culture without man and and there is no man without a culture. So they also nias, the role of culture in a ceremony of marriage is very important. Prove to be in every the mating exercised refers it always to the rules that apply to public nias customary compliance with that which is inherited by their fathers. But in fact for people Nias who live in areas perantauan esp. living in a municipality Denpasar experienced degradation in the ceremony of marriage. Prove to be in every marriage performed only perform the ceremony of invocations in the church and reception in the building. On things for people Nias ritual of customary this is very important from the rites of the other. Society Nias who live in areas nias a ceremony that first one was done any there was a wedding is ritual of customary, will be followed with with a procession of invocations in the church. Of the above occurred, caused by the influence of globalization as the development of education, technology and media, the environment and the younger generation, the absence of knowledge about a ceremonial procession marriage.
Gesture : Jurnal Seni Tari, 2019
This study aims to describe the Religious Values of the Dakdeng dance in the Ritual Rejection of the Malay Village Community, Bagan Serdang, Pantai Labu District, Deli Serdang Regency. The theory used in research is the theory conveyed by Kahmad. Through this theory, it will be seen from human values with God, the value of human relations with humans, and the value of human relations with nature. The time used in this study is for two months, from February to March. The location of this study was conducted in Bagan Serdang Village, Pantai Labu District, Deli Serdang Regency. The population in this study were Malay people who were in Bagan Serdang Village, Pantai Labu District, and the sample was Pawang, Keluarga, from the Tolak Bala Ritual located in Bagan Serdang Village, Pantai Labu District. Analysis of research data used is descriptive qualitative, the technique of data collection is done by observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research are based on the collected data. It can be seen that the Dakdeng dance represents one of the traditional art forms that uses the Ritual Reject Tool, the Rejection Ritual is a ceremony carried out on the basis of avoiding or in accordance with the djinn disease, or the guardian to disturb. The Reject Bala ritual is one of the oldest rites where it has been before and now from ancestors to the current generation. Religious values including Dakdeng dance consist of: The value of human relations with God, Value of human relations with humans, and Value human relations with nature
Betembang Pada Tari Adat Dalam Bimbang Pernikahan Suku Lembak
Jurnal Ilmiah KORPUS
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memahami dan menjelaskan betembang pada tari adat dalam bimbang pernikahan suku Lembak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif etnografi. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Kota Padang dan Kecamatan Binduriang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi terhadap pertunjukan betembang dan konteks sosial masyarakat Lembak, wawancara terhadap informan yang memiliki informasi tentang betembang dan dokumentasi yang berupa foto dan video yang berhubungan dengan betembang. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan menafsirkan data, fenomena atau peristiwa betembang. Hasil penelitian ini adalah betembang dilaksanakan pada hari ngatat dendan dan hari sedekah. Alat musik yang digunakan adalah kenong 6 buah/ kenong 12, atau gendang, gong, kolintang, redap dan biola. Tembang memiliki makna bahwa tuan rumah memberikan penghormatan terhadap tamu yang hadir. Selain itu tembang juga berisi sindiran, lelucon dan kesedihan terhadap kondisi sosial masyarakat Lembak.
ANUBHAVA: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Hindu, 2021
Baris Keraras Dance is a unique and sacred dance that is only found in Taman Ayun Temple, Mengwi Traditional Village in accordance with the original using traditional means. The formulation of the problem in this study is (1) how is the existence of the Baris Keraras Dance in the Aci Tulak Tunggul ceremony at Taman Ayun Temple? (2) how is the Semiotics of Communication in the performance of the Baris Keraras Dance in the Aci Tulak Tunggul ceremony? (3) What are the implications of performing the Baris Keraras Dance in the Aci Tulak Tunggul ceremony? This article borrows concepts and theories, such as religious theory, semiotics and symbolic interactionism. This study used qualitative research methods. Research finds. First, the existence of the Baris Keraras dance in the Aci Tulak Tunggul ceremony at Taman Ayun Temple is a tradition passed down from generation to generation from their ancestors, every Aci Tulak Tunggul ceremony at Taman Ayun Temple is equipped with a Baris Keraras dance performance. Second, regarding the performance of the Baris Keraras Dance in the Aci Tulak Tunggul ceremony at Taman Ayun Temple, Mengwi Traditional Village, Mengwi District, Badung Regency, there are several communication semiotics, namely (1) the Semiotics of the Baris Keraras Dance Performance, (2) Semiotics of the Aci Tulak Tunggul Ceremony, (3) Keraras Baris Dance Movement Semiotics, and (4) Keraras Baris Dance Costumes and Properties Semiotics. Third, the performance of the Baris Keraras Dance in the Aci Tulak Tunggul ceremony has implications: (1) Communication Implications, (2) Socio-Cultural Implications, (3) Sociological Implications, (4) Tri Hita Karana Implications, (5) Implications of the Balance of Bhuana Agung and Bhuana Alit, and (6) Economic Implications.
Nilai Ekologis Dalam Upacara Mamapas Lewu Suku Dayak Ngaju
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora
Mamapas lewu adalah salah satu upacara penting dalam komunitas suku Dayak Ngaju. Upacara ini biasaya melibatkan seluruh penduduk desa atau kampung. Tujuannya adalah agar desa atau kampung tersebut dihindarkan dari bencana. Upacara mamapas lewu tersebut sarat dengan nilai ekologis.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan nilai-nilai ekologis yang terdapat dalam upacara mamapas lewu yang dilakukan oleh suku Dayak Ngaju, Kalimantan Tengah. Nilai-nilai tersebut dapat mendorong kepedulian masyarakat dalam memelihara lingkungan hidup. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh dari sumber literatur yang berhubungan dengan topik dan dari hasil wawancara serta pengamatan terlibat dengan kelompok suku Dayak Ngaju. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa upacara mamapas lewu mengandung nilai kepedulan ekologis yang berguna untuk masyarakat ikut serta secara aktif memelihara alam semesta. Kepedulian tersebut terlihat dalam pemahaman bahwa alam adalah saudara, alam adalah subyek ...
TANDIK: Jurnal Seni dan Pendidikan Seni
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan bentuk penyajian tari Wadian Kelong dalam upacara Aruh Adat Baharin di Desa Kapul Kabupaten Balangan. (2) mendeskripsikan fungsi dan makna tari Wadian Kelong dalam upacara Aruh Adat Baharin di Desa Kapul Kabupaten Balangan. (3) mendeskripsikan nilai estetika tari Wadian Kelong dalam upacara Aruh Adat Baharin di Desa Kapul Kabupaten Balangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumen. Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah (1) Bentuk penyajian tari Wadian Kelong dalam upacara Aruh Adat Baharin tidak mementingkan keindahan gerak, namun lebih mementingkan maksud dan tujuan 2) Fungsi tari Wadian Kelong adalah sebagai sarana upacara ritual dan Makna tari Wadian Kelong untuk ungkapan jiwa, penghormatan dan pembayar rejeki (3) Nilai estetika tari Wadian Kelong dalam upacara Aruh Adat Baharin yaitu gerak tari sederhana dan memiliki kandungan daya intensitas dal...
Cultural Value in Oral Tradition of Dayak Maanyan Customary Marriage in Central Kalimantan. The aim of this study is to describe the implementation and the cultural values of Dayak Maanyan customary marriage which is one of the oral tradition form of heritage in a complete procession way. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The interactive model analysis is carried out from the data collection, data reduction, and data verification. The research sites are located in Palangka Raya and Buntok. This research is conducted by collecting information about customary marriage either directly or indirectly from other documents. The research data is extracted from; Interviews with three speakers who are traditional leaders in their area, with supervision, observation, and documentation. The implementation of Dayak Maanyan customary marriage consists of (1) Natas Banjang, (2) The customary law fulfillment, (3) I Wurung Jue, (4) I Gunung Pirak, and (5) Turus Tajak. The cultural value in Natas Banjang is about the relation between human and God, nature, other people, and human itself. The cultural value in customary law fulfillment is about human relation to society and others. The cultural value in I Wurung Jue is about human relation with nature, human itself and other people. The cultural value in I Gunung Pirak is about human relation with God, nature, society and human itself. The cultural value in Turus Tajak is about human relation with God, society and other people.
Pemaknaan dan Nilai dalam Upacara Adat Maras Taun di Kabupaten Belitung
Panggung, 2019
This paper aims to find out the meaning and values of the tradition of the Maras Taun ceremony in Belitung Regency. This research is conducted using a qualitative method with sociology and cultural anthropology approaches. Maras Taun is one of the traditional ceremonies that has been carried out for generations in Belitung Regency. It is not just a routine activity in Belitung Island, but at least there are three dimensions contained in the ceremony including tradition, symbolism, and values. Maras Taun is a thanksgiving ceremony for rice harvest which is carried out once a year after the harvest because most of the people earn a living in the fields. The next development of the Maras Taun ceremony is transformed into village salvation as people were not farmed in the fields anymore because of social changes. But, this did not reduce the sacredness of the traditional ceremony of Maras Taun itself. The results of this study found that in each stage of the ceremony contained the symbo...