Using Puppet Media in Improving the Speaking Ability of Junior High School Students 4 Waru Sidoarjo (original) (raw)
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Teaching bahasa to elementary school students has important role in building attitudes, habits, and basic abilities to develop their language skills. Story telling is a part of it. The story teller must have good performance of voice, intonation, and mimic, so that the listeners can understand and enjoy the performance. The story tellers must be supported by appropriate media; they are hand puppets. The objective of this study is to know the implementation of hand-puppets as a story telling media to support students' language skills and character building of the second graders of SDN 6 Karangasem Batang. It is an R and D research. The data were collected by observing, interviewing teacher, giving tests, and taking documentations. Based on the data, hand-puppets can be used to increase students' language skills in retelling story. Those data were shown by students' active participation during the learning process and their interest, enthusiasm, and brave in retelling stor...
ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal), 2021
The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the students of speaking skills who are taught using hand puppet. (2) To find out the students of speaking skills who are taught without using hand puppet. (3) To find out any significant difference speaking skills of students who are taught with and without using hand puppet. In order to the objectives of the study, relevant theories were refer to and discussed significance among them were theories of speaking, storytelling, learning media, and hand puppets. Following the presentation of the theoretical frameworks, the research methods were selected. The study used quantitative description with experimental approach. Based on the data analysis, the research found that the result of the significant difference speaking skill of students who are taught with and without using hand puppets through narrative text. According to statistical calculations, sig. (2-tailed) and with df 33 in significance level 0, 05 t-table = 22.392 with p-valu...
The Use of Puppet in Teaching Speaking to Young Learners
| | CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents an introduction of the research paper which describes the background of the research, research questions, aims of the study, and significances of the study. In addition, the organization of this research paper is also presented at the end of the chapter. 1.1 Background of The Study English has been taught in all levels of education in Indonesian primary schools with greater compulsion, and at a steadily lowering age (Graddol, 2006, p. 88). The statement shows the emerging trend in the world of English language learning and teaching, that is teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL). The skill of communicating in English in the global world nowadays is considered as one of the must-required life skills. Despite English is no longer being included in Indonesia 2013 curriculum, young learners will get benefits from this study. One advantage of teaching English to early ages is the aim to make young learners familiar with foreign language. It is in line with Cameron (2001) who proposes some advantages to introduce young learners to foreign languages at early age. She (2001) believes that children who have an early start development will gain advantages in some areas of language skills which are divided into two kinds namely receptive and productive. Receptive skills consist of listening and reading skills, while productive skills consist of speaking and writing skills. Speaking is an important skill especially for English as Foreign Language (EFL). Speaking is the basic human skills since they were born. However, Peregoy and Boyle (2001:107) states that listening, speaking, reading and writing also occur naturally together in learning events in school at all grade levels, even though traditionally they were taught separately. Relevant to the importance of English speaking skills, it is necessary to develop and increase the attitudes of EFL for young learners in speaking English, in this case English language in Indonesia.
Young Learners´english Speaking Skill Development and Motivation Through the Use of a Puppet
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Yavana Bhasha : Journal of English Language Education, 2021
This study aimed at investigating whether the implementation of hand puppet in role play gave a significant effect to the students’ speaking competency. Hand puppets are dolls that are used as media or tools used in learning activities. Types of puppets that are usually used are hand puppets made of pieces of cloth. Methods: The research design used a pre-experimental design with a one group pre-posttest design. The populations used in this study were children in B group class in Santo Rafael Singaraja. The speaking measurement used an observation sheet in which it guided by a task. The sample size used is 30 respondents who have been selected using a total sampling technique. This study used parametric statistics using Paired Sample T-test with a significant level of α = 0.05. Results: The results showed that the pre-test mean was 56.00, and the post-test mean was 68.33. The results of parametric statistical tests using the Paired Sample T-test showed pre and post results (0.000) &...
International Journal of Language and Literature, 2018
This study was purposed to investigate whether or not there was a significant effect of storytelling using puppet strategy on students’ speaking achievement at eighth grade of junior high school at SMP N 1 Seririt in the academic year 2018/2019. The research design was Quasi Experimental of Posttest Only Control Group Design involving eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Seririt. Cluster Random Sampling was assigned to select the sample of this study in which VIIIA Class was assigned as the control group and treated by using storytelling without puppet while VIIIB Class as the experimental group was treated by using storytelling with puppet strategy. Three kinds of instruments were used in this study namely lesson plan, speaking test, and storytelling rubric. Based on the result of the data analysis proves that there is a significant difference on students’ speaking achievement between students who were taught by using storytelling with puppet strategy and those students who were t...
Improving the story-telling skill of grade 1 students through the use of hand puppet media
Jurnal Prima Edukasia
The purpose of this study is to improve the storytelling skills in language learning of grade I students of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Sapen Yogyakarta using hand puppet media.This research is collaborative classroom action research with the cycle model design. The subject of the study was grade I students of Al Ibadi Muhammadiyah Elementary School Sapen, totaling 30 students, consisting of 16 male and 14 female students. The data were collected through observatioThe purpose of this study is to improve the storytelling skills in language learning of grade I students of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Sapen Yogyakarta using hand puppet media.This research is collaborative classroom action research with the cycle model design. The subject of the study was grade I students of Al Ibadi Muhammadiyah Elementary School Sapen, totaling 30 students, consisting of 16 male and 14 female students. The data were collected through observation and documentation as well as using a questionnair...
Absract This thesis was aimed to describe the implementation of teaching speaking by using role play and to describe the students' responses toward the use of role play speaking in classroom. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of the study were students at fifth grade of MINU KH MUKMIN SIDOARJO. The instrument and the procedure of data collection were used observation and questionnaire. The activities of the implementation involved teacher introduce and explain role play then practice the dialog. Students exercise privately and do performance. The last, teacher gave conclusion. Students' outcomes using this technique were good in criteria with the average 30.6. From the data of students responses, students felt enjoy, happy, and found their self confidence during performance. Abstrak Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk menggambarkan penerapan mengajar berbicara menggunakan teknik bermain peran dan menggambarkan respon siswa dalam penggunaan bermain peran pada pelajaran berbicara di kelas. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Instrument dan prosedur data koleksi menggunakan observasi dan angket. Aktifitas yang diterapkan pada pembelajaran ini meliputi guru mengenalkan dan menjelaskan "bermain peran" kemudian mempraktekkan dialog. Murid berlatih dengan kelompok masing-masing dan berakting. Terakhir guru memberi kesimpulan. Hasil dari pembelajaran ini memenuhi kriteria yang baik. Dari data angket siswa, siswa merasa nyaman, senang dan menemukan kepercayaan dirinya saat berakting. Beberapa siswa ingin agar pembelajaran ini diterapkan lagi. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa baik guru maupun siswa aktif dalam pembelajaran. Teknik ini memotivasi siswa untuk aktif dalam 60 belajar, menciptakan suasana nyaman dan menambah kepercayaan diri siswa. Hasil dari pembelajaran juga memenuhi kriteria baik. Kata kunci: teknik bermain peran, mengajar berbicara, sekolah dasar.
Puppet as Media in Improving Young Learners’ Participation in Conversation
Abstract: This action research is intended to solve the problem of students’ participation in doing conversation in English classroom. The participants were 38 of fifth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak. The research showed that puppet as media in improving young learners’ participation in conversation could improve students’ participation from cycle to cycle. The process in three cycles was equal, but there are some differences during the action research including material and problems found. In the first cycle, the research showed the students had participated in conversation. The percentage was 53%, including 11 students asking question, 6 students answering question and 3 students giving opinion. In the second cycle, the students’ participation shows the percentage 61%, including 14 students asking question, 8 students answering question and 4 students giving opinion. Last, in the third cycle, the percentage of students participation shows 74%, including 14 students ...
Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Arts, Language and Culture (ICALC 2018), 2019
Speaking is a basic humans’ need. Using languages, humans will be able to communicate with one another considerably. To maximize humans’ skills in languages, education world provides a means of supporting language learning in the school curriculum. Teachers are the source of message or knowledge to understand the characteristics of students as listeners. Innovative learning media can be applied in accordance with the students’ characteristics and learning objectives. It can effectively improve speaking skills of children with special needs. Moreover, a puppet paper media can draw students’ attention especially children with different special needs. The higher the level of students’ understanding in listening to the materials, the more output can be conveyed through speaking activities.