Contribution of Edge Structure Towards Enhanced Thermal Stability of Graphene-Based Materials (original) (raw)

An Overview on Properties, Production Mechanisms and Applications of Graphene

Recent years have witnessed a revolution in graphene and its applications. Today, it is a hot topic in science and engineering circles, and attracts more and more interest. This short review article presents the main contributions of research on graphene and its properties, production mechanisms and potential applications. The bibliographic review was performed searching in the Scopus, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, SciELO and Google Scholar scientific databases. As can be seen, the optimal properties of graphene makes it a revolutionary precursor key-material for research and development (R&D) to be applied in many fields such as: energy storage, electronics, purification and decontamination, oil and gas, catalysis, thin films, sensors and biosensors, composite materials among many others applications to be discovered.

Review A Brief Review of Synthesis, Properties and Applications of Graphene

Pakistan Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences, 2020

At time when the limitation of silicon capabilities is being touched the finding of graphene and its exclusive properties of nano-scale are of utmost importance. The possible substitutes of following generation for quicker and minor electronics of present 21st century. Several methods and techniques are being experimented to produce graphene with enhanced properties to be used as a substitute for existing materials. Raman spectrophotometry, X-ray diffraction, field emission-scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and tunneling electron microscopy are the characterizing techniques for the prepared graphene. Graphene is the core compound of interest for scientists for this decade and previous as well, because of its exceptional impact on many life disciplines. That is why the increasing trend in recent years for the graphene and graphene oxides is observed.

Graphene’s Structure, Synthesis and Characterization;

I N 2004, Andrei Geim and Kostya Novoselov used a simple technique to separate graphene layer from graphite. They were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. After this, the publications of graphene have been increasing year after year and have emerged as the most popular topic in the research field which indicates the importance of graphene research. Due to unique properties of graphene, it can be considered as promising material for various applications in the fields of physics, chemistry, material science and engineering, and biology. Consequently, this review will focus on using of biomass and other wastes as precursor material for graphene preparation. We hope it could be of helpful to people who are interested in this field. The future outlook of graphene is also considered.

Graphene: A New Era of Technology

The aim of this literature indicate that graphene composites are promising multifunctional materials with improved tensile strength and elastic modulus, mechanical strength, optical property, electrical and thermal conductivity. Its unique quality light weight, high strength, excellent electric conductivity makes it differ from any other material. It has ability to replace the silicon and change the scenario of semiconductor devices. It is a base of nano technology. Due to its unique properties, it will sets the new dimension in the nano techno world.

Thermal Characterization of Graphene Based Composites

REST Publisher, 2022

Graphene, an atomic thin two-dimensional carbonaceous nanomaterial, has exceptional electrical, mechanical and chemical properties. There is also great research interest in the development of two technologies. Since the discovery of graphene, this reliable Wide range of material applications Integrated,and many attempts have been made To modify the structure of graphene. Particular attention is paid. Graphene Derivatives Graphene Oxide Hole Graphene / Graphene oxide, recent Developments development of reduced Graphene oxide and graphene quantum points. In this chapter, the inherent properties of the definition and the different approaches to top-down and basically graphene derivatives are discussed below. This includes the formation of derivatives of graphene by chemical oxidation. In addition, the bit and peel-out mechanism for creating graphene derivatives, which leads For a better understanding of Physics of graphene derivatives And chemical properties.

Graphene The Wonder Material And Its Application

Graphene, The wonder material and an invention of 21st century .An allotrope of carbon a two-dimensional, single-layered sheet of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms. This wonder material has attracted much attention from researchers due to its interesting mechanical, thermal, optical, electrochemical and electronic properties. This is not only a good conductor, having resistivity: 10−6 Ω•cm and mobility 200,000 cm2 V-1 s-1 but also it is stronger than diamond having Maximum Young's modulus : ~1.3 TPa and a million times thinner than paper, The interlayer spacing : 0.33~0.36 nm. These exceptional properties have opened up new opportunities for the application of this nanomaterial in the future devices and systems. This paper is written to give a consolidated view of the synthesis, the properties with an aims to present an overview of the advancement of research in applications of graphene and its derivatives in different areas such as field emission, sensors, energy storage, electronics, catalysis, and biomedical field as well as a brief discussion on the challenges and perspectives for future research.