Абрамзон М.Г., Смекалова Т.Н., Быковская Н.В. Монетные сплавы античного Боспора: Рентгено-флуоресцентные исследования монет довоенной коллекции, переданной Федеративной Республикой Германии Восточно-Крымскому историко-культурному музею-заповеднику. СПБ, 2023 (original) (raw)

This, the ninth volume of the Black Sea Archaeometry, presents for the first time the results of a study of the composition of alloys of coins from the unique collection of 488 Bosporan coins, received by Eastern-Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Preserve from Germany in 2010. Presumably, this is part of the numismatic collection of the A.S. Pushkin Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum, lost during the Second World War. The collection is characterized by careful selection of types and completeness, including rare and unpublished coins. In addition to copper, it includes dozen gold and almost 60 silver coins (including a significant portion of Bosporan silver of the 5th–1st centuries BC). On the basis of XRF-analyses, important conclusions are drawn on the problems of the evolution of Bosporan coin alloys, and the specifics of their use. The earlier conclusions about the change in the sources of early Bosporan silver at the turn of the first and second quarters of the 5th century BC are confirmed. The process of debasement of Bosporan staters of the first centuries AD and converting them from full metal value to notional value coins has been studied in detail. Knowledge about the composition of coin alloys allows us to deeply understand the financial and economic history of the Bosporus, its political, economic, trade, cultural and technological influences and ties with the ancient centers of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. The book is intended for the experts in ancient numismatics and classical archaeology, museum keepers and all interested in the ancient history of the North Black Sea Region