Reticulate evolutionary history of a Western Palaearctic Bat Complex explained by multiple mtDNA introgressions in secondary contacts (original) (raw)
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Patterns of mtDNA introgression suggest population replacement in Palaearctic whiskered bat species
Royal Society Open Science
Secondary contacts can play a major role in the evolutionary histories of species. Various taxa diverge in allopatry and later on come into secondary contact during range expansions. When they meet, their interactions and the extent of gene flow depend on the level of their ecological differentiation and the strength of their reproductive isolation. In this study, we present the multilocus phylogeography of two cryptic whiskered bat species, Myotis mystacinus and M. davidii , with a particular focus on their putative sympatric zone. Our findings suggest that M. mystacinus and M. davidii evolved in allopatry and came into secondary contact during range expansions. Individuals in the area of secondary contact, in Anatolia and the Balkans, have discordant population assignments based on the mitochondrial and the nuclear datasets. These observed patterns suggest that the local M. mystacinus populations hybridized with expanding M. davidii populations, which resulted in mitochondrial int...
Genic differentiation and phylogenetic relationships within two New World bat genera
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 1983
Phylogenetic placement of taxa within the two New World leaf-nosed bat genera, Tonatia and Micronycteris was carried out using allozymic characters. Of particular interest were the relationships between the karyotypically megaevolved species and their proposed congeners. Neither of the two karyotypically megaevolved Tonatia species shared synapomorphic allozymes with the other Tonatia taxa. In contrast, the three Micronycteris species identified as having undergone this unusual mode of karyotypic evolution fall within a common evolutionary assemblage with all but one of their congeners. Measures of genic similarity among the Tonatia and Micronycteris species yield relatively low Nei identity values. No correlation is found when the number of karyotypic and allozymic changes since a common ancestor are compared.
Molecular …, 2009
Phylogeographical studies are typically based on haplotype data, occasionally on nuclear markers such as microsatellites, but rarely combine both. This is unfortunate because the use of markers with contrasting modes of inheritance and rates of evolution might provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of a species' history. Here we present a detailed study of the phylogeography of the greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, using 1098 bp of the mitochondrial ND2 gene from 45 localities from across its Palaearctic range to infer population history. In addition, we re-analysed a large microsatellite data set available for this species and compared the results of both markers to infer population relationships and the historical processes influencing them. We show that mtDNA, the most popular marker in phylogeography studies, yielded a misleading result, and would have led us to conclude erroneously that a single expansion had taken place in Europe. Only by combining the mitochondrial and microsatellite data sets are we able to reconstruct the species' history and show two colonization events in Europe, one before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and one after it. Combining markers also revealed the importance of Asia Minor as an ancient refugium for this species and a source population for the expansion of the greater horseshoe bat into Europe before the LGM.
A tale of two genomes: contrasting patterns of phylogeographic structure in a widely distributed bat
Molecular ecology, 2011
One of the most widely distributed bats in the New World, the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) exhibits well-documented geographic variation in morphology and life history traits, suggesting the potential for significant phylogeographic structure as well as adaptive differentiation among populations. In a pattern broadly consistent with morphologically defined subspecies, we found deeply divergent mitochondrial lineages restricted to different geographic regions. In contrast, sequence data from two nuclear loci suggest a general lack of regional genetic structure except for peripheral populations in the Caribbean and Mexico/South America. Coalescent analyses suggest that the striking difference in population structure between genomes cannot be attributed solely to different rates of lineage sorting, but is likely due to male-mediated gene flow homogenizing nuclear genetic diversity across most of the continental range. Despite this ongoing gene flow, selection has apparently been ef...
Systematic biology, 2013
Phylogenetic comparisons of the different mammalian genetic transmission elements (mtDNA, X-, Y-, and autosomal DNA) is a powerful approach for understanding the process of speciation in nature. Through such comparisons the unique inheritance pathways of each genetic element and gender-biased processes can link genomic structure to the evolutionary process, especially among lineages which have recently diversified, in which genetic isolation may be incomplete. Bulldog bats of the genus Noctilio are an exemplar lineage, being a young clade, widely distributed, and exhibiting unique feeding ecologies. In addition, currently recognized species are paraphyletic with respect to the mtDNA gene tree and contain morphologically identifiable clades that exhibit mtDNA divergences as great as among many species. To test taxonomic hypotheses and understand the contribution of hybridization to the extant distribution of genetic diversity in Noctilio, we used phylogenetic, coalescent stochastic modeling, and divergence time estimates using sequence data from cytochrome-b, cytochrome c oxidase-I, zinc finger Y, and zinc finger X, as well as evolutionary reconstructions based on amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) data. No evidence of ongoing hybridization between the two currently recognized species was identified. However, signatures of an ancient mtDNA capture were recovered in which an mtDNA lineage of one species was captured early in the noctilionid radiation. Among subspecific mtDNA clades, which were generally coincident with morphology and statistically definable as species, signatures of ongoing hybridization were observed in sex chromosome sequences and AFLP. Divergence dating of genetic elements corroborates the diversification of extant Noctilio beginning about three million years ago, with ongoing hybridization between mitochondrial lineages separated by 2.5 million years. The time-frame of species' divergence within Noctilio supports the hypothesis that shifts in the dietary strategies of by guest on October 13, 2016 Downloaded from 3 gleaning insects (N. albiventris) or fish (N. leporinus) are among the most rapid instances of dietary evolution observed in mammals. This study illustrates the complex evolutionary dynamics shaping gene pools in nature, how comparisons of genetic elements can serve for understanding species boundaries, and the complex considerations for accurate taxonomic assignment. Downloaded from 5
"Delimiting species is a crucial issue for many biological disciplines and is of primary importance for designing effective conservation plans. Traditional taxonomy based on morphological characters can be misled by the presence of phenotypic plesiomorphism or adaptative convergence. The use of multiple locus genetic data appears thus as a powerful tool for recognizing species boundaries. In this study, we used six nuclear introns and two mitochondrial markers to conduct a phylogenetic study of the Myotis nattereri species complex in the Western Palearctic. We combined tree-based and non-tree-based analyses, and also used concatenated phylogenetic methods of the separated nuclear and mitochondrial dataset as well as a recent coalescence-based multilocus approach. The strong concordance between the results of the analyses conducted confirms that M. nattereri is a paraphyletic group that is composed of four well-differentiated lineages in the study area. In the framework of the unified species concept, these four clades can be confidently considered as four valid species. This recognition of new cryptic species in the Western Mediterranean region shows that the biodiversity of this well-studied area is still not fully understood."
Bat Systematics in the Light of Unconstrained Analyses of a Comprehensive Molecular Supermatrix
Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 2016
Bats (Chiroptera) represent the largest diversification of extant mammals after rodents. Here we report the results of a large-scale phylogeny of bats based on unconstrained searches for a data matrix of 804 non-chimeric, taxonomically updated bat terminals (796 species represented by a single terminal plus three species represented by ≥2 genetically distinct subspecies), able to preliminary test the systematics of most groups simultaneously. We used nine nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence markers fragmentary represented for ingroups (c. 90% and 64% of extant diversity at genus and species level, respectively) and 20 diverse placental outgroups. Maximum Likelihood and Parsimony analyses applied to the concatenated dataset yielded a highly resolved, variously supported phylogeny that recovered the majority of currently recognized clades at all levels of the chiropteran tree. Calibration points based on 44 key fossils allowed the Bayesian dating of bat origins at c. 4 my after the K-Pg boundary, and the determination of stem and crown ages of intraordinal clades. As expected, bats appeared nested in Laurasiatheria and split into Yinpterochiroptera and Yangochiroptera. More remarkable, all polytypic, currently recognized families were monophyletic, including Miniopteridae, Cistugidae, and Rhinonycteridae, as well as most polytypic genera with few expected exceptions (e.g., Hipposideros). The controversial Myzopodidae appeared in a novel position as sister of Emballonuroidea-a result with interesting biogeographic implications. Most recently recognized subfamilies, genera, and species groups were supported or only minor adjustments to the current taxonomy would be required, except Molossidae, which should be revised thoroughly. In light of our analysis, current bat systematics is strongly supported at all levels; the emergent perception of a strong biogeographic imprint on many recovered bat clades is emphasized.
Historical male-mediated introgression in horseshoe bats revealed by multilocus DNA sequence data
Molecular Ecology, 2010
Instances of hybridization between mammalian taxa in the wild are rarely documented. To test for introgression between sibling species of horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus yunanensis and R. pearsoni) and two subspecies of the latter (R. p. pearsoni and R. p. chinensis), we sequenced two mtDNA and two ncDNA markers in individuals sampled from multiple localities within their overlapping ranges. The interspecific mtDNA gene tree corresponded to the expected taxonomic divisions, and coalescentbased analyses suggested divergence occurred around 4 MYA. However, these relationships strongly conflicted with those recovered from two independent nuclear gene trees, in which R. yunanensis clustered with R. p. pearsoni to the exclusion of R. p. chinensis. This geographically widespread discordance is best explained by large-scale historical introgression of ncDNA from R. yunanensis to R. pearsoni by male-mediated exchange in mixed species colonies during Pleistocene glacial periods, when ranges may have contracted and overlapped more than at present. Further species tree-gene tree conflicts were detected between R. p. pearsoni and R. p. chinensis, also indicating past and ⁄ or current introgression in their overlapping regions. However, here the patterns point to asymmetric mtDNA introgression without ncDNA introgression. Analyses of coalescence times indicate this exchange has occurred subsequent to the divergence of these subspecies from their common ancestor. Our work highlights the importance of using multiple data sets for reconstructing phylogeographic histories and resolving taxonomic relationships.