Good Mentoring: Fostering Excellent Practice in Higher Education (original) (raw)



Taylor and Francis CMET_A_511853.sgm 10.1080/136 267 2010.511853 Mentori g & Tutoring 361-1267 (pri )/1469-9745 (online) Book Reviews 2 10 & Francis 8 40 0 002010 Professor N. DouglasLees nl es@ upui.ed Good mentoring: Fostering excellent practice in higher education, by Jeanne Nakamura and David Shernoff with Charles Hooker, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 2009, ix–xxv + 336 pp., $40.00 (hardcover), ISBN-10: 0470189630, ISBN-13: 978-0470189634

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