Terrorism as a specific form of threat to security of the Republic of Serbia (original) (raw)
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Endangering of Security of Republic of Serbia Through Non-Military Threats
Knowledge International Journal
Nowadays, a greater number of significant dangers do not come from one or more states, but from non-state, mainly heavily controlled, entities and phenomena. By comparing security threats in the last decades of the past century and today, the problem that many countries in the world encounter today are unequivocal, that is, the dominance of the various forms of non-military threats of security at present, in relation to the military threats that dominated in the past. Non-military challenges, risks and threats are an increasing global problem and can endanger the interests and security of any country in the world, including Serbia.In accordance with contemporary events and developments, in the paper are comprehensively percived the ways of endangering the security of the Republic of Serbia by non-military forms of threats to security. The dominant forms of non-war threats to security, such as terrorism, organized crime and corruption and their ties, Albanian separatism, national and...
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Islamic extremism in Kosovo and Metohija: A security challenge for the Republic of Serbia
Vojno delo
In recent years, we have witnessed many unfortunate events across Europe, whose culprits are Islamic extremists. They carry out terrorist attacks, which cause numerous civilian casualties and a sense of fear and defeatism in society, which is one of the main goals of terrorism. It is simply impossible not to notice that the main actors of such events are often Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija (hereinafter referred to as KiM), sympathizers and even active members of the Islamic State and related terrorist organizations. This fact represents a real danger for the security of the citizens of the Republic of Serbia, primarily due to the number of jihadists from Syria and Iraq, who have returned to the territory of the southern Serbian province, but also other factors that will be analysed in this paper using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research method. As the ultimate goal of this analysis, which will represent its scientific and social contribution, potential soluti...
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The Republic of Serbia national security in the Western Balkans regional security complex
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Vojno delo
ладни рат је донео преобликовање безбедносне архитектуре и биполарност је уступила место доминацији Сједињених Америчких Држава и њеном претежном утицају на свеукупност међународних односа. Међутим, теоретичари међународних односа све су гласнији у својим ставовима о наступајућем мултиполаризму који у међународну арену уводи "играче" који озбиљно прете да уздрмају досадашњи доминантан положај Сједињених Америчких Држава. У таквој констелацији снага, (гео)политички положај слабих држава и држава у транзицији, попут Републике Србије, умногоме је детерминисан интересима великих сила.
Journal of Security and Criminal Sciences
Education is a source of knowledge about social phenomena and processes and plays a significant role in the prevention of socially harmful behaviors. This paper analyzes the extent to which educational content about radicalization, violent extremism, and terrorism in elementary, secondary, and higher education (public universities) is present, and the extent to which envisaged teaching topics are tailored to the current security environment. According to the keywords "radicalization", "violent extremism" and "terrorism", the curricula for all three levels of education in the Republika Srpska were analyzed and quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted thereafter. The research findings demonstrated that the topics of radicalization, violent ex-tremism, and terrorism are not addressed in primary and secondary education. Regarding higher education, there is a clear lack of courses in this field within many study programs. Topics in the study of t...