Verification of Clock Synchronization Algorithms: Experiments on a Combination of Deductive Tools (original) (raw)
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A Modular Proof of Correctness for a Network Synchronizer (Research Summary)
International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms, 1987
In this paper we offer a formal, rigorous proof of the correctness of Awerbuch's algorithm for network synchronization. We specify both the algorithm and the correctness condition using the I/O automaton model, which has previously been used to describe and verify algorithms for concurrency control and resource allocation. We show that the model is also a powerful tool for reasoning about distributed graph algorithms. Our proof of correctness follows closely the intuitive arguments made by the designer of the algorithm by exploiting the model's natural support for such important design techniques as stepwise refinement and modularity. In particular, since the algorithm uses simpler algorithms for synchronization within and between 'clusters' of nodes, our proof can import as lemmas the correctness of these simpler algorithms. 1 Overview 1.1 Verification methods and models As computer science has matured as a discipline, its activity has broadened from writing programs to include reasoning about those programs: proving their correctness and efficiency, and proving bounds on the performance of any program that accomplishes the same task. Recently distributed computing has begun to broaden in this way (albeit a decade or two later than the part of computer science concerned with sequential, uniproeessor algorithms). There are several reasons why particular care is necessary to prove the correctness of algorithms when the algorithms
Using integer clocks to verify clock-synchronization protocols
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 2011
We use the Uppaal model checker for Timed Automata to verify the Timing-Sync time-synchronization protocol for sensor networks (TPSN), the clocksynchronization algorithm of Lenzen, Locher and Wattenhofer for general distributed systems (LLW), and the clock-thread technique of the Software Monitoring with Controllable Overhead algorithm (SMCO). Clocksynchronization algorithms such as TPSN, LLW, and SMCO must be able to perform arithmetic on clock values in order to calculate clock drift and network propagation delays. They must also be able to read the value of a local clock and assign it to another local clock. Such operations are not directly supported by the theory of Timed Automata.
Authenticated Agreement Protocols without Explicit Clock Synchronisation
Proceedings of the …, 1995
Replicated processing requires that replicas reach agreement on the order in which messages are to be processed. Synchronous and deterministic agreement protocols published in the literature require replicas to maintain an abstraction of clocks that are kept in bounded synchronism. We present a protocol that does not have this requirement and relies only on physical, hardware clocks with bounded drifting rates. Its performance is shown to be as good as the performance of protocols that do require synchronised clocks. A variation of the protocol is then derived for more practical, Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) systems, and is shown to have better performance than existing protocols. These protocols are well suited to perform process replication.
Approximate Synchrony : An Abstraction for Distributed Time-Synchronized Systems
Time synchronization plays a central role in the design of reliable distributed embedded systems. However, the clocks of nodes that are time-synchronized are only guaranteed to be equal within a certain tolerance. Thus, when modeling and verifying distributed protocols that involve or rely upon time synchronization, abstractions are needed that accurately capture the notion of systems being “almost synchronized.” In this paper, we present the concept of approximate synchrony, a modeling and verification abstraction for time-synchronized systems. Approximate synchrony is a sound and tunable abstraction. We have implemented approximate synchrony as a part of a model checker and used it to verify the Best Master Clock (BMC) algorithm, the core component of IEEE 1588 precision time protocol and the time-synchronized channel hopping protocol that is part of the IEEE 802.15.4e standard.
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Clock synchronization with faults and recoveries (extended abstract)
Proceedings of the nineteenth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing - PODC '00, 2000
We present a convergence-function based clock synchronization algorithm, which is simple, e cient and fault-tolerant. The algorithm is tolerant of failures and allows recoveries, as long as less than a third of the processors are faulty`at the same time'. Arbitrary (Byzantine) faults are tolerated, without requiring awareness of failure or recovery. In contrast, previous clock synchronization algorithms limited the total number of faults throughout the execution, which is not realistic, or assumed fault detection.
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A method for the verification of a distributed and synchronized algorithm
International Journal of Production Research, 2004
In the model checking context, the method used to detect stable properties is to construct the synchronized product of the input automata. The problem of such a method is the well known state space explosion. We present a new algorithm that allows to restrict this explosion, by constructing only the states necessary to check the stable properties. The basic idea is to forget the states non relevant to the verification. This is done by agregating the concurent transitions.