Study of appearance of leaf and stem spot disease on Asalio (Lepidium sativum L.) under epiphytotic condition caused by Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Kiesser (original) (raw)

Factors Affecting Development of Alternaria Leaf Spot of Asalio Caused By Alternaria Alternata And Identification of Pathogen


The present study was on management of Alternaria leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata in Asalio. The disease was found to be very severe in all Asalio growing areas causing heavy destruction. The main aim of this investigation was to find out effect of age of the host, inoculum density in Alternaria leaf spot disease development and molecular identification of pathogen. The result shows that the susceptibility in Asalio increased with increase in age on inoculatios of A. alternata. Maximum disease was obtained in the plants ageing 40 DAS with PDI 55.60 per cent. Among the variously examined levels of inoculum concentrations. The two lower concentrations 1 × 101 and 1 × 102 conidia ml-1 exhibited significant difference in the PDI (20.00 and 31.20 respectively) within each other. 1 × 103 and 1 × 104 conidia ml-1 inoculum levels were found to be significantly at par to each other with PDI (39.20 and 40.80 respectively). 1 × 103 conidia ml-1 inoculum concentration was optimum for c...

Effects of Physical Parameters on Growth of Alternaria alternata causing Alternaria Leaf Spot of Lehsua

International Journal of Chemical Studies

Lehsua (Cordia myxa Roxb.) also known as Lasoda, Gunda and Indian cherry, is a major fruit of the family Boraginaceae and grown in Rajasthan and other states of India. Alternaria leaf spot of lehsua, caused by Alternaria alternata is an important disease of this crop and day by day it is becoming severe in Rajasthan. The physiological study i.e. effect of temperature, RH, pH and effect of media on fungus (Alternaria alternata) was studied in vitro. The mycelial growth of Alternaria alternata was studied at different levels of temperature ranging from 15 o C to 35 o C. Maximum mycelial growth (87.51 mm) was recorded at 25 o C, while minimum (55.73 mm) was recorded at 15 o C. Maximum (88.71 mm) and minimum (49.00 mm) growth was recorded at 100 and 60 per cent level of RH, respectively; similarly maximum mycelial dry weight (847 mg) was recorded at pH 6.5 and minimum (300 mg) was at pH 8.0. The best growth supportive medium (87.88 mm dia. cololny) for the pathogen was potato dextrose agar medium followed by Czapeck's Dox agar medium.

Influence of weather parameters on alternaria leaf blight severity of makhana under the agro-climate of Koshi region of Bihar

Journal of Agrometeorology

Weather parameters play a pivotal role in the infection process and spread of pathogen. It also influences the expression of susceptibility/resistance of the host plant during post-infection phases. Therefore, an experiment was conducted for two consecutive cropping seasons (2018 &2019) to study the influence of weather parameters such as temperature, humidity, rainfall and wind direction on the emergence of alternaria leaf blight of makhana in Koshi region of Bihar. Maximum per cent disease severity of alternarialeaf blightwas observed during the peak monsoon months (June to August). Highest disease severity of leaf blight (14.80% & 15.7%) was observed in the mid June during crop season, 2018 and 2019. High temperature (36.9oC & 38.1oC), and relative humidity (94% & 96.4%) of both the year 2018 and 2019 were found correlated with higher severity to alternaria leaf blight. Similarly average HTR values (3.1) were also found correlated with the average high temperature and relative hu...

Evaluation of Biological Inoculants against Leaf Blight of Asalio Caused by Alternaria alternata


Lepidium sativum L. is commonly known as Asalio and Chandrasur. It is belongs to the family brassicaceae, in english it is known as “Garden Cress’’. Its posses Seeds, leaves and roots are economically and medicinally important and it is mainly grown for seeds all over India. Asalio is under commercial cultivation in Madhya Pradesh having more than 25000 ha. Due to increase in demand the area under Chandrasur production is being increased year after year. The whole plant is used for secondary syphilis and tenesmus [15] anti-diarrheal and anti-spasmodic[16] hypoglycemic [7] laxative [23] anti-bacterial [4] antioxidant, contraceptive effects[24] and in inflammatory bowel disease [21]. Among them A. alternata causes severe leaf spot in the northern Indian plains. Alternaria leaf spot disease symptoms in L. sativum are characterized by the appearance of brown necrotic spots on the leaf margin. The necrosis spreads towards the midrib and as a result the leaf curls up and dries, affecting ...

Alternaria alternata causes leaf and fruit blight in makhana

Current Science

Makhana (Euryale ferox) is a high-value commodity of nutritional, medicinal and ritualistic significance. North Bihar has occupied a prominent position in terms of both production and productivity of makhana not only in India, but across the globe. Leaf blight disease on makhana was noticed in April 2018, with a severity of 15-20% in a survey of farmers' ponds in North Bihar. Symptoms of the disease were circular, small, lightbrown, necrotic, sunken lesion that later turned into a large, dark, blighted area in the leaves. Blighting of fruits was also noticed during June and July 2018. Blighted fruits were small, distorted and twisted with less seed. Alternaria alternata was identified as the pathogen causing the disease based on morphological and cultural characteristics of the culture maintained on potato dextrose agar from symptomatic leaf and fruit samples. The fungus gave rise to greyish to greyblack colonies with obclavate to obpyriform, catenulate conidia in chains. Conidia consisted of 2-5 horizontal and 0-2 vertical septa and measured 15-60 × 5-9 μm in dimension. Molecular confirmation was done by sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of rDNA using ITS1 and ITS4 primers. Eventually, pathogenicity test inferred that leaf and fruit blight in makhana are due to A. alternata infection.

Severity of Alternaria Leaf Spot of Brinjal caused by Alternaria alternata in Kashmir, India

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2018

Alternaria leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata is one of the important foliar diseases of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) The present study on severity of Alternaria leaf spot of brinjal in Kashmir valley was conducted during kharif 2016. An extensive survey was conducted in three districts of Kashmir valley viz., Anantnag, Baramulla, and Budgam revealed that disease was prevalent in all the three districts with mean disease incidence and intensity of 30.76 and 9.77 per cent, respectively. The maximum disease incidence of 38.68 and intensity of 14.07 per cent was observed in district Budgam and minimum disease incidence of 21.73 and intensity of 5.88 per cent was observed in district Anantnag.

Effect of abiotic factors on progression of Alternaria blight of brinjal

The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2021

Vegetables are the important component of the human diet because of their nutritional health benefits. In terms of vegetable production and consumption, India is right next to China being the second-highest producer and consumer in the world. In India brinjal is the 5 th most important solanecious crop in term of production. Being a warm season crop its production is exposed to biotic stresses due to prevalence of congenial warm and wet weather conditions during the entire growing season. Amongst the biotic stresses, Alternaria blight of brinjal is one of the major disease which become severe under the weather conditions prevailing during the summer season. The study indicated that different biotic factors have a considerable impact on the initiation and progression of disease. The temperature ranging between 25-30 ºC, in combination with relative humidity >90% and leaf wetness of more than 20h were found favourable epidemiological parameters for initiation and progression of Alternaria blight on detached leaves, covering the major proportion of leaves after 144h of incubation period with maximum apparent rate of infection.

Correlation of weather parameters with development of leaf spot of safflower caused by Alternaria carthami

Alternaria leaf spot is a major destructive fungal disease of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) which infects the leaves, stem, head and seed. The experiment was conducted with a view to study the effect of different weather parameters viz., rainfall, humidity and temperature on the development of Alternaria leaf spot and secondly to develop forecasting model for it. The correlation studies indicated that rainfall, minimum temperature and relative humidity (RH-I and II) had a positive correlation with the disease development in all sowing times whereas the maximum temperature had a negative correlation. The weather conditions during 36 to 45 MW were observed to be the most congenial for the crop infection and further rapid build-up of the disease. The results of regression equation stated that, if the rains received coupled with high humidity above 80% and temperature in the range of 21 to 32 0 C favours the primary infection of the crop. Introduction The leaf spot disease caused ...