Early microcystin-LR exposure-linked inflammasome activation in mice causes development of fatty liver disease and insulin resistance (original) (raw)

With increased climate change pressures likely to influence harmful algal blooms, exposure to microcystin, a known hepatotoxin and a byproduct of cyanobacterial blooms can be a risk factor for NAFLD associated comorbidities. Using both in vivo and in vitro experiments we show that microcystin exposure in NAFLD mice cause rapid alteration of gut microbiome, rise in bacterial genus known for mediating gut inflammation and lactate production. Changes in the microbiome were strongly associated with inflammatory pathology in the intestine, gut leaching, tight junction protein alterations and increased oxidative tyrosyl radicals. Increased lactate producing bacteria from the altered microbiome was associated with increased NOX-2, an NADPH oxidase isoform. Activationof NOX2 caused inflammasome activation as shown by NLRP3/ASCII and NLRP3/Casp-1 colocalizations in these cells while use of mice lacking a crucial NOX2 component attenuated inflammatory pathology and redox changes. Mechanistica...

Microcystin (MC) exposure is an increasing concern because more geographical locations are covered with cyanobacterial blooms as eutrophication and bloom-favoring environmental factors become more prevalent worldwide. Acute MC exposure has been linked to gastrointestinal distress, liver toxicity, and death in extreme circumstances. The goal of this study was to provide an accurate and comprehensive description of MC-LRs impacts on liver pathology, clinical chemistry, and gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) in CD-1 male and female mice. Mice were exposed to 0, 3000, and 5000/4000 µg/kg/day MC-LR, daily for 7 days, and were necropsied on Day 8. Blood samples for clinical chemistry analysis were processed to serum, while liver sections were fixed for histopathology or evaluated for GJIC using fluorescent cut-load dye. Results show a dose-dependent relationship with MC-LR exposure and hepatocellular hypertrophy, degradation, and necrosis. Clinical chemistry parameters alanin...

We were the first to previously report that microcystin-LR (MC-LR) has limited effects within the colons of healthy mice but has toxic effects within colons of mice with pre-existing inflammatory bowel disease. In the current investigation, we aimed to elucidate the mechanism by which MC-LR exacerbates colitis and to identify effective therapeutic targets. Through our current investigation, we report that there is a significantly greater recruitment of macrophages into colonic tissue with pre-existing colitis in the presence of MC-LR than in the absence of MC-LR. This is seen quantitatively through IHC staining and the enumeration of F4/80-positive macrophages and through gene expression analysis for Cd68, Cd11b, and Cd163. Exposure of isolated macrophages to MC-LR was found to directly upregulate macrophage activation markers Tnf and Il1b. Through a high-throughput, unbiased kinase activity profiling strategy, MC-LR-induced phosphorylation events were compared with potential inhibi...

The increased propensity of harmful algal blooms (HABs) and exposure from HABs-cyanotoxin causes human toxicity. It has been associated with the progression of several diseases that encompass the liver, kidneys, and immune system. Recently, a strong association of cyano-HAB toxicity with the altered host gut microbiome has been shown. We tested the hypothesis that prior exposure to cyanotoxin microcystin may alter the microbiome and induce microbiome-host-resistome crosstalk. Using both wild-type and humanized mice, we show that the mice exposed to microcystin had an altered microbiome signature that harbored antimicrobial resistance genes. Host resistome phenotypes such as mefA, msrD, mel, ant6, and tet40 increased in diversity and relative abundance following microcystin exposure. Interestingly, the increased abundance of these genes was traced to resistance to common antibiotics such as tetracycline, macrolides, glycopeptide, and aminoglycosides, crucial for modern-day treatment ...