Ultra Wideband Channel Model for Indoor Environments (original) (raw)
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Ultra wideband indoor radio channel models: preliminary results
Knowledge of the signal propagation mechanisms in the channel is vital for the radio system design and the system performance analysis. However, currently published wideband or narrowband radio channel models do not offer spatial resolution high enough for the ultra wideband (UWB) applications and real channel measurements are needed. The preliminary UWB radio channel model for a selected radio link-configuration in an indoor environment is given.
Most of the wideband radio channel models available today are not accurate enough for ultra wideband (UWB) applications occupying an extremely large bandwidth. In this paper, a procedure for indoor UWB radio channel measurements and modelling is presented. The example discussed here is based on the measurements carried out in the main building of the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. An average size lecture room was selected to represent typical university environment, and various radio links were measured for statistical variance. A radio frequency band from 2 to 8 GHz was covered by a vector network analyzer, and the measured S 21 data were inverse Fourier transformed to achieve the corresponding impulse responses.
A Deterministic Indoor UWB Space-Variant Multipath Radio Channel Model
Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 7, 2007
A comparison of measured ultrawideband (UWB) signals and signals simulated by a ray-tracing tool are presented in the paper. The simulation tool is a full 3D indoor deterministic simulator aimed at illustrating low or high bit data rates channel parameters. The physical phenomena intervening in the complex indoor (multipath, shadowing) may be analysed by this means. A measurement campaign aimed at collecting ultrawideband signals in basic transmitter-receiver (Tx-Rx) configurations has been carried out. Simulated and measured signals are thus compared in terms of Impulse Responses and metrics like path losses, energy and delay spread. The work indicates that the deterministic ray-tracing approach can provide useful information for the system designer, especially if it is combined with statistical parameters.
UWB indoor channel measurements study
IWAT 2005. IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology: Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials, 2005., 2005
Results of UWB channel measurements on 'classical' office building scenarios are presented, focusing on the ability to extract and analyse each path from the channel impulse response thanks to virtual array sensors measurements. Particularly, the Direction Of Arrival (DOA) distribution and the way the waveform is distorted by simple propagation phenomena like reflection, diffraction or through-wall propagation, have been studied. A coherent post-processing method, based on the CLEAN algorithm, is used both to solve DOA of echo and to obtain its waveform averaged over the whole sensors grid. By comparing the reconstructed and the initial signal, we also deduce the percentage power in the detected paths.
Modeling, Real-Time Estimation, and Identification of UWB Indoor Wireless Channels
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2013
Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) are used to model ultrawideband (UWB) indoor wireless channels. We show that the impulse responses for time-varying indoor wireless channels can be approximated in a mean-square sense as close as desired by impulse responses that can be realized by SDEs. The state variables represent the inphase and quadrature components of the UWB channel. The expected maximization and extended Kalman filter are employed to recursively identify and estimate the channel parameters and states, respectively, from online received signal strength measured data. Both resolvable and nonresolvable multipath received signals are considered and represented as small-scaled Nakagami fading. The proposed models together with the estimation algorithm are tested using UWB indoor measurement data demonstrating the method’s viability and the results are presented.
Ultra wideband indoor radio channel measurements
UWB transmission techniques generate extremely wide bandwidth for the propagating radio signal. This allows one to utilize the technology in different kinds of applications that demand precise temporal or spatial resolution. Knowledge of the signal propagation mechanism in the channel is vital for the radio system design and the system performance analysis. However, currently published narrowband or wideband radio channel models do not offer spatial resolution high enough for the UWB applications and the real channel measurements are needed. This paper explains the ultra wideband (UWB) indoor radio channel measurement procedure performed at the main building at the University of Oulu, Finland. The measurement campaign included rooms with various sizes and layouts. The frequency responses of the radio channel were recorded using a vector network analyzer in a frequency sweep mode. The corresponding impulse responses of the radio channel were calculated by taking inverse Fourier transforms of the recorded radio channel frequency responses. Channel characterization and the statistical radio channel models will be generated from the impulse responses. This paper does not offer statistical UWB radio channel models but rather explains the measurement system, the measurement procedure and the environments where the radio channel soundings were performed.
Over the coming decades, high-definition situation ally-aware networks have the potential to create revolutionary applications in the social, scientific, commercial, and military sectors. Ultra wide bandwidth (UWB) technology is a viable candidate for enabling accurate localization capabilities through time-of-arrival (TOA)-based ranging techniques. It is difficult to model indoor mobile radio channel because the channel parameters varies significantly. The indoor radio channel depends heavily on factors which include building structure, layout of rooms, and the type of construction materials used. In order to understand the effects of these factors on electromagnetic wave propagation, it is necessary to recall the three basic mechanisms of electromagnetic wave propagation -- reflection, diffraction, and scattering. In this paper three types of indoor radio propagation models are analyzed at ultra wideband frequency range and results are compared to select best suitable model for se...
UWB Channel Modeling Improvement in Indoor Line-of-Sight (LOS) Environments
Int'l J. of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2010
Channel measurement and modeling are important issues when designing ultra wideband (UWB) communication systems. A Precise model of the channel response is inevitable for designing a UWB telecommunication system. In this article signal propagation in indoor environment and LOS condition is evaluated and the appropriate model of this scenario is presented. Parameters such as the power delay profile, mean excess delay, delay spread, "NP 10dB " are analyzed and simulated. Based on the analysis results, the proposed model is presented. This model is based on Two-cluster approach but its average power delay profile is described with power function and cluster time of the arrival is modeled by the modified exponential distribution. Finally UWB channel parameters of the proposed model, Saleh and Valenzuela (S-V) and Two-cluster models are compared. Measurement and simulation results show that considerable improvement for mean excess delay, delay spread and "NP 10dB " of proposed model comparing with S-V and Two-cluster models, this means the channel is better described, which mean the channel is described more precisely.
A comprehensive model for ultrawideband propagation channels
GLOBECOM '05. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2005., 2005
This paper describes a comprehensive statistical model for UWB propagation channels that is valid for a frequency range from 3-10 GHz. It is based on measurements and simulations in the following environments: residential indoor, office indoor, built-up outdoor, industrial indoor, farm environments, and body area networks. The model is independent of the used antennas. It includes the frequency dependence of the pathloss, as well as several generalizations of the Saleh-Valenzuela model, like mixed Poisson times of arrival and delay dependent cluster decay constants. The model can thus be used for realistic performance assessment of UWB systems. It was accepted by the IEEE 802.15.4a working group (WG) as standard model for evaluation of UWB system proposals.
Path-loss and time dispersion parameters for indoor UWB propagation
The propagation of ultra wideband (UWB) signals in indoor environments is an important issue with significant impacts on the future direction and scope of the UWB technology and its applications. The objective of this work is to obtain a better assessment of the potentials of UWB indoor communications by characterizing the UWB indoor communication channels. Channel characterization refers to extracting the channel parameters from measured data. An indoor UWB measurement campaign is undertaken. Time-domain indoor propagation measurements using pulses with less than 100 ps width are carried out. Typical indoor scenarios, including lineof-sight (LOS), non-line-of-sight (NLOS), room-to-room, withinthe-room, and hallways, are considered. Results for indoor propagation measurements are presented for local power delay profiles (local PDP) and small-scale averaged power delay profiles (SSA-PDP). Site-specific trends and general observations are discussed. The results for path-loss exponent and time dispersion parameters are presented.