Restructuring of Companies in the Republic of Srpska as an Assumption of Survival, Growth and Development (original) (raw)
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Analysis of public enterprises in the Republic of srpska and assessment of their financial risk
Proceedings of the Faculty of Economics in East Sarajevo , 2020
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Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2018
Bankruptcy of enterprises is macroeconomic issue and a phenomenon of a dynamic and competitive market economy. It results in a lot of negative effects not only for the enterprise and its employees but also for other enterprises and institutions, as well as the state and society. The aim of the article is to carry out the analysis of bankruptcy of Latvian and Lithuanian enterprises. No such study has been carried out so far. Article analyses the dynamics of Latvian and Lithuanian enterprise bankruptcy, which manifest themselves in larger waves in certain periods and the factors that influence them. From 1993when the bankruptcy of enterprises was started to be officially registeredto 1 January 2017, 21,503 Latvian enterprises and 20,933 Lithuanian enterprises went bankrupt. The largest wave of bankruptcy took place in the period of 2008-2010, when the financial crisis started in both countries. The comparative analysis of Latvian and Lithuanian enterprise bankruptcies was carried out according to the economic activity types and enterprises legal forms. In both countries mostly wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles enterprises (30% on average) go bankrupt, while construction enterprises (13% on average) are the runners-up. Initiators of enterprise bankruptcy are studied, numbers of Latvian and Lithuanian enterprises that went bankrupt are compared to the overall number of companies in the country. The data of this analysis are valuable when forecasting enterprise bankruptcy and preparing the measures to avoid it. The main research methods: analysis of scientific literature and statistical data, case analysis, methods of collection, grouping, comparison and generalization of information.
Analysis and Control of Bankruptcy and Reorganization Processes: Case Studies Using Accounting Data
E3S Web of Conferences
The article is devoted to the justification and development of recommendations for improving the use of accounting data for the analysis and control of bankruptcy and reorganization processes of enterprises. It is determined that in conditions of financial and political instability, the activities of enterprises are accompanied by crisis situations, which may result in insolvency or bankruptcy. The peculiarities of processes of bankruptcy and reorganization of enterprises, using the methods of economic analysis, analysis of financial state and efficiency of the investigated company, as well as evaluated the effectiveness of the use of accounting data for analysis and control of processes of bankruptcy and reorganization of enterprises. Overview of cases in business practice for which the company is liquidated. The state and volume of activity of the basic enterprise in the context of the main indicators of financial statements for the last three years are analyzed. As a result of th...
The Challenges Of Defining And Implementing Corporate Restructuring Programs
Economic Themes, 2014
The main objective of this paper is to present problems which get in the way of the implementation of planned structural changes brought about by restructuring. This is a very complex matter and a problem which currently troubles Serbia, considering the large number of enterprises which need to be restructured. As opposed to the practice of most developed countries, and even some transitional countries, with intense restructuring processes, these processes have been rather slow in Serbia. However, restructuring is becoming inevitable for a significant number of domestic enterprises. In some enterprises, restructuring needs to be implemented through the bankruptcy and liquidation procedure since there really are no grounds that support their assistance in the form of subsidies, which will indefinitely prolong their unprofitable operations without any chance for success in the market. Still, enterprises with a chance for success in the market can go a long way with the help of aggressive restructuring. With this in mind, the paper outlines some directions for development of corporate restructuring implementation plans.
Bankruptcy – Effects on Business Environment
Annals of the University of Petrosani Economics, 2013
Assuming that insolvency is an economic reality that cannot be ignored especially in the current context, and the concerns in the regulation of a flexible and efficient procedures are numerous both nationally and in the European Union, we have structured the work in two parts, respectively the first part, in which are presented the theoretical aspects of the implementation of the insolvency, more precisely the reorganization and bankruptcy proceedings and the second part, where we made a brief analysis of insolvent companies between 2010-2012. The paper ends with a brief presentation of the insolvency process in Eastern and Central European countries compared to Romania.
This article shows the results of multi-dimensional studies on enterprises subject to bankruptcy in 2013. Th is article discusses the structure of entities on the basis of the following criteria: legal and organizational form, ownership form, and the main profi le of business activities indicating the industrial belonging of bankrupt and insolvent debtors. Th e studies were also oriented towards the evaluation of the analysed phenomenon on a regional basis, i.e. in the administrative ivision of Poland. The author evaluating the level of concentration of bankruptcy processes, particularly in provinces of Poland, applied the LQ coeffi cient used in economic geography to study the intensifi cation level of selected spacious phenomena.
Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2021
This paper attempts to identify the financial indicators differentiating companies that are insolvent or at risk of insolvency and have successfully entered into an arrangement with their creditors from those that have not. In addition, a two-factor model for predicting the odds of an arrangement has been proposed. The research was conducted using a population of companies listed on stock exchanges in Warsaw that initiated restructuring proceedings between October 2004 and 31 December 2020. Binary logistic regression was used as the research method. The research shows that the financial health of public companies in Poland, as measured by various financial indicators, has little impact on the effectiveness of a debtor–creditor arrangement. The main measure showing discriminatory features between groups of successful and unsuccessful entities is the share of short-term liabilities in total liabilities. A statistically significant influence was also recorded for the indicator showing ...