Verim ve verimle ilgili özellikler için susamda (Sesamum indicum L.) genetik değişkenlik (original) (raw)

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L) Genotypes

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2019

Sesamum (Sesamum indicum L) is the most cultivated oil crop in India. It has great diversity across the Indian biota. The existing variability would be utilized for the commercial purpose of sesame. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the morphological characterization and variability available in the sesame genotypes available in Tamil Nadu. Fifteen sesame genotypes were grown during Rabi Summer 2018 at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai (TNAU) for the estimation of genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation along with heritability and genetic advance. Eight biometrical and morphological traits were recorded for fifteen genotypes. High PCV and GCV are recorded for the traits viz., number of branches per plant, seed yield per plant and total number of capsules per plant. High heritability and genetic advance was observed for the characters number of branches per plant, number of capsules per plant, seed yield per plant, plant height, plot yield, 1000 seed weight and number of seeds per capsules. The traits with high heritability and high genetic advance as percent of mean are governed by the additive gene action where simple selection is effective for breeding programmes.

Genetic variation among Iranian sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) accessions vis-à-vis exotic genotypes on the basis of morpho-physiological traits and RAPD markers


Characterization of overall genetic diversity is an important foundation in breeding for superior genotypes. For sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), an important oil seed crop, little is still known about genetic variability in many possible diversity hotspots, one of them postulated to be in Central Asia. We studied 27 sesame accessions, including 13 Iranian genotypes from 7 different locations and 14 exotic genotypes with wide geographical coverage. Variation among populations was characterized by 24 morphological, phenological and reproductive traits and by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Across genotypes, a factor analysis summarized the phenotypic traits best by six main factors, and important correlations were observed among key yield, phenological and morphological traits. A cluster analysis based on phenotypic traits separated the genotypes among four major groups and indicated high degree of phenotypic diversity in both the Iranian and the exotic genotypes. Genetic markers further underscored the high variability (Jaccard's similarity coefficient) of Iranian (0.39-0.92) compared with exotic (0.40-0.81) genotypes, consistent with our hypothesis of a diversity hotspot in Iran. A weak correlation was observed among the classifications based on phenotypic traits and RAPD marker data. The results revealed that RAPD markers can efficiently evaluate genetic variation in the sesame germplasm. These data collectively demonstrate large genetic variability among Iranian sesame genotypes that can be considered as a valuable gene pool for sesame breeding programs. Abbreviations: 1000SM -1000-seed mass; AFLP -amplified fragment length polymorphism; CL -capsule length; DFI -days to flowering initiation; DFT -days to flowering termination; LH -leaf hairiness; DMS -diameter of main stem; FC -flower colour; FP -flowering period; HFC -height to the first capsule; IMC -days to initial maturity of capsules; ISSR -inter simple sequence repeat; MP -maturity period; NMR -nuclear magnetic resonance; NB -number of branches; NCC -number of carpels per capsule; NCPnumber of capsules per plant; NFLA -number of flowers per leaf axil; NSC -number of seeds per capsule; OC -seed oil content; PCA -principal coordinate analysis; P G -growing season precipitation; PH -plant height; RAPD -random amplified polymorphic DNA; RP -reproductive period; SCC -seed coat colour; SMLB -seed mass on lateral branches; SMMS -seed mass on main stem; SYP -seed yield per plant; SRAP -sequence-related amplified polymorphism; SSR -simple sequence repeat; T G,min -growing season minimum temperature; T G,max -growing season maximum temperature; TMC -days to terminal maturity of capsules; UPGMA -unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean.

Genetic Variability Parameters for Yield and Yield Related Traits in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L

Excellent Publishers, 2019

The evaluation of phenotypic variability, heritability, genetic advance and diversity in germplasm collections is important for both plant breeders and germplasm curators to optimize the use of the variability available. In the present study, Thirteen sesame genotypes were grown during Rabi Summer’2019 at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Kudumiyanmalai (TNAU) taken to assess genotypic, phenotypic variability and heritability coupled with genetic advance. The biometrical and morphological traits such as days to fifty percent flowering, plant height, number of branches, number of capsules per plant, seeds per capsule, thousand seed weight, seed yield per plant and plot yield. The GCV and PCV estimates were found to be high for seed yield per plant, number of capsules per plant and number of branches per plant. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was observed for the characters seed yield per plant, number of seeds per capsule, number of capsules per plant, number of primary branches per plant and plant height. This indicated the additive genes governed these traits and the improvement could be brought about by selection for these traits. Therefore, these characters can be considered as a criterion for improving seed yield in breeding programs of sesame.


The evaluation of phenotypic variability, heritability, genetic advance and diversity in germplasm collections is important for both plant breeders and germplasm curators to optimize the use of the variability available. A total of 100 sesame accessions collected from diverse ecologies of India were used in this research work. Analysis of variance revealed significant difference among genotypes for all the nine characters studied. High heritability combined with high genetic advance was recorded for seed yield/plant, number of secondary branches/plant and 1000 seed weight indicating that these characters are controlled by additive gene effect and phenotypic selection of these characters would be effective for further breeding purpose.Genetic divergence using Mahalanobis D2 statistics was worked out and based on D2 values the germplasm lines were grouped into eleven different clusters. Clustering was not associated with the geographical distribution instead accessions were mainly grouped due to their morphological differences. Maximum inter cluster distance was observed between cluster VI and cluster XI (134.72) followed by clusters V and XI (124.23) while, lowest divergence was noticed between cluster IV and V (9.37). Among the nine characters studied, days to 50% flowering contributed highest towards genetic divergence (21.05 %) followed by seed yield per plant (20.85 %). Cluster VI exhibited highest means for days to 50 % flowering (62.5), plant height (119.8), number of primary and secondary branches per plant (10.4, 19.3) and days to maturity (110.5). Cluster XI exhibited lowest means for days to 50 % flowering (46), plant height (81.4), number of primary branches per plant (6.7) and days to maturity (100.5). Greater genetic divergence was found between clusters VI and XI followed by clusters V and XI indicating superior and novel recombinants and explore the fullest range of variability for the characters and to realize good recombinant can be realized by mating between the lines of these clusters in a definite fashion.

Genetic variation among Iranian sesame ( Sesamum indicum ) accessions vis- à-vis exotic genotypes on the basis of morpho-physiological traits and RAPD markers

Australian Journal of Crop Science

Characterization of overall genetic diversity is an important foundation in breeding for superior genotypes. For sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), an important oil seed crop, little is still known about genetic variability in many possible diversity hotspots, one of them postulated to be in Central Asia. We studied 27 sesame accessions, including 13 Iranian genotypes from 7 different locations and 14 exotic genotypes with wide geographical coverage. Variation among populations was characterized by 24 morphological, phenological and reproductive traits and by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Across genotypes, a factor analysis summarized the phenotypic traits best by six main factors, and important correlations were observed among key yield, phenological and morphological traits. A cluster analysis based on phenotypic traits separated the genotypes among four major groups and indicated high degree of phenotypic diversity in both the Iranian and the exotic genotypes. Genetic markers further underscored the high variability (Jaccard's similarity coefficient) of Iranian (0.39-0.92) compared with exotic (0.40-0.81) genotypes, consistent with our hypothesis of a diversity hotspot in Iran. A weak correlation was observed among the classifications based on phenotypic traits and RAPD marker data. The results revealed that RAPD markers can efficiently evaluate genetic variation in the sesame germplasm. These data collectively demonstrate large genetic variability among Iranian sesame genotypes that can be considered as a valuable gene pool for sesame breeding programs. Abbreviations: 1000SM -1000-seed mass; AFLP -amplified fragment length polymorphism; CL -capsule length; DFI -days to flowering initiation; DFT -days to flowering termination; LH -leaf hairiness; DMS -diameter of main stem; FC -flower colour; FP -flowering period; HFC -height to the first capsule; IMC -days to initial maturity of capsules; ISSR -inter simple sequence repeat; MP -maturity period; NMR -nuclear magnetic resonance; NB -number of branches; NCC -number of carpels per capsule; NCPnumber of capsules per plant; NFLA -number of flowers per leaf axil; NSC -number of seeds per capsule; OC -seed oil content; PCA -principal coordinate analysis; P G -growing season precipitation; PH -plant height; RAPD -random amplified polymorphic DNA; RP -reproductive period; SCC -seed coat colour; SMLB -seed mass on lateral branches; SMMS -seed mass on main stem; SYP -seed yield per plant; SRAP -sequence-related amplified polymorphism; SSR -simple sequence repeat; T G,min -growing season minimum temperature; T G,max -growing season maximum temperature; TMC -days to terminal maturity of capsules; UPGMA -unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean.

Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance studies in sesame (Sesamum indicum L

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2020

This trial conducted on 27elite lines were used for the studies of genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance as % of mean with 12 yield and attributing traits. The experiment was operated at Agriculture Farm, Nana Ji Deshmukh New Agriculture Campus, Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya, Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.). The field lay out was done in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Highly significant differences found for all 11 traits except yield/plot. No. of seeds per capsule followed by internode length and seed yield (kg/ha) observed moderate level of GCV and PCV values indicating relatively moderate contribution of these characters towards genetic variability. Heritability in broad sense were high (80%) for three (internode length followed by oil content and no. of seeds per capsule) characters. The genetic advance % of mean were high in internode length followed by no. of seeds/capsules and seed yield/ha. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent over mean was also observed for characters such as internode length followed by no. seeds per capsule. Based on the study, heritability was mostly due to additive gene action. Selection for highly hertitable and high genetic advance as per cent of mean traits may be effective for the improvement of sesame.