On-Line English Learning in The Perception of Twelfth Grade Students at SMA Negeri 3 Palu (original) (raw)

Teachers’ and Students’ Perception Towards Online Learning in English Learning Class 10 Mia Sma Maniamas Ngabang in the Academic Year of 2021/2022

JOEEL: Journal of English Education and Literature

This study aims to determine the perception of teachers and students towards online learning in class 10 Mia SMA Maniamas Ngabang. The writers were using descriptive qualitative as a method in this research. The subjects were 2 English teachers and 35 students in the academic year of 2021/2022. Data sources in this research were: source (informants), place, and document. The data collection techniques used were questionnaire and interview, while data analysis techniques were data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion. The results of this research were: (1) The learning process was less than optimal, teachers got difficulty in assessing students’ attitudes, lack of learning media facilities, and unstable internet networks. (2) From the number of 10th grade students at SMA Maniamas Ngabang showed that 11 students were not active in participating the learning process, while 24 students were active in participating the learning. Students were unable to understand learning...

English Teachers' Online Teaching Difficulties at Senior High School 1 Payakumbuh Districts

LITERATUR: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajaran

This research was conducted to find out the difficulties faced by English teachers in teaching English through online class at SMA Negeri 1 Kec. Payakumbuh. The participants of this research are four English teachers. Qualitative descriptive design is used in this research. The purpose of this research was to describe difficulties faced by English teachers in teaching English through online class. Instrument data of this research was interviewed. The results of this research showed that the difficulties faced by English teachers in teaching English through online class as follows; lack of students' motivation and engagement, unstable internet connection and limited quota, time consuming to prepare materials of online class, the absence of a representative online class platform, and needs for professional development and trainings. New difficulties were found in this research, decreased interaction among teachers, shortage of time, lack of recognition students' characters and lack of a fair assessment.

An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Using Online Media during Online Learning Process of English Language Education Study Program

Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan

Today, education has changed into a technological system. The face-to-face classes have to be changed to online classes because of the pandemic. It forces the students to increase their ability to use technology to support their online courses. Moreover, the students must have an internet connection to make the online class running well. Furthermore, online learning is necessary for the teacher or learners to make the course running as long as they feel comfortable and enjoys the session through video conference or share the file and assignment. This study was conducted to analyse the difficulties faced by the students in using online media during online learning process. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach. Moreover, the data was obtained through questionnaire and interview. The sample of this study was 24 seventh semester English Language Education Study Program students of STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin. The results of this study indicated that there were three ma...

The Tenth Grade Students’ Perception towards Learning English in Online Classes at Puspita Senior High School

English Education:Journal of English Teaching and Research

This study aims to find out the perception of learners about learning English online classes at Puspita Senior High School. The subject of this study consists of two classes namely X IPA 1 consisting of 30 learners and X IPS 1 consisting of 31 learners. This research method uses descriptive qualitative through three data collection techniques, namely 1) observations made during the learning process; 2) questionnaire, given to students to find out the perception of students who have previously been validated by experts; and 3) Interviews, conducted to teachers and principals who are used to support other data. From the data obtained then data analysis was conducted consisting of 1) reduction of data that chooses the core of the data obtained through observation, questionnaire, and interview. After that 2) the presentation of data presented through tables, graphs, and brief descriptions. Then 3) drawing conclusions that answer the formulation of the problem. Based on the results of th...

An Analysis of Teachers’ and Parents’ Perceptions on English Online Learning at Junior High School

Jurnal Iqra' : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan

Teachers are one of the main factors for the success of education. Parents play an important role in the task and are responsible for the formation of children's character both physically and spiritually. As educators, teachers are the main actors who walk side by side with parents and other important elements. This research analyzes the teachers' perception about English online learning design and the parents' perception about English online learning design at SMP Negeri 01 Seputih Surabaya. This research used a qualitative approach. The results showed that: 1) The teacher's perception of the implementation of online learning in English shows that the teacher feels that online learning is difficult to apply especially in shaping the character of students because teachers are less able to monitor and supervise students directly, lack facilities that support online learning, and teachers also complain that in delivering learning materials, students find it difficult t...

Obstacles and Efforts of Online English Learning In Elementary Schools

Jurnal Basicedu, 2021

The implementation of online learning in Indonesia due to Covid-19 pandemic raises problems for the schools, students, and parents. This research was done to reveal the real obstacles the schools, students, and parents face and the efforts they have done as the ways out of the obstacles. It is a descriptive qualitative research with 7 school principals, 7 English teachers, and 43 fifth graders with their parents as the subjects of the research. The result shows that all school principals and teachers (100%) mention that they find it difficult to control the students. Eighty percent teachers mentioned that they find it difficult to explain the material. It is difficult for students to understand the lesson was mentioned by 64% students. Facing those obstacles, school principals, teachers, students, and parents have done some efforts as the ways out. Their efforts, however still do not solve all the obstacles yet. Thus, if all the obstacles of online learning can be solved, the write...

Teachers’ Preparations in Teaching English through Online Learning

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023

This research aims to know teachers' preparations in English through online learning at SMK Negeri 2 Luwuk. This research used a descriptive qualitative research method which the researcher describes the data from the research. The data in this research were obtained by online interviews on the research subject which involved 9 students of 11 th graders who have intention to teachers' preparations in teaching English through online learning. The results of this research show that the students' perceptions of teachers' preparation in teaching English through online learning. Researchers divided students' perceptions into 5 categories. The first is teacher' attitude and personality, the second is teachers' teaching method or strategy, the third is knowledgeable teacher, the fourth is the way teachers deliver material to students and the fifth is online learning. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that teachers have an important role in the learning process, both in terms of attitudes and the way teachers teach, especially in online learning. Good and correct teaching methods will motivate and increase students' interest in learning. Vice versa, the wrong way of teaching will make students bored and lose interest in learning. Therefore, students are sometimes lazy to participate in online learning. Especially in SMK Negeri 2 Luwuk most likely caused by the online learning process and the teacher's teaching style factors.

Analyzing Students’ Perceptions of English Language Learning Through Online Learning Implementation

JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia)

E-Learning also known as online learning became fully established during previous school year. This study aims to analyses students' perceptions of the usefulness of the E Belajar platform as a medium in the English online classroom, as well as the presences of English teachers. The method use is qualitative, consisting of a questionnaire and an interview. In a questionnaire, 56 students from one schools were asked to rate 20 statements on a five-point Likert scale. This school was chosen through purposive sampling because it used the E-belajar platform designed by ministry of education. In interview, there are five respondents through purposive sampling method to explore in depth usefulness of E-belajar and teachers presences. For the analysis, questionnaire data were analyzed using SPSS IBM Version 22, while the interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The result show that students preferred offline classes because the explanation of the learning materials was mor...

The Applications Used for Online Learning at the English Education Study Program

Academic Journal of Educational Sciences (AJES), 2020

The pandemic of Covid-19 has forced all of the education system to switch into online, included the students and teachers of English Education Study Program, University of Palangka Raya. This research is intended to analyze the use of applications by students and teachers, also the reasons of using the applications. This research applied qualitative method and the data were analyzed descriptively. The data were the responses from teachers and students for the questionnaires given through Google Forms. The subjects for gaining the data were the students of academic year 2020/2021 and the teachers at the English Education Study Program, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Palangka Raya. The results show that the five most favourite applications used by the students were Google Classroom (85.97%), Zoom (74.66%), WhatsApp (48.41%), Google Meet (47.51%), YouTube (11.76%). The reasons why the students used the applications were the applications were easy to use (7...

The Use of Internet In English Language Learning Practices, Attitudes and Challenges of The Learners.

Advances in English Language and Literature, 2014

Today millions and millions of people worldwide are internet subscribers. A perusal of literature shows the use of internet in different educational and social settings including coffee shops, public transportations, shops and classrooms. This paper attempts to investigate the current usage and practices of internet in the process of learning English language by Esfahan University of Technology (B.A.) students, and by describing the actual practice of internet by these students, their behaviors and attitudes and by problems they face in using their private internet in an educational and instructional setting. For this purpose, a questionnaire has been devised and administered to a sample of 100 bachelor students at Esfahan University of Technology. The results from the analysis of the questionnaire indicated that the use of internet in classrooms is still limited. Students like to use but teachers do not encourage them. Additionally, despite the fact that internet manifests itself as a good English language learning tool; they still need proof for educationalists, practitioners, teachers and decision makers.