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Libertini di Francia all'ombra di Sade verso la modernità
Quaderni del 900, 2023
Riassunto · Fra il 2000 e il 2005 Edoardo Sanguineti elabora ‘travestimenti’ teatrali in cui mostra attenzione ai libertini francesi e a Casanova, già oggetto di Stracciafoglio 14 e di numerose schede lessicografiche dall’Histoire presenti nella Wunderkammer. Dalla traduzione del Dom Juan di Molière alle inserzioni di Sade in Sei personaggi.com e Ritratto del Novecento, fino alla riflessione sulla scena finale di L’âge d’or di Buñuel (omaggio alle Centoventi giornate di Sodoma), il teatro e l’uso del montaggio cinematografico sono i codici con cui Sanguineti conduce la rilettura dei libertini, con uno sguardo a quel prototipo di Don Giovanni presente fin nelle sue poesie di diciannovenne lette (e disapprovate) da Cesare Pavese. Parole chiave · Molière, Don Giovanni, libertini, Sanguineti. Abstract · French Libertines from Sade towards Modernity · Between 2000 and 2005, Edoardo Sanguineti elaborates theatrical ‘disguises’ in which he shows attention to French libertines and Casanova, already the subject of Stracciafoglio 14 and of numerous lexicographic entries from the Histoire in the Wunderkammer. From the translation of Molière’s Dom Juan to the insertions of Sade in Sei personaggi.com and Ritratto del Novecento, up to the reflection on the final scene of Buñuel’s L’âge d’or (homage to the One Hundred and Twenty Days of Sodom), theatre and the use of film editing are the codes with which Sanguineti conducts his rereading of the libertines, with an eye to that prototype of Don Juan present even in his poems as a nineteen-year-old read (and disapproved of) by Cesare Pavese. Keywords · Molière, Don Giovanni, Libertines, Sanguineti.
This issue of «Laboratoire italien» reports on the current state of the research on Gramsci in Italy. From the point of view of their subject matter, the contributions collected in this issue can be divided into two main areas, which ultimately feed on each other: the editions, on the one hand, and on the other, the critical studies. The first section hosts contributions on the new editions, framed in the project – started in 1990 and still in progress – of the the Edizione nazionale degli scritti di Antonio Gramsci. In particular, it gathers essays on the new editions of the Prison Notebooks, the Writings 1910-1926 and the Correspondence. These articles give an account of the innovations – both in the method and content – that these new editions have produced. The section opens with an extensive essay by Gianni Francioni who studies the way Gramsci worked through the manuscript of the Notebooks, revealing its structure and diachronic features in the light of the latest philological findings. The second section collects studies on certain issues and concepts previously neglected, and that in the last two decades are emerging as crucial: pragmatism, linguistics, the interpretation of fascism, of corporatism and post-liberal societies, the category of “translatability”, the relationship with Vico’s philosophy. The issue is concluded (third section) by Giuseppe Vacca with a comprehensive overview of the most significant interpretations of Gramsci in Italy in recent years